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#133 2010-06-03 21:36:40
Re: kml_flashembed: Kimili Flash Embed
I found the problem. The xml path attribute within the Flash movie (via the Components Inspector) needed an absolute path to work. And I used the standard kml tag of:
<txp:kml_flashembed publishmethod=“static” fversion=“7.0.0” movie=“http://www.mywebsite.org/myfolder/gallery/slideshow.swf” width=“508” height=“220” quality=”@high@” targetclass=“flashmovie”> </txp:kml_flashembed>I’ll post this within the SlideShow Pro topic as well.
Living the Location-Independent Life: www.NuNomad.com
#134 2010-10-05 18:01:47
Re: kml_flashembed: Kimili Flash Embed
Hi. How would I ad padding to the movie? I think I’ve tried everything by now. Thanks!
Living the Location-Independent Life: www.NuNomad.com
#135 2010-11-01 02:41:58
- pictura
- Member
- Registered: 2010-10-31
- Posts: 12
Re: kml_flashembed: Kimili Flash Embed
Hi all, this is my first post. I am new to Text Pattern.
I installed plugin Kimili Flash Embed (KFE) and have read his instructions as well as the FAQs and queries here, but still cannot get it to work:
My test.swf file can be found in “http://www.ipsos-markinor.co.za/file_download. So this is the script I used:
<txp:kml_flashembed movie=”/file_download/test.swf” height=“99” width=“550” />
it shows up a blank placeholder in that area (to the right size) but the movie itself does not show or play. It is a very small flash file with a coloured bg which should play immediately.
Can anyone assist me, please?
Is it significant that there is no sign of a flash Tag Generator in the left hand side of Pages page (despite Kimili indicating in his notes that there should be)? And when I go to “Go… > Extensions > Kimili Flash Embed” I get an error message:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function: radioset() in /nfs/c02/h07/mnt/15765/domains/ipsos-markinor.co.za/html/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(512) : eval()‘d code on line 681”
Is my installation faulty (though I did install it correctly and it is creating correct space for the flash file – it just is not playing it)?
thanks in advance
#136 2010-11-01 13:04:20
Re: kml_flashembed: Kimili Flash Embed
It might be the path. See my posting #132 above.
Living the Location-Independent Life: www.NuNomad.com
#137 2010-11-01 15:24:33
Re: kml_flashembed: Kimili Flash Embed
@pictura – laptopphobo is correct, it definitely is the path. /file_download/
isn’t a real directory, but rather a special URL that TXP uses to create download links for files. Referencing that path in a <txp:kml_flashembed />
tag won’t work. You’ll have to reference the actual path to the SWF, which, if I’m not mistaken, in your case is: /files/test.swf
. That should fix the non-displaying swf.
Now why you’re not getting the tag generator in the admin and why you’re getting a fatal error in the Extensions -> Kimili Flash Embed sounds like another issue altogether. I’m not sure what’s going on there, but a few questions are apropos:
- Which version of TXP are you using?
- Have you modified the TXP core files at all?
- Have you tried deleting your current copy of KFE, then reinstalling the latest version? (2.0.1)
If you’ve got the latest versions of everything and you haven’t hacked the TXP core, then you should be good to go.
Hope this helps.
#138 2010-11-01 19:35:40
- pictura
- Member
- Registered: 2010-10-31
- Posts: 12
Re: kml_flashembed: Kimili Flash Embed
Thank you – your explanation and solution were spot on.
I am not capable of hacking! But technically challenged people like me are often worse than hackers … lol … No, I downloaded latest version 201 zip file. I copied and pasted plugin data into “Install Plugin” area. I haven’t had another version on my machine before.
I can delete and try and load it again.
But the main issue is that it is working fine and I finally got my Flash to play… THANK YOU!
#139 2010-11-03 12:06:45
- pictura
- Member
- Registered: 2010-10-31
- Posts: 12
Re: kml_flashembed: Kimili Flash Embed
I need to correct my previous answer. You are right – the TXP version is old (2.0) – I forgot that it was my client’s site I loaded the plugin into and not my own (which has latest version of TXP). I just loaded Kimili flash plugin to mine and as you say “it is good to go”. So I will get administrator to upload latest version.
Do you advise me to reload the plugin when new version is up?
Thank you!
#140 2010-11-03 12:30:13
Re: kml_flashembed: Kimili Flash Embed
Pictura -
Ah, glad to hear you found the problem. You shouldn’t need to reload the plugin after a TXP upgrade.