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#85 2013-02-18 14:37:28

Registered: 2004-10-01
Posts: 752

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

When I clik on the Upload image link I get this error in the Chrome Javascript console :

Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'live' abl.droploader-app.js:192
ablDropLoaderSetup abl.droploader-app.js:192
(anonymous function) abl.droploader-app.js:174
c jquery.js:3
p.fireWith jquery.js:3
k jquery.js:5

Impossible to Upload …

New 4.5.4 install, last 0.17 plugin version.


#86 2013-02-18 14:53:45

Registered: 2004-10-01
Posts: 752

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

Answer to myself : I upgraded the jquery.js to the last 1.9.1 version.
Downgrade to the 1.7.2 avoid the error.


#87 2013-02-18 20:06:39

Plugin Author
From: Basel
Registered: 2011-09-24
Posts: 65

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

Hi mrdale and jpdupont

I have just seen your issues with svn txp 4.6 and jquery 1.9.1.

Txp 4.6 uses jquery 1.9.1, so this is the same problem in both cases. There is a change in the jQuery-API which affects plugin version 0.17: The live-event has been removed in jQuery 1.9. It’s replaced by the newer on-event.

This means, abl_droploader 0.17 is not compatible with jQuery 1.9.x. But I try to update the plugin within the next days, possibly tomorrow. Please stay tuned… Version 0.18 is not far away.


#88 2013-02-19 10:12:50

Plugin Author
From: Basel
Registered: 2011-09-24
Posts: 65

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

abl_droploader Version 0.18 is now available for download.

This Version resolves the issue with jQuery 1.9.1, reported by mrdale and jpdupont. I changed the method used for the event-handler attachment from ‘live’ to ‘delegate’. The delegate-method was introduced in jQuery Version 1.4.2, and the live-method has been removed in jQuery 1.9.

jQuery Version 1.9.1 is used in Txp 4.6 (SVN-Version).

I have also updated the original post


#89 2013-02-19 10:22:20

Registered: 2004-10-01
Posts: 752

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

Andreas, Thanks !

Explain me how made a textpack for french, please ?


#90 2013-02-20 06:11:20

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

Cool. I can get this working from the images page but not from the write page.


#91 2013-02-20 08:41:29

Registered: 2004-10-01
Posts: 752

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

French textpack

#@language fr-fr
abl_droploader_all_files_uploaded => {{filecount}} fichier(s) téléchargé(s).
abl_droploader_close_title => Fermer DropLoader
abl_droploader_error_method => Method {{method}} n'existe pas dans  abl.droploader-app.js.
abl_droploader_err_browser_not_supported => Votre navigateur ne supporte pas le téléchargement de fichiers HTML5!
abl_droploader_err_file_too_large => {{filename}} : cette image est trop grande!
abl_droploader_err_invalid_filetype => Vous ne pouvez pas télécharger  {{filename}}. Seules les images sont autorisées (jpg, jpeg, gif, png)!
abl_droploader_err_too_many_files => Trop de fichiers ! S'il vous plaît sélectionnez-en {{maxfiles}} au maximum !
abl_droploader_info_text => Déposez les fichiers ici\n\nou cliquez pour sélectionner des images
abl_droploader_no_files_uploaded => \nAucun fichier téléchargé.
abl_droploader_open => Téléchargement d'images
abl_droploader_open_title => Ouvrir le téléchargeur d'images multiples par glisser/déposer
abl_droploader_prefs_article_image_fields => Champ(s) Article-image  (Liste séparés par une virgule d'IDs de sélecteurs CSS. Utilisez #custom-n pour les noms de champs personnalisés)
abl_droploader_prefs_custom_stylesheet => Feuille de style personnalisée (path/filename)
abl_droploader_prefs_custom_stylesheetb => Feuille de style personnalisée (path/filename)
abl_droploader_prefs_file_max_upload_count => Nombre maximum d'images à télécharger en une fois
abl_droploader_prefs_image_max_upload_count => Nombre maximum de fichiers à télécharger en une fois
abl_droploader_prefs_reload_image_tab => Onglet Images: Fermer Droploader et recharger la liste d'images après le téléchargement
abl_droploader_prefs_use_default_stylesheet => Utiliser les styles par défaut
abl_droploader_some_files_uploaded => \n{{uploaded_files}} de {{filecount}} fichier(s) téléchargé(s).
abl_droploader_close => ×

Generated with the last 0.18

Last edited by jpdupont (2013-02-20 14:37:15)


#92 2013-02-20 14:37:31

Plugin Author
From: Basel
Registered: 2011-09-24
Posts: 65

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

Ooh, cool! You have found a way to translate the textpack. Saves me the explanation, how to do it… :)
Merci, jpdupont! I will add this to the already available textpacks on my website, so others can use it too.

Txp 4.6-dev:
I just installed the 4.6-svn version. As I can see now, there are changes in the markup of the article-page which affects abl_droploader. Seems that this version needs more changes in droploader. I will find a solution, but it may take a few days.


#93 2013-02-20 14:49:48

Registered: 2004-10-01
Posts: 752

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader


  • Install Stef Plugin Composer plugin
  • Open the tab “Textpack strings”
  • Paste your prefix “abl_droploader” and click on “Load” for the active language “Français”.
  • Here I get all your strings in english and I translate to french …
  • Save then test in the admin : all is OK !
  • At the bottom of the Plugin Composer , click on the link “Export the textpack” : done !


#94 2013-02-20 18:57:32

Plugin Author
From: Basel
Registered: 2011-09-24
Posts: 65

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

Thanks for the description! It’s new to me, that the plugin composer has support for textpacks. Good to know!

Another possibility, is to download one of the textpacks from my website. Please use the English or German textpack for this purpose, because the other textpacks (nl, cz) are currently not complete. Three strings are missing in these packs.

The translation itself can be done using any text-editor with support for utf-8 encoded text-files.

Installing the translated textpack in Textpattern is simple: Paste the content of the textpack into the textarea at the bottom of the Language-panel (Admin > Preferences > Language) and click upload.


#95 2013-02-21 14:40:37

Plugin Author
From: Basel
Registered: 2011-09-24
Posts: 65

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

A new version of abl_droploader is available: 0.19. This version is now fully compatible with Txp 4.6 (SVN).

This release fixes the missing upload-link on the Write-panel in Txp 4.6. The problem has occurred, because the markup on the Write-panel has changed in Txp 4.6. Fortunately, there is a new function ‘wrapRegion’ in txplib_html.php, which simplifies the rendering of the upload-link.

For details, please have a look at the original post.


#96 2013-02-26 20:05:59

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-01-19
Posts: 257

Re: abl_droploader: A native drag & drop multiple image uploader

I’m trying to install the plugin, but it seems like the necessary .js and .css files are not placed on the server upon plugin activation. I tried installation using the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox on the latest textpattern. I did try to remove the browser cache.


Last edited by Joey (2013-02-26 20:07:05)




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