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Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
I made my own changes to this plugin so that it doesn’t say the path to the file in the link, basically just changed the line to use a different variable $nicefilename = $file.“txt”
I use text-indent instead of padding just in case Internet Explorer has issues. This would obviously be related to a box-model problem, which in general, and with the previously posted styles won’t happen, but it is better general practice to use text-indent for this scenario.
Last edited by paularms (2004-10-28 23:36:50)
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
You could use the attribute <code>sublinktitle</code> to change the title, or change the deafult which is in swedish by edit this line at the top of the plugin code
<code>$linkTitle = “Ladda ner ovanstående kod som en textfil”;</code>
And mayby you want to change the line abow that one to, that line is the default text that shows up under the code
<code>$linkText = “Ladda ner denna kod: “; </code>
> I use text-indent instead of padding just in case Internet Explorer has issues. This would obviously be related to a box-model problem, which in general, and with the previously posted styles won’t happen, but it is better general practice to use text-indent for this scenario.
ahh, good point i think i will change to text-indent later
Johan Nilsson
#15 2004-11-02 22:41:22
- Remillard
- Plugin Author
- From: Lenexa, KS
- Registered: 2004-05-16
- Posts: 169
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
Thanks, this helped a lot and I think it’s definitely more readable! It’ll be even better when I get the background color sorted out.
#16 2004-11-08 21:34:15
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
I think a slight mod to this plugin is in order for cases in which code might be stored in varying directories. To keep things organized, I often put my code in subdirectories under /code/. I was thinking of something allowing for an optional parameter ‘dir’ like this:
$dirname = empty($dir) ? ‘/code’ : $dir;
$filename = $file.”.txt”;
$theFile = $dirname.’/’.$filename;
So someone could call it one of two ways:
<code><txp:glx_code file=“mysrc.php” /></code>
<code><txp:glx_code file=“mysrc.php” dir=”/code/plugins” /></code>
#17 2004-11-09 20:47:09
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
(This extends my previous post)
I’ve also done this modification in the event that I just want to display code, but I don’t want it available for download (entirely possible for small code examples). Basically, I allow for an optional attribute of ‘nosource’ to be passed, i.e. <code><txp:glx_code file=“mysrc.php” nosource=“1” /></code>
// add in the link to the file
$list .= ($nosource)
? ‘’
: “<li class=\“source\”>”.$linkText.” <a href=\”/”.$theFile.”\” title=\”“.$linkTitle.”\”>”.$filename.”</a></li>\n”;
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
this is great extends to the plugin, i will update it with this proubably tomorrow, thanks compooter
Johan Nilsson
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
Whoa… my first post ;-)
First off, let me say hi to anybody. Great Community here!
I just ran into an issue with empty lines. Maybe it´s just a MAC-only issue, but however:
In my case, empty lines in the code.txt haven´t been detected properly by the script. Checking for an empty string by simply asking for “” didn´t make the magic if there´s hidden whitespace in the code.
I did a little mod as you can see:
// if the line is blank, put a space in to stop some browsers collapsing the line
// Here goes the little mod
$trimmed = trim($line);
if ($trimmed == “”)
// end of mod
// insert all the information and close the list item
$list .= “<li”.$class.”> </li>”.”\n”;
cheers, Ralf
Last edited by ralfgoeke (2004-11-13 00:54:19)
#20 2004-11-13 01:16:56
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
welcome to the forum!
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
osei, in the plugin documentation (on the plugin code page in TXP) the tag example contains an error. It says <txp:code file="1" />
while it should be <txp:glx_code file="1" />
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
New version 0.3
- dir parameter added
- nosource parameter added
- Added supoort for html comments like <code><!— Comment —></code>
- Default language changed to English instead of swedish
- Typos
There are some problems both with the <code>/* comment */</code> and <code><!— html comment —></code> they dont work when they are on just one line.
I have to come up with some solution here, or if anybody out there have any idea i sure will listen.
And thanks for all the great ideas you are sharing compooter.
Last edited by osei (2005-01-18 09:21:37)
Johan Nilsson
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
osei, you are a ★