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#49 2020-03-22 09:42:08

From: Cyprus
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Re: Corona virus

Dragondz wrote #322253:


Here in Algeria things are worsenibg slowly, 15 dead and 130 diagnosed cases, but it s really freeking because we know they are no reanimation beds (less than 300 for the hole country) and a lot of people will die in big number in the next days because of that.

Sad days.

Are they any measures been taken by the government or people to prevent the spread?

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
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#50 2020-03-22 10:54:08

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
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Re: Corona virus

Here in (former East) Germany public life has ramped down dramatically over the past week. Schools, universities, kindergarten, theatres, cinemas, swimming baths, fitness centres, libraries etc. closed at the beginning of the week, and restaurants, bars etc. could only open during the day. On Thursday, there were still plenty of people out and about, respectfully keeping their distance, but no more tourists so it was less busy. Since Friday all shops except for supermarkets, banks, chemists, bakers etc. are closed. Restaurants etc. can only serve take-away and the town was much emptier. Yesterday, when I retrieved a few things from the office, there was barely a soul and the most numerous inhabitants are now the pigeons. There isn’t yet a total ‘enforced’ lockdown, but I’m sure it will follow. The shops are still well stocked except for the usual: no masks, no disinfectant, mostly no toilet paper, not much soap. There were surprisingly few shoppers in the local supermarket, I guess because people have obviously stockpiled significantly over the past few days and have ‘enough’ for the time being.

The infection statistics for Germany have skyrocketed, although the official numbers for our region are comparatively low for Germany: as of this morning 10 in the town, 22 incl. the hinterland, 280 in the region/county. But Germany currently has >22,000 registered cases overall at present and is swiftly catching up with Spain. The number of deaths and recoveries are much lower, but probably only because the wave has arrived here a little later. Given the time it takes for people to realise they have the virus, it’ll probably take a while for the impact of social distancing to show. The curve for Italy doesn’t seem to have flattened at all despite the measures taken, which is not encouraging.

The German news site has interactive maps for cases, deaths, recoveries and new infections per day, as well as curves for each country. Global and Germany.

German readers might be interested in Matthias Horx’ ‘Re-gnosis’, a backward forecast of an imagined view of the changed world looking back from next Autumn: Die Welt nach Corona (google translate english version). The online architecture magazine Dezeen pointed to another article by Li Edelkoort on qz but there’s a paywall and I’ve not found the text elsewhere online.

BTW: I couldn’t read the Yuval Noah Harari article on the The Economist homepage (paywall again) but found what might be the same article on time.com.

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#51 2020-03-22 11:47:46

From: Algérie
Registered: 2005-06-12
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Re: Corona virus

colak wrote #322254:

Are they any measures been taken by the government or people to prevent the spread?

Hi, they closed all public gathering including caffee, restaurants,… They also let half public workers at home and shut down transport (the other half workers are struggling to reach workplace).
Yesterday, doctors on hospital said that they couldnt treat people for 7 hours in hospital due to shortage on mask!

We only could pray God to not worsen the situation.


#52 2020-03-22 11:54:26

From: Cyprus
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Re: Corona virus

jakob wrote #322255:

The curve for Italy doesn’t seem to have flattened at all despite the measures taken, which is not encouraging.

Italians, like Cypriots, are unfortunately not very good in being told what to do. From what I understand, the problem in Italy is partly because of that.

BTW: I couldn’t read the Yuval Noah Harari article on the The Economist homepage (paywall again) but found what might be the same article on time.com.

I can no longer reach it either. Maybe they keep them free for a day or so.

I really like the one you posted at Horx. Somehow I see China’s social credit system in a different light now. It’s by far not perfect, and it relies too much on authoritarian surveillance, it could however be improved and adapted for western societies… The System reset proposed in the end.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
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#53 2020-03-22 11:58:09

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From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,284

Re: Corona virus

colak wrote #322252:

It’s. pretty bad.

Dragondz wrote #322253:

Here in Algeria things are worsenibg slowly, […]

Sad days.

Ouch :-( This.is.bad. indeed. Hold on, stay strong.

Here in the Western part of Japan, everything is still quiet, maybe too quiet, before the storm. Tourism had died down slowly since early February. Most (large-scale) public events have been canceled. Stores are still well stocked (hmm, tp…). Healthcare infrastructure is solid.

Visitors & travellers coming from out of the country must now go into mandatory quarantine (2weeks). A large numbers of Japanese people are coming back from Europe (a traditional migration pattern with the change of fiscal year on April 1). It is not clear what effect this will have, given the situation in Europe. On the flip side, there is this (“this is bad”) – Saitama stadium today, home to large scale K1 tournaments (wrestling). Saitama is a satellite city of Tokyo.

But spring is there, flower viewing. And mirabili dictu my partner found toilet paper in the supermarket.

I’d love to send people some masks. We are restricted though.

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#54 2020-03-22 12:19:55

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: Corona virus

Dragondz wrote #322256:

Yesterday, doctors on hospital said that they couldnt treat people for 7 hours in hospital due to shortage on mask!

We only could pray God to not worsen the situation.

This is absolutely terrible! This is a total systemic failure. There is no us and them with this virus. If one country stays infected, the rest of them are also in danger. Algeria should ask WHO to intervene and help.

phiw13 wrote #322258:

Visitors & travellers coming from out of the country must now go into mandatory quarantine (2weeks). A large numbers of Japanese people are coming back from Europe (a traditional migration pattern with the change of fiscal year on April 1). It is not clear what effect this will have, given the situation in Europe. On the flip side, there is this (“this is bad”) – Saitama stadium today, home to large scale K1 tournaments (wrestling). Saitama is a satellite city of Tokyo.

But spring is there, flower viewing. And mirabili dictu my partner found toilet paper in the supermarket.

Cyprus got the virus from abroad. Mostly from people coming from the UK, Italy, and Germany. Keep away from everybody. One of the things said, is that we catch the virus from friends not strangers, and we pass it on to our families.

I’d love to send people some masks. We are restricted though.

It’s a nice thought but they only help to prevent the spread if those infected are wearing them. They can not protect healthy people who relate to infected ones as the virus is spreading before any symptoms become visible.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#55 2020-03-22 14:57:31

From: Lancashire
Registered: 2004-04-19
Posts: 1,470

Re: Corona virus

We’ve been having beautiful sunny weather here in the UK, though a bit cold, and the hills are very busy with walkers and their dogs, usually in twos, sometimes in groups. Today everyone kept their distance and I didn’t see dog walkers stopping to chat to each other so I’m hopeful they are finally learning the lesson. I think shutting the pubs made people realize the seriousness.

My friend’s granddaughter got the virus on Thursday just before the schools shut on Friday, so it will have been incubating for a few days and is no doubt incubating in many many more people than are being tested, so will spread rapidly and visibly very soon. Nobody is being tested unless they have serious symptoms, or they are known contacts of those already diagnosed. The confirmed cases shown on the 17-year-old’s website (thanks for the link Yiannis), therefore, imho, are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more that are unconfirmed. Hence all health services are likely to be as overwhelmed as Italy’s and more so if Algeria is anything to go by.

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#56 2020-03-23 07:28:41

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: Corona virus

Another decree is expected from the Cyprus government this evening. For those of you who are techie enough, and care about your neighbours, start building your own networks as the internet, as we know it, may cease to function. qaul.net works on most platforms and can help in keeping people in touch during the times of social distancing.

Also, I am very worried about London. twitter.com/YiannisBab/status/1241995973531967488

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#57 2020-03-23 08:30:59

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
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Re: Corona virus

How does the quote from Men In Black go? A person is smart; people are stupid.

*shakes head*

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#58 2020-03-23 15:48:28

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: Corona virus

colak wrote #322259:

It’s a nice thought but they only help to prevent the spread if those infected are wearing them. They can not protect healthy people who relate to infected ones as the virus is spreading before any symptoms become visible.

I was wrong on this one. There is a lot of conflicting information out there. see medium.com/@adrien.burch/whats-the-evidence-on-face-masks-5f3c27a18cc

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#59 2020-03-23 16:10:57

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
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Re: Corona virus

So I am writing this from my office at work.

The campus is closed to the public and students but staff were still required to come in today. I expect that will change but I guess we’ll see.


#60 2020-03-23 16:43:43

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: Corona virus

michaelkpate wrote #322270:

So I am writing this from my office at work.

The campus is closed to the public and students but staff were still required to come in today. I expect that will change but I guess we’ll see.

This is terrible! The US and the UK appear to be well behind in their responses considering the measures taken elsewhere.

Michael, wear a mask and gloves (the virus survives for three days on paper) and do not touch your face, as difficult as it might be until you take the gloves off and wash you hands with antiseptic soap for 20”. In Cyprus, even with the measures in place, the numbers went up from 95 to 117 in 24 hours. Keep safe.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


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