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#97 2018-02-03 13:18:16

Plugin Author
From: Germany/Ukraine
Registered: 2007-10-08
Posts: 305
Website GitHub Twitter

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

Are you planning to publish an updated version of this plugin for 4.6.2 and later?
I’m asking, because with this plugin I could probably resolve the problem described in this threat:
Strange behaviour of <txp:php> inside article body

Last edited by whocarez (2018-02-03 13:18:33)


#98 2018-04-17 17:22:24

Plugin Author
From: Berlin
Registered: 2006-07-06
Posts: 687
Website Mastodon

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

Having an error in 4.7beta3 with smd_user_manager 0.21 upon defining new group i get

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_affected_rows() in /home/kliklak/public_html/mixnix/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1826) : eval()'d code:1285 Stack trace: #0 /home/kliklak/public_html/mixnix/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1826) : eval()'d code(689): smd_um_upsert_lang('mugger', 'mugger') #1 /home/kliklak/public_html/mixnix/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1826) : eval()'d code(177): smd_um_groups() #2 /home/kliklak/public_html/mixnix/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1945): smd_um_dispatcher('smd_um', 'smd_um_groups') #3 /home/kliklak/public_html/mixnix/textpattern/index.php(261): callback_event('smd_um', 'smd_um_groups', 0) #4 {main} thrown in /home/kliklak/public_html/mixnix/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1826) : eval()'d code on line 1285

A hole turned upside down is a dome, when there’s also gravity.


#99 2018-04-17 17:31:30

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,568
Website GitHub

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

Yes, I’m partway through this one, sorry. For a quick fix, see the Converting to mysqli post.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#100 2018-04-17 17:39:20

Plugin Author
From: Berlin
Registered: 2006-07-06
Posts: 687
Website Mastodon

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

Thanx, Stef!

(Edit: Not many mysql calls in there to be converted to mysqli)

Last edited by jayrope (2018-04-17 17:56:24)

A hole turned upside down is a dome, when there’s also gravity.


#101 2018-06-06 12:11:58

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

Hi Stef,

I was hoping I wouldn’t need to worry about this again, but I had to resurrect a site that has user man installed. I updated the site from 4.6.2 to 4.7. All content still outputs correctly on the frontside, but I observe the following problems on the admin-side…

  • If in context of the Admin menu, the User Manager label reads correctly as ‘User manager’. But if in context of any other admin-side menu, it reads ‘smd_um_tab_name’.
  • Same situation with ‘Bio config’; looks okay in the Extensions menu context, but looks like ‘smd_bio_admin_tab’ anywhere else.

I’m guessing those are not plugin-related, exactly, but maybe just some style thing somewhere.

  • When in users list, I get a Undefined when hovering over names.
  • When clicking a given user to open the profile view (i.e. ‘Edit user’ view), I only see the following fields, display as written here:
    • login_name
    • real_name
    • Email
    • privileges

The panel header is also showing as ‘edit_user’. In fact most headers and labels in the User Manager context are showing like that.

The only major problem is that I don’t seem to have access to the bio profile fields to edit any information, even though it’s displaying on the front-side.

Btw, you have an account in this site. I could give you a shout via email if you want to look at it at leisure.


#102 2018-06-06 13:02:06

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,789

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

Destry, just an off-chance idea: Can you look in your database manually (post-update) manually and see what it says in the table txp_prefs under the entry version.

I spent a long time trying to debug something similar today and it turned out I still had 4.5.7 in there after the upgrade to 4.7.1. Manually correcting that to 4.7.1 (or 4.7.0) resolved the wrong plugin strings immediately.

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#103 2018-06-06 13:42:43

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

I have ’4.7.0’.

But, I am surprised to find I have 53 tables in this database. I don’t know when that happened, but I must have double-loaded two different databases and didn’t realize it.

There seems to be a number of duplicate tables with a prefix ‘wd’, which is something I used many years ago. Then there’s a few obsolete plugin tables too, apparently.


Down to a respectable 24 tables now and nothing blew up. Will be 23 after I have shortcodes rolled in and smd_macro removed. Would be about 19 (the default number?) if I ever find an alternative display process for author profiles and remove the smd_user_man and smd_bio tables. No rush on that, though.

Anyway, problem still stands with accessing bio data in admin-side.


#104 2018-06-09 01:04:52

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

I removed bios from the site, de-installed the plugins. I’m good. No help needed.


#105 2018-12-21 21:15:20

From: Madrid, Spain
Registered: 2005-09-19
Posts: 390

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

I found a problem using smd_user_manager. As I previously reported at this thread, I can’t access to Admin > Languages when smd_user_manager is active. Don’t know what could be causing that behavior, probably is not the plugin it self, it must be a combination of circumstances but the fact is there, when I switch it of languages works like a charm.



#106 2019-01-30 15:59:43

New Member
Registered: 2019-01-29
Posts: 1

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

Just installed a plugin, and for the title i have
Same situation with buttons, menu etc.
Changed language to English (American) and for one moment I had “Users” in menu and “Change password” – but rest of the buttons was with placeholders – but now I can’t recreate even this.


#107 2021-04-10 00:54:29

Registered: 2020-08-04
Posts: 24

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

Waiting for your new patch!


#108 2021-05-20 10:01:31

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,568
Website GitHub

Re: smd_user_manager: keep large user bases under control

After much code wiffling, smd_user_manager 0.3.0-beta is available.

Please note this is a complete rewrite, almost from the ground-up and is only for Textpattern 4.8.6 so you’ll need the very latest bleeding edge core. 4.8.6-dev is battle-ready and I expect pretty much going to become the official 4.8.6 very soon anyway, so there’s no excuse not to try the plugin out AND test the new core version while you’re at it :)

Backup first of course!

Any feedback on the plugin welcome. Specifically, if anybody has any ideas on how to make the Privs panel any less ugly I’d love to hear your thoughts. It might be possible to use a sidebar (like the Prefs panel) where you click each group in the sidebar, and it renders a single priv table for that group alongside/beneath. Then we’ll only need one Save button – albeit that would be at the very bottom of the panel which might require a fair bit of scrolling if the number of priv areas is large. Open to ideas on a better UX.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


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