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#13 2013-10-28 15:45:05

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,552
Website GitHub

Re: People can't download my PDFs, taken to homepage instead.

KimberleyEvans wrote:

Can someone please tell me how to do the debugging?

Certainly. Log into Textpattern and visit the Admin->Preferences panel. You’ll see one of the preferences is Production status and it’ll be set to Live. Change it to Testing or (better) Debugging, Save the prefs and then refresh one of your site pages: You’ll see a splurge of output at the top if there are any errors, and if you then do a View Source in your browser, right towards the bottom will be a tag trace. Both those bits of info will assist you and us into figuring out what’s going on.

If you have a lot of visitors and the site throws errors to the page, you might want to do this real quick, grab the page contents, save it somewhere and then switch it back to Live mode so anybody else looking at the page isn’t inconvenienced by the debugging output!

Last edited by Bloke (2013-10-28 15:46:23)

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#14 2013-10-28 15:54:51

New Member
Registered: 2013-10-28
Posts: 8

Re: People can't download my PDFs, taken to homepage instead.


I just clicked ‘debugging’, saved, refreshed and got this error message:

Strict Standards: Non-static method timezone::is_supported() should not be called statically in D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\include\txp_prefs.php on line 50

The text all looks different now, it’s bigger. I saved the view source code in EditPlus – shall I copy it here for you?

Thanks SO much :-)



#15 2013-10-28 16:21:08

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,311

Re: People can't download my PDFs, taken to homepage instead.

KimberleyEvans wrote:

shall I copy it here for you?

Not necessary, I incidentally captured the debug phase.

Errors on top of http://www.abacusalliance.com/news-events/events/264/

Tag error:  <txp:category_list parent='<txp:section />' children='0' section='<txp:section />' /> ->  Notice: Undefined variable: rs  on line 1016
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\publish.php:1106 category_list()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\publish.php:1028 processTags()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php:977 parse()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\publish.php:1106 splat()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\publish.php:1028 processTags()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\publish\taghandlers.php:1137 parse()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\publish.php:1106 section_list()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\publish.php:1041 processTags()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\lib\txplib_misc.php:1623 parse()
D:\home\ApacheRoot\abacusalliance\httpdocs\textpattern\publish\taghandlers.php:266 parse_form()

Irritating: glz_custom_fields is mentioned in the tag trace, but not above in both of Kimberley’s lists.

<!-- txp tag trace: 
[SQL (0.0039999485015869): select name, data from txp_lang where lang='en-gb' AND ( event='public' OR event='common')]
[SQL (0.002000093460083): select name, code, version from txp_plugin where status = 1 AND type IN (0,1) order by load_order]
[SQL (0): select name,code,version from txp_plugin where status = 1 AND name='mem_form']
[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select name,code,version from txp_plugin where status = 1 AND name='glz_custom_fields']
[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select name,code,version from txp_plugin where status = 1 AND name='gbp_admin_library']
[SQL (0): select name, html as type from txp_prefs where event = 'permlinks' AND html <> 'gbp_partial']
[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select page, css from txp_section where name = 'news-events' limit 1]
[SQL (0): select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod from textpattern where ID=264 and Status in (4,5)]
[article 264]
[SQL (0): select ID, Title, url_title, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uposted
			from textpattern where Posted > '2013-10-25 16:23:09' and Section = 'news-events' and Status=4 and Posted < now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by Posted asc limit 1]
[SQL (0): select ID, Title, url_title, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uposted
			from textpattern where Posted < '2013-10-25 16:23:09' and Section = 'news-events' and Status=4 and Posted < now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by Posted desc limit 1]
[SQL (0.022001028060913): select host from txp_log where ip='' limit 1]
[SQL (0): insert into txp_log set `time`=now(),page='/news-events/events/264/',ip='',host='p508736C8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de',refer='',status='200',method='GET']
[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select REPLACE(name, 'gbp_permanent_links_', '') AS id from txp_prefs where `event` = 'permlinks' AND `name` REGEXP '^gbp_permanent_links_.{13}$']
[SQL (0): select name from txp_section where (`name` like 'news-events' or `name` like 'news-events') limit 1]
[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select name from txp_category where (`name` like 'events' or `name` like 'events') and `type` = 'article' limit 1]
[SQL (0): select ID, Posted from textpattern where `ID` = '264' and `Section` = 'news-events' and (`Category1` = 'events' OR `Category2` = 'events') and `Status` >= 4 limit 1]
[SQL (0): select ID, Title, url_title, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uposted
			from textpattern where Posted > '2013-10-25 16:23:09' and Section = 'news-events' and Status=4 and Posted < now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by Posted asc limit 1]
[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select ID, Title, url_title, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uposted
			from textpattern where Posted < '2013-10-25 16:23:09' and Section = 'news-events' and Status=4 and Posted < now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') order by Posted desc limit 1]
[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select css, page from txp_section where name = 'news-events' limit 1]
[SQL (0): select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod from textpattern where ID=264 and Status >= 4]
[article 264]
[SQL (0): select user_html from txp_page where name='default']
[Page: default]
<txp:output_form form="head" />
	[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select Form from txp_form where name='head']
	[Form: head]
	<txp:output_form form="adi_variables" />
		[SQL (0): select Form from txp_form where name='adi_variables']
		[Form: adi_variables]
		<txp:variable name="telephone_number" value="+44(0) 20 8943 8000" />
		<txp:variable name="fax_number" value="+44(0) 20 8943 8098" />
		<txp:variable name="consumer_helpline" value="+44(0) 20 8943 8049" />
		<txp:variable name="title_default" value="Abacus partners with mail order and home shopping companies to grow their businesses profitably by combining the power of its cooperative transactional mail order database with its proprietary modeling" />
		<txp:variable name="title_acquisition" value="Looking for more customers" />
		<txp:variable name="title_insight" value="Help me understand my customers" />
		<txp:variable name="title_retention" value="Satisfying my existing customers" />
	<txp:output_form form="doc_title" />
		[SQL (0): select Form from txp_form where name='doc_title']
		[Form: doc_title]
			[<txp:if_category>: true]
			<txp:if_variable name='title_<txp:category />'>
				[attribute 'name']
				<txp:category />
				[<txp:if_variable name='title_<txp:category />'>: false]
				<txp:category />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:if_category name="roi-calculator">
		[<txp:if_category name="roi-calculator">: false]
	<txp:section />
	<txp:variable name="parentCat" value='<txp:smd_parent level=''-1'' />' />
		[attribute 'value']
		<txp:smd_parent level='-1' />
			[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select lft as l, rgt as r from txp_category where name='events' and type = 'article']
			[SQL (0): select * from txp_category where lft <= 49 and rgt >= 50 and type = 'article' order by lft asc]
	<txp:if_variable name="parentCat" value="abacus-360">
		[<txp:if_variable name="parentCat" value="abacus-360">: false]
	<txp:category />
	<txp:output_form form="main_nav" />
		[SQL (0): select Form from txp_form where name='main_nav']
		[Form: main_nav]
		<txp:section_list break="" sections="our-solutions, about-us, news-events, knowledge-centre, contact-us" include_default="1" exclude="members, search, careers" default_title="Home">
			[SQL (0): select name, title from txp_section where name in ('our-solutions','about-us','news-events','knowledge-centre','contact-us') order by field(name, 'our-solutions','about-us','news-events','knowledge-centre','contact-us')]
			<txp:variable name="catList" value='<txp:category_list parent=''<txp:section />'' children=''0'' section=''<txp:section />'' />' />
				[attribute 'value']
				<txp:category_list parent='<txp:section />' children='0' section='<txp:section />' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section />
					[SQL (0): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'default']
					[SQL (0): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 10 and 11) and type = 'article' and name != 'default'  and (parent = 'default' or name = 'default') order by lft ASC]
			<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
				[attribute 'name']
				<txp:section />
				[<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>: false]
			<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">
				[<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">: true]
				<txp:site_url />
				<txp:section />
				<txp:section />
				<txp:section title="1" />
			<txp:variable name="catList" value='<txp:category_list parent=''<txp:section />'' children=''0'' section=''<txp:section />'' />' />
				[attribute 'value']
				<txp:category_list parent='<txp:section />' children='0' section='<txp:section />' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section />
					[SQL (0): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'our-solutions']
					[SQL (0): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 56 and 79) and type = 'article' and name != 'default'  and (parent = 'our-solutions' or name = 'our-solutions') order by lft ASC]
			<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
				[attribute 'name']
				<txp:section />
				[<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>: false]
			<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">
				[<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">: false]
				<txp:section title='1' />
				<txp:section title="1" />
				<txp:category_list children='0' wraptag='ul' class='' section='<txp:section title=''0'' />' break='li' parent='<txp:section title=''0'' />' exclude='<txp:section title=''0'' />' sort="id" />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[attribute 'exclude']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[SQL (0): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'our-solutions']
					[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 56 and 79) and type = 'article' and name != 'default' and name not in('our-solutions') and (parent = 'our-solutions' or name = 'our-solutions') order by id]
			<txp:variable name="catList" value='<txp:category_list parent=''<txp:section />'' children=''0'' section=''<txp:section />'' />' />
				[attribute 'value']
				<txp:category_list parent='<txp:section />' children='0' section='<txp:section />' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section />
					[SQL (0): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'about-us']
					[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 2 and 9) and type = 'article' and name != 'default'  and (parent = 'about-us' or name = 'about-us') order by lft ASC]
			<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
				[attribute 'name']
				<txp:section />
				[<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>: false]
			<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">
				[<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">: false]
				<txp:section title='1' />
				<txp:section title="1" />
				<txp:category_list children='0' wraptag='ul' class='' section='<txp:section title=''0'' />' break='li' parent='<txp:section title=''0'' />' exclude='<txp:section title=''0'' />' sort="id" />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[attribute 'exclude']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[SQL (0): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'about-us']
					[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 2 and 9) and type = 'article' and name != 'default' and name not in('about-us') and (parent = 'about-us' or name = 'about-us') order by id]
			<txp:variable name="catList" value='<txp:category_list parent=''<txp:section />'' children=''0'' section=''<txp:section />'' />' />
				[attribute 'value']
				<txp:category_list parent='<txp:section />' children='0' section='<txp:section />' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section />
					[SQL (0): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'news-events']
					[SQL (0): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 48 and 55) and type = 'article' and name != 'default'  and (parent = 'news-events' or name = 'news-events') order by lft ASC]
			<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
				[attribute 'name']
				<txp:section />
				[<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>: true]
			<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">
				[<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">: false]
				<txp:section title='1' />
				<txp:section title="1" />
				<txp:category_list children='0' wraptag='ul' class='' section='<txp:section title=''0'' />' break='li' parent='<txp:section title=''0'' />' exclude='<txp:section title=''0'' />' sort="id" />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[attribute 'exclude']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[SQL (0): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'news-events']
					[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 48 and 55) and type = 'article' and name != 'default' and name not in('news-events') and (parent = 'news-events' or name = 'news-events') order by id]
			<txp:variable name="catList" value='<txp:category_list parent=''<txp:section />'' children=''0'' section=''<txp:section />'' />' />
				[attribute 'value']
				<txp:category_list parent='<txp:section />' children='0' section='<txp:section />' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section />
					[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'knowledge-centre']
					[SQL (0): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 16 and 31) and type = 'article' and name != 'default'  and (parent = 'knowledge-centre' or name = 'knowledge-centre') order by lft ASC]
			<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
				[attribute 'name']
				<txp:section />
				[<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>: false]
			<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">
				[<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">: false]
				<txp:section title='1' />
				<txp:section title="1" />
				<txp:category_list children='0' wraptag='ul' class='' section='<txp:section title=''0'' />' break='li' parent='<txp:section title=''0'' />' exclude='<txp:section title=''0'' />' sort="id" />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[attribute 'exclude']
					<txp:section title='0' />
					[SQL (0): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'knowledge-centre']
					[SQL (0): select name, title from txp_category where (lft between 16 and 31) and type = 'article' and name != 'default' and name not in('knowledge-centre') and (parent = 'knowledge-centre' or name = 'knowledge-centre') order by id]
			<txp:variable name="catList" value='<txp:category_list parent=''<txp:section />'' children=''0'' section=''<txp:section />'' />' />
				[attribute 'value']
				<txp:category_list parent='<txp:section />' children='0' section='<txp:section />' />
					[attribute 'parent']
					<txp:section />
					[attribute 'section']
					<txp:section />
					[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select lft, rgt from txp_category where type = 'article' and name = 'contact-us']
					Tag error:  <txp:category_list parent='<txp:section />' children='0' section='<txp:section />' /> -> Notice: Undefined variable: rs  on line 1016
			<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>
				[attribute 'name']
				<txp:section />
				[<txp:if_section name='<txp:section />'>: false]
			<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">
				[<txp:if_variable name="catList" value="">: true]
				<txp:site_url />
				<txp:section />
				<txp:section />
				<txp:section title="1" />
	<txp:search_input form="form_site_search" />
		[SQL (0): select form from txp_form where `name` = 'form_site_search' limit 1]
		<txp:site_url />
		<txp:site_url />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:if_section name="default">
		[<txp:if_section name="default">: false]
			[<txp:if_category>: true]
			<txp:category title="1" />
				[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select title from txp_category where name='events' and type='article']
			[<txp:if_category>: true]
			<txp:output_form form="strap-lines" />
				[SQL (0): select Form from txp_form where name='strap-lines']
				[Form: strap-lines]
				<txp:article custom1='<txp:category />'>
					[attribute 'custom1']
					<txp:category />
					<txp:if_custom_field name='custom1'>
						[<txp:if_custom_field name='custom1'>: false]
<txp:if_section name="default">
	[<txp:if_section name="default">: false]
<txp:if_section name="privacy">
	[<txp:if_section name="privacy">: false]
	<txp:output_form form="left_col" />
		[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select Form from txp_form where name='left_col']
		[Form: left_col]
		<txp:if_section name="default">
			[<txp:if_section name="default">: false]
		<txp:if_section name="our-solutions, about-us, knowledge-centre, news-events, members">
			[<txp:if_section name="our-solutions, about-us, knowledge-centre, news-events, members">: true]
				[<txp:if_category>: true]
				<txp:if_section name="members">
					[<txp:if_section name="members">: false]
					<txp:output_form form="side_nav" />
						[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select Form from txp_form where name='side_nav']
						[Form: side_nav]
						<txp:variable name="morethanone" value='<txp:article category=''<txp:section />'' offset="1" limit="1" />' />
							[attribute 'value']
							<txp:article category='<txp:section />' offset="1" limit="1" />
								[attribute 'category']
								<txp:section />
								[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select Form from txp_form where name='default']
								[Form: default]
								<txp:title />
								<txp:body />
						<txp:if_variable name="morethanone" value="">
							[<txp:if_variable name="morethanone" value="">: false]
							<txp:output_form form="solu_nav" />
								[SQL (0): select Form from txp_form where name='solu_nav']
								[Form: solu_nav]
								<txp:article_custom custom1='' category='<txp:category />' sort="position asc">
									[attribute 'category']
									<txp:category />
									[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted, unix_timestamp(Expires) as uExpires, unix_timestamp(LastMod) as uLastMod from textpattern where 1=1 and Status = 4 and Posted <= now() and (now() <= Expires or Expires = '0000-00-00 00:00:00') and (Category1 IN ('events') or Category2 IN ('events')) and custom_1 like ''  order by position asc limit 0, 10]
									[article 264]
									<txp:if_custom_field name="custom1">
										[<txp:if_custom_field name="custom1">: false]
										<txp:if_custom_field name="custom2" val="cat_intro">
											[<txp:if_custom_field name="custom2" val="cat_intro">: false]
											<txp:if_variable name='curr_id' value='0'>
												[<txp:if_variable name='curr_id' value='0'>: false]
												<txp:if_article_id id='<txp:variable name=''curr_id'' />'>
													[attribute 'id']
													<txp:variable name='curr_id' />
													[<txp:if_article_id id='<txp:variable name=''curr_id'' />'>: true]
											<txp:if_category name="press-releases">
												[<txp:if_category name="press-releases">: false]
												<txp:title />
											<txp:if_category name="abacus-team">
												[<txp:if_category name="abacus-team">: false]
									[article 253]
									<txp:if_custom_field name="custom1">
										[<txp:if_custom_field name="custom1">: false]
										<txp:if_custom_field name="custom2" val="cat_intro">
											[<txp:if_custom_field name="custom2" val="cat_intro">: false]
											<txp:if_variable name='curr_id' value='0'>
												[<txp:if_variable name='curr_id' value='0'>: false]
												<txp:if_article_id id='<txp:variable name=''curr_id'' />'>
													[attribute 'id']
													<txp:variable name='curr_id' />
													[<txp:if_article_id id='<txp:variable name=''curr_id'' />'>: false]
											<txp:if_category name="press-releases">
												[<txp:if_category name="press-releases">: false]
												<txp:title />
											<txp:if_category name="abacus-team">
												[<txp:if_category name="abacus-team">: false]
									[article 249]
									<txp:if_custom_field name="custom1">
										[<txp:if_custom_field name="custom1">: false]
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					[SQL (0): select *, unix_timestamp(date) as uDate from txp_link where category IN ('our-solutions-short') order by linksort asc ]
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					[Form: solu_links]
					<txp:link_description />
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					[Form: solu_links]
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						[SQL (0): select Form from txp_form where name='solu_article']
						[Form: solu_article]
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									[SQL (0): select custom_3 from textpattern where `ID` = '264' limit 1]
									[SQL (0): select * from txp_file where id in(115,116,117,118,119,120)  order by field(id, 115,116,117,118,119,120)]
									[SQL (0.0010001659393311): select Form from txp_form where name='files']
									[Form: files]
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										[attribute 'id']
										<txp:file_download_id />
										[SQL (0): select * from txp_file where id = 115]
										[<txp:if_file_register id='<txp:file_download_id />'>: true]
											[<txp:ign_if_logged_in>: false]
												[<txp:if_file_signedin>: false]
												<txp:file_download_id />
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												<txp:file_download_name />
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										[attribute 'id']
										<txp:file_download_id />
										[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select * from txp_file where id = 116]
										[<txp:if_file_register id='<txp:file_download_id />'>: true]
											[<txp:ign_if_logged_in>: false]
												[<txp:if_file_signedin>: false]
												<txp:file_download_id />
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												<txp:file_download_name />
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										[attribute 'id']
										<txp:file_download_id />
										[SQL (0): select * from txp_file where id = 117]
										[<txp:if_file_register id='<txp:file_download_id />'>: true]
											[<txp:ign_if_logged_in>: false]
												[<txp:if_file_signedin>: false]
												<txp:file_download_id />
												<txp:file_download_name />
												<txp:file_download_name />
									<txp:if_file_register id='<txp:file_download_id />'>
										[attribute 'id']
										<txp:file_download_id />
										[SQL (0): select * from txp_file where id = 118]
										[<txp:if_file_register id='<txp:file_download_id />'>: true]
											[<txp:ign_if_logged_in>: false]
												[<txp:if_file_signedin>: false]
												<txp:file_download_id />
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												<txp:file_download_name />
									<txp:if_file_register id='<txp:file_download_id />'>
										[attribute 'id']
										<txp:file_download_id />
										[SQL (0): select * from txp_file where id = 119]
										[<txp:if_file_register id='<txp:file_download_id />'>: true]
											[<txp:ign_if_logged_in>: false]
												[<txp:if_file_signedin>: false]
												<txp:file_download_id />
												<txp:file_download_name />
												<txp:file_download_name />
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										[attribute 'id']
										<txp:file_download_id />
										[SQL (0.00099992752075195): select * from txp_file where id = 120]
										[<txp:if_file_register id='<txp:file_download_id />'>: true]
											[<txp:ign_if_logged_in>: false]
												[<txp:if_file_signedin>: false]
												<txp:file_download_id />
												<txp:file_download_name />
												<txp:file_download_name />
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			[<txp:if_section name="register">: false]
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			[<txp:if_section name="data-quality,cookie-disclosure">: false]
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			[<txp:if_section name="search">: false]
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			[<txp:if_section name="forgot-pw">: false]
<txp:output_form form="footer" />
	[SQL (0): select Form from txp_form where name='footer']
	[Form: footer]
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:site_url />
	<txp:linklist category="twitter-link" break="">
		[SQL (0): select *, unix_timestamp(date) as uDate from txp_link where category IN ('twitter-link') order by linksort asc ]
		<txp:link_url />
		<txp:link_name />
		<txp:site_url />
[ ~~~ secondpass ~~~ ]

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#16 2013-10-29 05:49:47

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,132
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: People can't download my PDFs, taken to homepage instead.

I am wondering if it is the upm_file plugin.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#17 2013-10-29 12:08:46

New Member
Registered: 2013-10-28
Posts: 8

Re: People can't download my PDFs, taken to homepage instead.

Hi Colak,

Thanks for your input, shall I try to install a new upm_file plugin? Do I just search for it on this site?

Thanks everyone, your help is much appreciated!



#18 2013-10-29 12:36:20

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,132
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: People can't download my PDFs, taken to homepage instead.

Upm plugins are no longer supported by their developer. If you post the code you are using for the page in question we might be able to propose an alternative method.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#19 2013-10-29 12:44:17

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,311

Re: People can't download my PDFs, taken to homepage instead.

ATM I’m clueless with the errors your site throws. But as the most important step I’d advise you to backup your database, like Dragondz already said. That way you can always return to the current state should anything go awry in the process of repairing your website. You can do that via PHPmyAdmin:

Choose the database that contains Textpattern’s tables (not the Textpattern table itself) and click the Export tab. Choose “SQL” from the dropdown menu (probably preselected) and klick OK. Wait for the window to update, then copy the complete chunk of code to a text file and save.

If for any reason PHPmyAdmin is not an option, you can install the plugin rss_admin_db_manager. If you prefer doing so let us know and we will guide you through the installation.

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


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