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#13 2015-06-23 22:26:17

Plugin Author
From: Key Largo, Florida
Registered: 2005-11-29
Posts: 2,722

Re: Working with Pages and Forms on the backend

hcg_themes 0.5 output:

└── default-4.5.7
    ├── forms
    │   ├── article.article_listing.txp
    │   ├── article.comments_display.txp
    │   ├── article.default.txp
    │   ├── article.search_results.txp
    │   ├── comment.comment_form.txp
    │   ├── comment.comments.txp
    │   ├── comment.popup_comments.txp
    │   ├── file.files.txp
    │   ├── link.plainlinks.txp
    │   ├── misc.images.txp
    │   └── misc.search_input.txp
    ├── pages
    │   ├── archive.txp
    │   ├── default.txp
    │   └── error_default.txp
    └── styles
        └── default.css

4 directories, 15 files

Type before Form name, still don’t get what type is good for?

As a grouping mechanism for the backend, so you can collapse and expand your forms, that is if you have 50+ forms, I get it, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s confusing for the new user.


#14 2015-06-23 22:39:43

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,578
Website GitHub

Re: Working with Pages and Forms on the backend

hcgtv wrote #291900:

As a grouping mechanism for the backend, so you can collapse and expand your forms, that is if you have 50+ forms, I get it, but in the grand scheme of things, it’s confusing for the new user.

Yeah the types do seem rather arbitrary. I mean, a Section form type? I’ve started using that group for broad-stroke layout code, like head-meta, head-css, head-js, page-header, page-footer and so forth. Anything article-related goes in the Article group (though I’ve never used the Preview thing), reusable gallery code in the Images group, and so forth, with any remaining bits and bobs in Misc.

But without any clear distinction between them, you’re right it might seem confusing to newcomers. Ruud has often campaigned for the removal of Forms entirely since (besides the dubious preview feature) they offer nothing that a Page couldn’t also offer, as long as there was a suitable tag like <txp:output_form /> to render them. There’s some merit in that. The loss of the stupid name would be the most welcome benefit! It’s only the backwards-compatibility card that stands in the way, really.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

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#15 2015-06-23 22:47:28

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
Registered: 2009-06-11
Posts: 3,564
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: Working with Pages and Forms on the backend

I’ve long been against the name ‘Forms’ for these template pieces (favouring partials) but I do think they have a distinction from overall pages templates, so I think they need to stay in some form (sorry for the pun).

I would kill the preview ‘feature’ though, it’s utterly useless and makes things look like they are broke when they are not.


#16 2015-06-24 00:33:17

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 2,395

Re: Working with Pages and Forms on the backend

Partials or snippets gets my vote.


#17 2015-06-24 06:09:49

From: vancouver
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 2,110
Website Mastodon

Re: Working with Pages and Forms on the backend

jstubbs wrote #291906:

Partials or snippets gets my vote.

fior me : Snippets or Includes

…. texted postive


#18 2015-06-24 07:06:14

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
Registered: 2009-06-11
Posts: 3,564
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: Working with Pages and Forms on the backend

Are we changing the name? This was about whether the snippets/forms are needed (which they are, I think). Unless you had another form type of ‘pages’ and lumped everything within a templates section.

It’s probably best to stay with what we have currently though – it’s too ingrained in the system to change easily (tag names would need to change, attribute names too).


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