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#49 2016-09-02 19:14:06

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

philwareham wrote #300970:

Whilst I could constantly do all the suggestions by all the users for all their personal preferences, I think getting 4.6 released now is the priority – and we can agree that the UI is better than it was at 4.4 and 4.5, and will be better again at 4.7.

Totally agree to get 4.6 out the door, and yes the UI is much better.

Thanks Phil and Stef and all the contributors.


#50 2016-09-02 20:23:20

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Registered: 2016-09-01
Posts: 4

Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

Bloke wrote #300960:

Okay, anyone affected by the non-latin search bug, I think this is now fixed. Please test and report back. Thank you for the invaluable reports and feedback so far.

It’s working fine now. Thank you Stef, Philippe and all you guys over here.


#51 2016-09-03 03:03:31

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,311

Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

Bloke wrote #300960:

Okay, anyone affected by the non-latin search bug, I think this is now fixed. Please test and report back. Thank you for the invaluable reports and feedback so far.

Does the deed. I tested with Japanese and Arabic language strings on my 2 test installs and things work as expected. Thanks.

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#52 2016-09-04 09:25:48

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,311

Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

The tab builder dialog box sometimes can be funky…

STR (on the Pages panel):

  1. click the tag builder link to open the dialog, and ensure all sections are collapsed, close the dialog
  2. open the dialog again, a smallish box should open centred in the viewport. Expand a few sections, the dialog expands vertically.
  3. select (click) a tag to build (ideally one far down the list), one that has few if any configuration options – e.g. “page title”.
  4. the tag builder switches view (actual configuration panel), the box resizes (to something smallish again).

Now reduce the height of your browser window or use the browser developper tools – Firefox / Safari responsive design mode, choose a small screen configuration. Repeat the steps above; you certainly scrolled down the page at step 3.

Actual result: when reaching step 4 above, the dialog box (nearly) vanishes out of view (at one point it completely disappear on my iPodTouch). It is not really surprising as you’ve scrolled down, the anchor point for the dialog has moved up (out of view). But it is still a less than ideal behaviour.

A possible fix: lock the max-height of the outer .ui-dialog div, and make the actual content scrollable:

div[class*="ui-dialog"][aria-describedby="tagbuild_links"] {
	max-height: 90vh;
	overflow: hidden;

#tagbuild_links {
	overflow: scroll;
	max-height: calc(90vh - 3.7rem) !important;

Or better, as that doesn’t require to set a max-height on the inner div, use a column flexbox:

div[class*="ui-dialog"][aria-describedby="tagbuild_links"] {
	max-height: 90vh;
	overflow: hidden;
	display: flex;
	flex-flow: column;
.ui-dialog > .ui-dialog-titlebar { flex: none; }
#tagbuild_links {
	flex: 1 1 auto;
	overflow: scroll;

It is not ideal, depending on the OS (configuration) you’ll see a scrollbar on the dialog box. I’ve also observed that, sometimes, the actual configuration panel loads partly scrolled down (the inner div), seen both in Firefox and Safari. There may be a JqueryUI way of forcing the anchor point of the dialog back into view, I didn’t immediately see such a thing in the docs though.

BTW – would be nice to have a tag builder specific class on the top-level .ui-dialog. Would avoid that ugly selector I used above…

Last edited by phiw13 (2016-09-04 09:26:44)

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#53 2016-09-04 10:48:00

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
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Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

phiw13 wrote #301025:

The tab builder dialog box sometimes can be funky…

I did notice this during development, since I was testing it at tiny-height windows, thanks for the reminder. Picking small-form tags would just make the dialog “disappear” until you realised it was simply out of view.

At the time I just put it down to a quirk of using a dialog with variable-height content. But if you think there’s a suitable workaround then we can certainly investigate it. Fixing the max-height is a reasonable compromise, imo, but I shall wait to see if Phil has a take on it. The other option is to “scroll to top of dialog” on click. Not a massive fan if this approach, but it’s possible.

There’s probably an option for putting a class on the outer dialog somewhere. I didn’t delve too far into the docs.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#54 2016-09-04 10:53:11

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
Registered: 2009-06-11
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Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

Let me take a look at the tag builder window, probably tomorrow (along with the save button movement).


#55 2016-09-04 12:06:01

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,311

Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

Bloke wrote #301026:

I did notice this during development, since I was testing it at tiny-height windows, thanks for the reminder. Picking small-form tags would just make the dialog “disappear” until you realised it was simply out of view.

Note that even on medium sized windows, the dialog starts to “disappear”, which makes for a less than ideal experience.

[…] The other option is to “scroll to top of dialog” on click. Not a massive fan if this approach, but it’s possible.

Hmm, no fan of this either based on some past experience in a different context.

There’s probably an option for putting a class on the outer dialog somewhere. I didn’t delve too far into the docs.

Yup – here: the dialogClass

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#56 2016-09-04 16:32:47

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

I like that the tag builder is a dialog now, out of the way. What feels weird is filling out let’s say Article Custom, a very long dialog. The tag builder relies on your knowledge of tag attributes, or else you’re clicking the Documentation link to the .io site.

Personally, I’ve never used the tag builder, I always went to the tag reference at the wiki. My reliance on the wiki, and it’s up, now it’s down nature, prompted me to create TXP Tags.

The ideal solution for tags is to have a site that does what TxStyle does for Textile. Since you’re opening up the Docs anyway, more often than not for beginners, why not have a one stop shop? Where the docs help you fill out the attributes, then it’s cut and paste from a browser tab.

When I started the TXP Tags site in 2011, we didn’t have all these nifty frameworks, I relied on what Textpattern and Plugins could do. Now it’s a different ballgame, now I can make the Tags site interactive, even sport some live data to play with and see instant results.

Let me know when the docs at .io are up to date with 4.6’s changes, and I’ll start playing with my site.


#57 2016-09-04 17:58:33

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,594
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Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

hcgtv wrote #301033:

The ideal solution for tags is to have a site that does what TxStyle does for Textile.

I really like this idea. If it could be done, that’d be terrific. And lots of code saved in core!

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#58 2016-09-04 18:18:20

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

Bloke wrote #301036:

I really like this idea. If it could be done, that’d be terrific. And lots of code saved in core!

No more having to maintain txp_tag.php would have it’s benefits.


#59 2016-09-04 23:22:38

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
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Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

hcgtv wrote #301033:

The ideal solution for tags is to have a site that does what TxStyle does for Textile. Since you’re opening up the Docs anyway, more often than not for beginners, why not have a one stop shop? Where the docs help you fill out the attributes, then it’s cut and paste from a browser tab.

Yes i like. esp, if there can be plenty of examples like i have seen with some other CMSes.

PS does the new upcoming 4.6 make the book Textpattern Solutions irrelevant?

…. texted postive


#60 2016-09-05 07:56:33

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
Registered: 2009-06-11
Posts: 3,564
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: Feedback to: Textpattern CMS 4.6.0 beta 3 released

phiw13 wrote #301025:

BTW – would be nice to have a tag builder specific class on the top-level .ui-dialog. Would avoid that ugly selector I used above…

OK, I have just added the following class to the tab builder div wrapper: .txp-tagbuilder-container. Will investigate the vertical size problems shortly.


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