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#73 2005-04-29 12:09:49

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

> mrdale wrote:

> Hi all,

Ok I fixed my problem of not being able to specifically target the rotate and resize buttons by adding IDs directly (#rotateButton and #resizeButton) in the plugin where the submit inputs are created in Javascript.

Just add:
<pre><code>submit.setAttribute(‘ID’, ‘resizeButton’);</code></pre>

directly following

<pre><code>//add submit
var submit = document.createElement(‘input’);

Then add
<pre><code>submit.setAttribute(‘ID’, ‘rotateButton’);</code></pre>

directly following

<pre><code>var submitRotate = document.createElement(‘input’);</code></pre>

Now I have a space efficient layout css that I like for this plugin. Yay!

Here’s what it looks like:

my css file can be downloaded here

Thanks to osei for a great plugin.


For some reason, I couldn’t get the style sheet to work.I followed the instructions and complemented with the two nodes.
this is how my code looks now:

//add submit submit.setAttribute(‘ID’, ‘resizeButton’); var submit = document.createElement(‘input’); submit.setAttribute(‘ID’, ‘rotateButton’); submit.setAttribute(‘class’, ‘smallerbox’); submit.setAttribute(‘type’, ‘submit’); submit.setAttribute(‘value’, ‘Resize’); submit.setAttribute(‘name’, ‘Mod’);

I replaced oseis style sheet with your style sheet with out shanging the name of cours.
may be I forgot something?Nothing is styled the way it shows in the screenshot.

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2005-04-29 12:11:16)

⌃ ⇧ < ⌃ ⇧ >


#74 2005-05-17 18:14:01

Registered: 2005-05-12
Posts: 428

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

I have one request which would be great and make this plugin quite handy. Well I have two but let’s see what happens:)

1) could you add image positioning? whether an image is placed left, right or in the centre of a document? I don’t know how diffcult it would be to add, but I would also like to use floats for this feature rather than v and hspace.

2) any chance that the images could be browsed via a pop up during writing content? Use clicks an image selector link within the content area > user is displayed with a popup of current images > user selects thumbnail or full image with an option to link to the main image > image is selected and entered into the content.

My other question is what is the current behaviour of thumbnails, do they currently link to the main image, and is this done automatically or a setting has to be applied? Would really like to see 1)in a feature :)

Thanks for a really useful plugin


#75 2005-05-17 18:39:10

From: London, UK
Registered: 2004-12-23
Posts: 52

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

For 1) you can use glx_image

For 2) there’s a plugin available, too, I think… it’s bas_img_selector


#76 2005-05-17 18:45:59

Registered: 2005-05-12
Posts: 428

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

Hmm I can’t get the first plugin to work – it’s activated but there’s nothing to show the extra bits of where to move the image.

With the second question, I couldn’t get that to work either….

Sods law. When I say they don’t work, I mean with the first one as above, with the second one there’s no drop down menu,


#77 2005-05-17 18:58:28

From: London, UK
Registered: 2004-12-23
Posts: 52

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

You can put a class=“something” in the glx_image tag where you put the id, too. You now place your image… well, take a look at the plugin help ;)

For class=“something”, you put in something like “right” and give that a style in your css.

The second plugin should work if you follow the instructions on the last page of the forum thread.


#78 2005-05-17 19:02:25

Registered: 2005-05-12
Posts: 428

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

> zoeglingjulian wrote:

> You can put a class=“something” in the glx_image tag where you put the id, too. You now place your image… well, take a look at the plugin help ;)

For class=“something”, you put in something like “right” and give that a style in your css.

The second plugin should work if you follow the instructions on the last page of the forum thread.

“Should” being the operative word. The error disappears wonderfully, just no drop down.

I know I could add the class, but I’m trying to make the process as easy as possible for other users.

Oh well, I just to have look at what options I have, and then if none are easy enough for general users then I’ll have to consider other software.

Thanks for the help though


#79 2005-05-17 19:13:30

From: London, UK
Registered: 2004-12-23
Posts: 52

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

Well if you wanna make it real easy you can change the name of the function in the plugin, e.g. to “image”, and then change the variable “class” to something like “position” and tell people they’ve got left, right and center.

And you might wanna take a look at this plugin that surely works ;)


#80 2005-06-08 14:33:03

From: Dallas, Texas
Registered: 2004-05-10
Posts: 462

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

Does this plugin resize .gif images and if not, is it possible to add this functionality?


#81 2005-06-08 15:00:34

From: Dallas, Texas
Registered: 2004-05-10
Posts: 462

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

Also, can you make it so it only resizes the thumbnail if you click the resize button?

I will give you an example. I have an image of a book cover that I upload and set the thumbnail to 100px. Over the next week I upload other images that I set the thumbsize as 85px. Now I need to go back and replace the book cover image, so I browse my computer, upload a new image and click save. Now since my cookie has been set for 85px (though the book needs to be 100px) because of the other images my book cover thumbnail gets resized when I save. It seems logical to have it only resize when I click the resize button, just like the large image does so that users don’t accidently resize images.

Last edited by tinyfly (2005-06-08 15:03:17)


#82 2005-06-26 07:47:17

From: Los Angeles, CA
Registered: 2005-03-23
Posts: 23

Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

I think I must be mentally challenged since so many of you seem to be using this plugin with no problems.

When I installed and activated the plugin, nothing happened. No stylesheet was created in the presentation > style tab, and when I click on an image name, all I get is the original form that allows you to upload a thumb and add name attributes.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


It might be good to note that in order to make “admin” plugins work, you must be running at least version 1.0rc3.

BTW, This plugin is great!

Last edited by tjnuckolls (2005-06-27 06:46:21)


#83 2005-06-27 14:34:34

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,135
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Re: Admin plugin: glx_admin_image_resize

> tjnuckolls wrote:

> When I installed and activated the plugin, nothing happened. No stylesheet was created in the presentation > style tab, and when I click on an image name, all I get is the original form that allows you to upload a thumb and add name attributes.

i used to use this plugin and loved it. nfortunately it does not work with rc3 453 build. I have the same problem as tjnuckolls.

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I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


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