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#25 2011-07-01 00:49:57
- progre55
- Member
- Registered: 2006-05-02
- Posts: 668
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
First and foremost, this plugin is incredible. I have only begun to scratch the surface for my new project but I think this plug in and I will be becoming good friends for the next couple of weeks.
I did have a quick question/comment. I noticed that when I created a tab that I need to assign it to a user level. This made complete sense. The problem is that I assigned it to the Managed Editor thinking that a Managed Editor or myself who was logged in as a Publisher would see it— my thinking was not correct. I am not sure if what I am reporting is accurate, but if I might make a suggestion in later versions you may want to incorporate it so that the privileges work in a way that anyone on or above would see the tab. Just a thought.
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
progre55 wrote:
this plugin is incredible
Thank you very much. Glad it’s helpful.
privileges work in a way that anyone on or above would see the tab.
The View privileges is a multi-select so you can permit both Managing Editors and Publishers to see the tab if you wish.
BTW, this issue has cropped up in my upcoming smd_user_manager. When editing profiles, people who have privileges to create new users or edit any users shouldn’t have the ability to create more powerful users than themselves. Textpattern has traditionally circumvented this by only allowing Publishers to alter users. smd_user_manager breaks this tradition by giving everyone control over their own biographical information (which includes smd_bio fields) and allowing certain people the power to edit others. If you permit Managing Editors to edit everyone, they could create a new Publisher account for themselves and have elevated privs.
The problem is that the roles are not strictly hierarchical. A Copy Editor is not greater than a Designer: they just have different capabilities to do their respective jobs. This is why I’m being careful (going forward) that we refer to the user privilege levels as groups
; they group users into arbitrary, independent sets. The applications for Textpattern are vast (e.g. school admins, church leaders, rock band members, library curators, etc) so the convention needs to be wide to suit. I rejected level
because it has implied hierarchical connotations, and rejected role
because it implies a job description.
I have worked around this issue in smd_user_manager with a preference. You can dictate that the groups you create are actually hierarchical. If you do that, people cannot create groups with a ‘higher’ (lower) numerical value than themselves. Without that preference, the groups are as they are now: completely independent with no implied hierarchy and anyone with suitable creation privs can create users in any group. I might go further still and allow you to nominate an admin group which is off-limits to everyone except those in that group already, for site admins who want to allow others to create groups but don’t have a strict hierarchy in place either and wish to protect the nest from abuse.
Does all that sort of make sense?
The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.
Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp
#27 2011-07-01 12:37:57
- progre55
- Member
- Registered: 2006-05-02
- Posts: 668
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
You would have thought I would check to see if it were mulit select. Duh.
Your explanation of groupes makes perfect sense. I will keep you up to date as I continue to move forward with your “the tabber” as I am referrring to it (at least in my mind).
#28 2012-02-02 12:45:08
- tom1
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- Registered: 2009-03-20
- Posts: 36
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
If i was somehow better person, i would first try to hack this myself. But because i’m bored at work, not able to get my hands into txp installation anytime soon, i’m going to bother all of you!
I’ve been planning a nice and powerful Dashboard to txp, but would like to include some admin side functionality innit.
For example, i use articles to mark calendar events, it would be much simpler for customer to have small form on dashboard to do this. All he needs is published date fields and Topic. Section, category etc could be passed as hidden fields.
Any quick ideas or howtos? =)
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
Hi Stef,
with smd_tabber I’m trying to reproduce standard Textpattern article list limited to one section.
Can I create a page that let users delete their articles?
#30 2012-04-13 21:16:27
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
If it’s not for mass deleting articles, you can simply create links ending in
Edit: That’s true only as long as you’ve the ebl_articleDelete plugin installed, unfortunately.
Last edited by uli (2012-04-13 22:14:23)
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
What permissions are required for users to get the css for the tabs? Not sure if it’s how I’m using bot_privs or not but my Managing Editor gets a restricted message for the css url.
Edit: Uninstalling bot_privs didn’t fix the issue.
Last edited by MattD (2012-05-24 16:44:05)
Piwik Dashboard, Google Analytics Dashboard, Minibar, Article Image Colorpicker, Admin Datepicker, Admin Google Map, Admin Colorpicker
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
Same here, always end up hard linking CSS in admin templates.
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
Ditto. Looks like publisher privilege is required for the tab’s own css. Other users get the theme’s css and nothing more.
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
I am speechless… where can we grab a good collection of admin tags, and when will they work on the whole admin side?
#35 2012-08-13 22:24:06
- gfdesign
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- From: Argentina
- Registered: 2009-04-20
- Posts: 401
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
Hi Stef. First of all, thanks for this and the other (awesome) plugins. This, I discovered it thank to my compatriot @Maniqui. He suggested me use it for custom article lists with its associated image, of course inside Admin side. Something that I wanted since I started to use Txp.
I’m working with MLP plugin to manage a bilingual site. I wonder if is possible to create two tabs and in each one, to make a custom article list (showing its associated image) of each language. Do you think it is possible?
Looking forward your reply.
Best regards
#36 2017-10-18 08:34:01
- jpdupont
- Member
- Registered: 2004-10-01
- Posts: 752
Re: smd_tabber: create custom admin-side tab structures
Hello, I have the following problem when I create a tab that makes a full text search paged in a table of an old site. When displaying the first page of the search, I have this url and a correct result page.
When I click on page links 0, 1, 2, 3, … I have this url
that leads to an empty page with the message “restricted area”.
Where is the problem ? My code ? TXP ?
I’m on 4.7 dev
Last edited by jpdupont (2017-10-18 08:36:16)