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Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
GugUser wrote:
You don’t need write special HTML for IE7.
Agreed re: Basic html. And certainly in this use case.
But there are somethings IE 7 doesn’t support, or doesn’t support fully/properly. css display:table only has partial support, for example. IE 8, and IE 9 made notable improvements in supporting broader x/html and css specs.
But again, from the code posted earlier, it it doesn’t look like work-arounds should be necessary.
Last edited by maverick (2011-03-28 21:56:51)
#14 2011-03-29 01:25:34
- GugUser
- Member
- From: Quito (Ecuador)
- Registered: 2007-12-16
- Posts: 1,473
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
HTML and CSS are two different things. In almost all my projects I have to declare in the CSS specific details for the IEs 6-7 or 6-8.
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
GugUser wrote:
HTML and CSS are two different things.
Point well made.
In almost all my projects I have to declare in the CSS specific details for the IEs 6-7 or 6-8.
Which was the concept I was trying to communicate, in case it helped Kim. :)
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
@ Els – Yes I had this
<body id="<txp:if_section name="Home">front<txp:else /><txp:section /></txp:if_section>">
@ maverick & Guguser Cheers guys. Will have a go at sorting it all out today.
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
Sorted with divs. Thanks again folks!
#18 2011-03-29 20:04:27
- GugUser
- Member
- From: Quito (Ecuador)
- Registered: 2007-12-16
- Posts: 1,473
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
You believe in illusions. There is—in this moment, for example and the most important—no opening <body>
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
It looks alright in my browsers.
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
GugUser wrote:
You believe in illusions. There is—in this moment, for example and the most important—no opening
No <body>
for me either in the source.
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Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
kstewart wrote:
It looks alright in my browsers.
The opening <body> tag is missing. (The closing tag is there)
Many browsers can likely compensate in rendering – they assume the body tag, but it can cause problems — for example (and I’m speculating), with browsers for the blind and others with disabilities.
It definitely will cause problems validating your code, and can cause other problems with more complex code.
Easy fix though :)
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
Fixed now, thanks guys!
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
Almost :)
html needs to be structured like this:
<document declaration />
Meta Data stuff, Title, CSS links or statements, etc.
Everything else
You page’s code currently is:
<div class=“slideshow”>
<img src=“http://www.fonmedia.co.uk/images/3.png” alt=”“ width=“700” height=“84” />
<img src=“http://www.fonmedia.co.uk/images/4.png” alt=”“ class=“hidden” width=“700” height=“84” />
<img src=“http://www.fonmedia.co.uk/images/5.png” alt=”“ class=“hidden” width=“700” height=“84” />
<!— head —>
<ul class=“section_list”>
<li><a class=“active” href=“http://www.fonmedia.co.uk/index.php”>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=“http://www.fonmedia.co.uk/index.php?s=our_work”>Our Work</a></li>
<li><a href=“http://www.fonmedia.co.uk/index.php?s=our_people”>Our People</a></li>
<li><a href=“http://www.fonmedia.co.uk/index.php?s=contact_us”>Contact Us</a></li>
<body id=“front”>
To solve your validation issues and possible glitches in rending the page
- Only use one body tag per html document. The second one, with the id, is the one I’m presuming you want to keep.
- move the <div class=“slideshow”> and <div id=“head”> blocks of code in between your <body></body> tags.
Last edited by maverick (2011-03-29 21:42:19)
Re: Internet Explorer not displaying table properly
Thanks Maverick! I originally had tried to organise it like that but was having trouble getting the slideshow to work and ended up moving things around a little too much. Cheers!