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#13 2011-07-27 15:31:35

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
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Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Hi Claire

It is true that you are partially duplicating rvm_if_privileged but the advantage with your plugin is exactly that!. Those interested in front end logins will only need to install one plugin instead of two.

Having said that, for me rvm_if_privileged does a beautiful job in linking articles to the back end.

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#14 2011-07-28 11:17:32

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Ladies and Gentlemen, c’mon ! And let’s vote :

  1. control for privileges already exists, cbe_frontauth needn’t bother to care about it
  2. it would be cool to have all in one plugin, cbe_frontauth should verifiy privileges too

It’s up to you !


#15 2011-07-28 11:28:15

From: Düsseldorf, Germany
Registered: 2005-05-23
Posts: 115

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

If the effort is relatively small in comparison to the functional effect (which spares one more plugin install), I’d be for #2.


#16 2011-07-28 12:57:10

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

  1. if that would allow to use only one plugin.


#17 2011-07-29 14:50:09

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

3 voices for name and level control, 0 voices against. No doubt :)

v0.6-beta is released, see original post for details


#18 2011-07-29 15:49:43

Registered: 2004-10-01
Posts: 752

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Bloke a écrit:

Ahhh, the merger of rvm_privileged and ign_password_protect in a neat package. Bliss!

Claire, is your plugin a perfect ign_password_protect replacement ?

Do you use (or plan to use ) an alternate users table ?

I need to upgrade a part of my school site where all the teachers have a protected access, actually with ign_password_protect.

All the teachers are in the ign_pp alternate table …


#19 2011-07-29 16:13:19

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

jpdupont a écrit:

Claire, is your plugin a perfect ign_password_protect replacement ?

“Nobody’s perfect” :)
No, it doesn’t completely replace it.

Do you use (or plan to use ) an alternate users table ?

I don’t neither, because as I said earlier :

My point of view is that going further [than just connect to and disconnect from backend while being on frontend] will take us slowly but surely to a more advanced user management. I agree this a logical continuation, but I don’t feel that it should be done by cbe_frontauth.

In fact, I’m clearly convinced that melting things leads to inconsistencies and malfunctions. I won’t take this risk.

(Chacun à sa place et les vaches seront bien gardées. Tu vois l’idée ?)

Stef has just released a plugin that does the job, if you don’t mind migrating users in the regular table.


#20 2011-07-29 16:29:51

Registered: 2004-10-01
Posts: 752

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Thanks Claire !

I’l try this with steph new plugin …


#21 2011-08-05 03:56:38

From: Haut-Rhin
Registered: 2004-08-04
Posts: 4,912

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Bloke wrote:

[I’m intending to enhance smd_bio again in the near future to allow you to easily build input forms on the public side for capturing extended bio data at registration time, so that’ll require integration with mem_self_reg / mem_form].



#22 2011-08-06 13:25:54

Plugin Author
From: Caen - Fr
Registered: 2010-06-25
Posts: 345

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

A new tag and an easier-to-read documentation : this is v0.7-beta.
See original post for changelog and download places.


#23 2011-09-11 13:14:09

From: Algérie
Registered: 2005-06-12
Posts: 1,543
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Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Hi Claire

I use your plugin for a new site and i notice something bizarre: when i click a logout link (after connecting), that work but thet page showed like i am still coonected (the <txp:cbe_frontauth_protect /> return logged!!), i must referch the page to see the change viewed

In French

Le code de déconnexion fonctionne mais la page affiché juste après montre comme si j’étais toujours connecté (la zone protégé par <txp:cbe_frontauth_protect /> est affichée). je dois rafraichir la page pour voir effectivement le changement affiché


Last edited by Dragondz (2011-09-11 13:15:50)


#24 2011-09-11 16:50:58

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
Posts: 1,647
GitHub Twitter

Re: cbe_frontauth: Connect to (and disconnect from) backend from frontend

Salut Rabah.

Je me permets de te répondre.

Première chose : le rafraîchissement ne pose pas de problème particulier puisqu’une personne non connectée ne peut pas consulter la page masquée (sans connexion préalable). Donc, ce que tu vois, lors de ta déconnexion, n’était pas visible avant cet événement et ne l’est toujours pas après (sauf pour toi seul : usage d’un cookie dans le plugin).
Seconde chose : as-tu bien renseigné une URL de redirection pour l’événement de déconnexion ? C’est à ce niveau que s’effectue le rafraîchissement – nécessaire – que tu mentionnes.

Enfin, même s’il fallait un rafraîchissement – que je n’ai constaté que dans le cas d’un passage entre front-office et back-office lors de l’usage du plugin sur deux onglets du navigateur – cela n’est pas problématique en soit, compte tenu de l’intérêt extrême du dit plugin.


Last edited by Pat64 (2011-09-11 16:52:31)


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