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#13 2014-09-06 13:21:01

From: Italy
Registered: 2006-08-08
Posts: 684

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

Thanks to all the developers for their precious work.
BTW: what is the current team?

We’re all TXP believers here, and we’ll be patient but, if can I ask: what features we have to expect in the next major release?

Last edited by candyman (2014-09-06 13:23:58)


#14 2014-09-06 13:24:53

Core designer
From: Haslemere, Surrey, UK
Registered: 2009-06-11
Posts: 3,564
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

Current team is:

Robert (wet)
Stef (bloke)
Phil (me)
Jukka (Gocom)

Plus anyone else who wants to commit suitable patches.


#15 2014-09-07 14:08:30

From: Quito (Ecuador)
Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 1,473

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

What happens with Jukka (Gocom) and all the work he had prepared?


#16 2014-09-07 15:23:08

From: Oriental, NC USA
Registered: 2007-04-06
Posts: 330

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

philwareham wrote #283537:

Current team is:

Robert (wet)
Stef (bloke)
Phil (me)
Jukka (Gocom)

Huge thanks to the very much volunteer team. Textpattern has gone through periods of limited development before, and then re-emerged with new strength.

When TXP development gets scarce I’ll admit to checking out the CMS alternatives. I’ve realllyyyy tried to like Drupal, but its obtuse logic sends me screaming. TXP’s small code base, zippy performance and flexibility (thank you plugin authors) keeps me in the fold.


#17 2014-09-08 02:10:12

From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 2,395

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

towndock wrote #283543:

When TXP development gets scarce I’ll admit to checking out the CMS alternatives. I’ve realllyyyy tried to like Drupal, but its obtuse logic sends me screaming. TXP’s small code base, zippy performance and flexibility (thank you plugin authors) keeps me in the fold.

Out of curiosity, which CMS alternatives did you and others try? I saw October but didn’t try it out. Actually its good to check on alternatives even if its only to get an idea of where Textpattern currently stands amongst the competition.


#18 2014-09-08 06:56:42

From: Italy
Registered: 2006-08-08
Posts: 684

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

October looks very promising.

What type of features shall we find with TXP 5?

Last edited by candyman (2014-09-08 07:12:55)


#19 2014-09-08 08:47:35

Registered: 2005-01-06
Posts: 172

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

jstubbs wrote #283545:

Out of curiosity, which CMS alternatives did you and others try? I saw October but didn’t try it out. Actually its good to check on alternatives even if its only to get an idea of where Textpattern currently stands amongst the competition.

My last few projects have used ExpressionEngine because I needed something bigger and more capable than Textpattern, specifically things like: unlimited custom fields, integrated discussion forum, complex membership requirements, ecommerce, etc.

Going forward though, and even for smaller projects, I’m now looking at CraftCMS. It’s commercial (well, there is a limited free version) but is extremely powerful and flexible and is under very rapid continuous development (averaging 1.6 updates a week since it was launched 18 months ago). The Matrix field type makes creating visually complex layouts straightforward. The control panel is gorgeous and offers live previewing of new entries alongside the content editor. The flexibility of different types of sections: singles, structures and channels, together with the concept of unlimited custom fields and entry types, makes it suitable for almost every conceivable site. It uses Twig for its templating language, which adds a lot of flexibility and power to the templates. The professional version supports multi-langauge sites and there are over 150 plugins (free and commercial) available. It really does look hard to beat.


#20 2014-09-08 10:30:45

From: Italy
Registered: 2006-08-08
Posts: 684

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

Matrix field type is great.

I hope TXP5 will have something similar in its typical small footprint that, besides its community, is its strong point.


#21 2014-09-08 16:14:37

From: Oriental, NC USA
Registered: 2007-04-06
Posts: 330

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

jstubbs wrote #283545:

Out of curiosity, which CMS alternatives did you and others try? I saw October but didn’t try it out. Actually its good to check on alternatives even if its only to get an idea of where Textpattern currently stands amongst the competition.

There are of course dozens, perhaps hundreds of CMS options. I haven’t really checked out ones that go after the small/simple footprint as I have no prob with TXP with this.

Where TXP hasn’t been strong in my work is Ecommerce and site membership. In one recent site I used (forgive me) Wordpress due to the great & easily available Ecommerce options. It worked. Drupal’s site membership strengths have me interested for another project, but its needless/obtuse complexity (to my eye) has me reluctant. I even attended a DrupalCamp to better understand it. On one hand, Drupal has an energy & involvement that TXP can’t match. On the other hand, anything I’ve tried to do in Drupal was much slower & oddly less searchable than in TXP.

I’ve also downloaded & demo tested ExpressionEngine & ModX. Liked both, but not enough to change my main choice.

TXP remains sweet to use, and easy to adapt to many situations either through plugins or the simple way TXP can make a call to PHP.

Last edited by towndock (2014-09-08 16:15:06)


#22 2014-09-08 16:16:49

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 1,379
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

candyman wrote #283556:

October looks very promising.

October looks a lot like the one I mentioned earlier – Grav. Both use TWIG and are File-based. But call me old-fashioned – I started using a CMS so I could avoid uploading individual files to a server and I don’t miss Microsoft Frontpage.


#23 2014-09-08 16:43:26

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

wet wrote #283494:

Speaking for myself: I have no intentions to drop Textpattern as my CMS of choice.

Bloke wrote #283497:

…don’t give up. I’m not!

As far as I’m concerned — because I’m kind of a wreckless/careless sort anyway — that’s all I needed to hear. If Robert and Stef are still onboard, then I’m still onboard and using Textpattern.

Gocom is probably fighting volcanos, or something, but I am wondering why the fabled .com redesign hasn’t emerged, at least. Let me guess… content, not design, is holding up the progress. (That wouldn’t be a surprise to me.)

And can’t we have a v 5.5.5 [4.5.6 is what I meant] that at least provides the Markdown syntax, and figure fixes in the images forms, etc. Little things like this are not so insignificant to wait 20 years for the big 4.6 (I’m might die of a heart attack first). Fucking release, already. This shows that there is a beating heart, after all.

P.S. Can someone tell me how to do those textile links where the link text is the actual URL and you don’t have to repeat the URL in the URL designator? Know what I mean?


#24 2014-09-08 16:51:16

From: Bristol
Registered: 2006-08-23
Posts: 182

Re: Is the development of Textpattern at the end?

Destry wrote #283569:

P.S. Can someone tell me how to do those textile links where the link text is the actual URL and you don’t have to repeat the URL in the URL designator? Know what I mean?

You mean:


Last edited by douglgm (2014-09-08 16:52:05)


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