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#13 2018-03-13 09:04:36

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,616

Re: URL's like section/cat1/title

Found this by chance: rah_pathway, which is on github (still uncompiled, so you need to compile it with ied_plugin_composer or use it via the plugin cache directory).

It’s not a solution to your problem as a whole, and doesn’t change the organisational paradigm of textpattern – i.e. it only catches the endpoint of the url, not the various /-steps in-between, and redirects that behind the scenes to the article’s actual location. Effectively it helps you spoof your subsection urls without providing any actual subsection support.

There are other redirect plugins such as smd_redirect and arc_redirect (more recent on github) but those have a separate tab for managing redirects. rah_pathway stores its information with the article in a custom_field (you have to edit the plugin source to tell it which one to use), which means you can also use that custom field to build your links to the article in place of txp:article_url_title. smd_short_url is another plugin that works using a similar principle.

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