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Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
I guess i’m doing something wrong. I do have the 1.0rc3 Rev180, and inserted <code><txp:glx_gravatar /></code> in the form: comments (not comment_form).
Here is what the comments form looks like now..
<code><ol class=“commentlist”>
<li class=“alt”>
<div class=“lightblue”><txp:glx_gravatar /><txp:comment_name /> says:
<br />
<small class=“commentmetadata”><txp:comment_permlink><txp:comment_time /></txp:comment_permlink></small>
<br />
<txp:message /><br />
But nothing changes, all the comments are just like they where before..
Last edited by lcidw (2005-07-22 21:16:43)
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Have you switched the plug-in on?? :)
I also note that you have the “ol” in the form. I don’t think that’s right. The “ol” is hard-coded and the way you have it you will have an “ol” for every comment which will all be inside the hard-coded “ol”.
Last edited by thebombsite (2005-07-22 22:41:51)
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Well, see http://www.onedot.nl/blog/whieee-keyboard#commentaar
I removed the ol tags, and it seemed that it is all in the CSS of the MX4 template (from textpattern.org).
But still, having the tags removed making it all look bad, still didn’t show the gravatar.
Of the 3 posts, and 3 numbers, you see there.. removing the ol or changing it to something else like p, it will show 6 numbers, the post and the space between it seems.
Last edited by lcidw (2005-07-22 22:52:09)
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
OK. No problem. It’s just unusual to nest them like that. The plug-in is definitely switched on because the code is showing in the source so why don’t they show? I’ll have to think. Let me get used to your CSS.
In the mean time you seem to have not closed a “p” tag for your “more” link?
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Thanks :)
Actually it was a nested p tag, to get the more thing working: <code><p id=“more”><txp:body /></p></code> But since the body gets the p tags, it was double. Excerpts seem to get them too now. So i removed the whole more code, and the extra p tags. Looks a lot cleaner now.
I would be damn glad if you can find the problem with the Gravatar :)
Last edited by lcidw (2005-07-23 01:17:16)
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
First thing you need to do is add – class=“gravatar” – to your gravatar tag. See what happens.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
I believe that did it! At least, there are little squares now in front of the names at the comments. Doesn’t someone without a Gravatar account get a random Gravatar? Cause then i’ll find one :)
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
No you have to create one and upload it to your images directory then add default=“full/path/to/image” to the tag. You can also use size=“40”. I believe 40px is the default but if it’s there you can adjust the size to suit your layout
Last edited by thebombsite (2005-07-23 01:43:33)
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
As I have a Gravatar I’ve popped a comment in so you can see it working. By all means delete it when you’re sorted.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
hi all, i took ownership of this plugin and made some minor updates. you find more information over here in this thread ;)
Samui? Samui! (about the life as farang in thailand)
David’s Neighbour
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Nice plugin !
I’ve modified a few for the ‘alt’
<code>alt=“Gravatar de ‘.$thiscomment[‘name’].’”
There’s automaticely the alt with the name of the comment.
Sorry for my french english.
Trucs et bidules GT4 Club driver France Undergardment Lingerie
#48 2006-07-13 22:49:13
- Brutal
- Member
- Registered: 2005-01-28
- Posts: 14
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Is there any way to make the plugin use a cache for the images?