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Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Well as I said Rob since using Johan’s plug-in I haven’t noticed it being too slow. I’ve just checked on a post with 26 comments and it comes in at 0.19 secs. and only 1 of them is using my default gravatar. I know that’s a tad slower than you’re showing but I can’t see that jumping to 14 secs. for 40+ comments though I’ll stand corrected.
In a Time of Universal Deceit
Telling the Truth is Revolutionary.
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Andrew et al, i have been planed to update this plugin since i read the post on the gravatar website, i have also been thinking of adding some caching of the gravatar image.
Since there are so many using it maybe i can get some time of tomorrow to at least add the check for the xml responce.
Johan Nilsson
#16 2005-05-08 16:40:22
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
just to make sure, you activated the plugin yes?
#17 2005-05-08 17:07:30
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
hehe ;-) just had to ask. can you provide any more info, like url/code/setup?
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
hehe, glad it could be solved :)
Johan Nilsson
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Hey guys,
I think I have a weird, new problem. The gravatar IS working – I’m able to pull from gravatar just fine. Here’s the issue: whenever anyone posts a new comment ALL of the gravatars in the comments change to the most recent posting.
Have a look at http://www.lisamcmillan.com/journal/5/joy-to-the-world-the-comments-work#comment — feel free to play around in there. My site is in a constant state of testing lately. :-)
glx_gravatar Johan Nilsson 0.1 Gravatar
Textpattern version: 1.0rc3
Site URL: www.lisamcmillan.com
PHP version: 4.3.11
Register globals: 1
Magic quotes: 1/0
Server: Apache/1.3.33 (Unix) PHP/4.3.11
Passed all diagnostics.
I’ve tried editing the plugin to include only the md5’d email, no default, border, etc… still doesn’t work. I’ve turned off the default img so if you get a blank gravatar when using a non-gravatar’d email no worries.
Here’s my form:
<txp:zem_nth step="1" of="2"><div class="lineone"></txp:zem_nth> <txp:zem_nth step="2" of="2"><div class="linetwo"></txp:zem_nth> <txp:glx_gravatar class="gravatar" /> <p><txp:message /><br /> <small>— <txp:comment_name />    <txp:comment_time />    <txp:comment_permlink>#</txp:comment_permlink></small></p> </div> <hr style="clear:both;" />
Thanks for ANY information you guys can give me. I’m really wanting to get this working and I’m SURE I’ve just done something stupid. Feels like the email variable is sticking. I’m lost.
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
Hey Lisa, my guess is that you have an old rc3, you need atleast rev180 to make this work
$thiscomment was added to rev142 but it wasnt until Andrew figure out what was wrong we could make use of $thiscomment.
Johan Nilsson
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
My hero! swooning – that did it! Thanks much Johan!
Lisa (forever indebted to you) McMillan
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
nice to see this plugin available I’ll be using it eventually, however, I was wondering if this has to be used in the comments? That is the way I want to use it is for comments as well as below an article title, where the author name might bepresent.
So, it would display:
article title
gravatar image/author name
Is this possible with this plugin?
#23 2005-05-22 19:49:27
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
So your thought is for usage on a multi-author website? Interesting… I don’t think it’d be too difficult to adapt it for that sort of use.
Re: Plugin: glx_gravatar
> Andrew wrote:
> So your thought is for usage on a multi-author website? Interesting… I don’t think it’d be too difficult to adapt it for that sort of use.
Just as you state, that is what I’m trying to go for. It would be a case of perhaps a 20px image for the comments area, but a 40px image for the author detail in the entry.
I guess first I need to get the author link working first!