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#181 2011-09-07 08:50:45
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Hi Andy
I’m having problems installing on 4.4.1. I tried a few different versions of arc_twitter, including the latest one from your site and v3.0 from Github. This is what happens:
- Install code into Plugins tab and activate
- Visit plugin prefs page (/textpattern/index.php?event=plugin_prefs.arc_twitter)
- Click on the ‘Connect to Twitter’ link (pointing to /textpattern/index.php?event=plugin_prefs.arc_twitter&step=register)
- Click on the ‘Sign-in to Twitter’ link (pointing to https://twitter.com/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token=[token])
- I don’t reach the Twitter auth page, I just come straight back to /textpattern/index.php?event=plugin_prefs.arc_twitter&step=validate&oauth_token=[token], where I see this again:
Twitter username unknown (Connect to Twitter)
Any advice appreciated
#182 2011-09-07 12:24:29
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Hi Stu, before the last code push to Github I was having a similar issue during testing. It turned out to be a connection issue with Twitter. Perhaps trying again will fix the problem. Unfortunately, without going over Twitter’s hurdles for authentication there’s no way of using it.
#183 2011-09-07 12:27:38
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Thanks Andy. That tallies – I did have success on my laptop build, but then couldn’t repeat the trick on my work machine, despite the code base being the same. I’ll keep trying.
#184 2011-09-08 15:33:40
- Klikk
- New Member
- Registered: 2006-07-14
- Posts: 9
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Love this plugin and use it on several sites. Big thanks to monkeyninja :)
I wonder how difficult it would be to add support for the ow.ly shortner? Ow.ly is owned by Hootsuite and you can compile all kinds of link stats from inside the Hootsuite social media app or you can access the raw data directly with an api key. Ow.ly returns json data so I guess the function need to parse that for the return url. Also ow.ly requires an api key but pretty much anyone who asks get one, at least thats my impression from talking with their dev support.
Was thinking of hacking something myself but maybe the author would consider adding ow.ly support in a future release? I am not a php programmer but think I managed to sniff out what functions to copy and change. Not quite sure how to do the json parsing in php tho?
This is a request : http://ow.ly/api/1.0/url/shorten?apiKey=1b2b374b212&longUrl=http://www.hootsuite.com
and the json response : {“results”:{“hash”:“1wPbzT”,longUrl“http:\/\/www.hootsuite.com”,shortUrl“http:\/\/ow.ly\/1wPbzT”}}
Would this be hard to figure out myself?
Last edited by Klikk (2011-09-08 15:34:36)
#185 2011-09-12 18:43:27
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
arc_twitter v3.0 is finally out and comes with a new extension plugin that gives you the power of Twitter’s web intents widgets. There are six new tags with this release: arc_twitter_follow_button, arc_twitter_widget_js, arc_twitter_intent_follow, arc_twitter_intent_favorite, arc_twitter_intent_retweet and arc_twitter_intent_reply. Details can be found on my blog and full documentation is on the wiki on GitHub.
Klikk wrote:
I wonder how difficult it would be to add support for the ow.ly shortner? Ow.ly is owned by Hootsuite and you can compile all kinds of link stats from inside the Hootsuite social media app or you can access the raw data directly with an api key. Ow.ly returns json data so I guess the function need to parse that for the return url. Also ow.ly requires an api key but pretty much anyone who asks get one, at least thats my impression from talking with their dev support.
It’s looking likely that Twitter is going to wrap links in its own t.co link wrapper in the near future (I haven’t fully read through the details yet). If this is the case then the need to shorten URLs in arc_twitter becomes redundant as they will not affect the character limit on tweets as they currently would. I’m therefore thinking of removing this functionality from the plugin so am not planning on adding new URL services to it at the moment. At the moment, URLs returned by Twitter used by the arc_twitter tag are in the t.co format rather than the format output by the plugin itself.
#186 2011-09-12 18:52:57
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
I’m unhealthily excited by this! Fantastic to see the new release! Great work Andy!
#187 2011-09-12 23:51:41
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Thanks, Andy. I was wondering if the url-only-title issue was addressed in v.3? I have 2.01 and I guess I use punctuation in titles a lot. :-)
#188 2011-09-19 19:15:04
- Klikk
- New Member
- Registered: 2006-07-14
- Posts: 9
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
monkeyninja wrote:
It’s looking likely that Twitter is going to wrap links in its own t.co link wrapper in the near future (I haven’t fully read through the details yet). If this is the case then the need to shorten URLs in arc_twitter becomes redundant as they will not affect the character limit on tweets as they currently would. I’m therefore thinking of removing this functionality from the plugin so am not planning on adding new URL services to it at the moment. At the moment, URLs returned by Twitter used by the arc_twitter tag are in the t.co format rather than the format output by the plugin itself.
Ok, thanks for the reply and thanks for the great work! I have to look into this myself. Depending on how Twitter will implement this, not sure if third party shorteners will be redundant tho. For website owners, webmasters and seo proffesionals it is the analytics part of things that are interesting. Social seo analytics is in large part link tracking. Question is who and where. Need to read more… :)
#189 2011-09-21 10:51:16
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
maruchan wrote:
Thanks, Andy. I was wondering if the url-only-title issue was addressed in v.3? I have 2.01 and I guess I use punctuation in titles a lot. :-)
It should have been fixed a while back, but I need to check to be certain.
Klikk wrote:
Ok, thanks for the reply and thanks for the great work! I have to look into this myself. Depending on how Twitter will implement this, not sure if third party shorteners will be redundant tho. For website owners, webmasters and seo proffesionals it is the analytics part of things that are interesting. Social seo analytics is in large part link tracking. Question is who and where. Need to read more… :)
Twitter are introducing their own analytics in the near future. I wouldn’t be surprised if t.co links are part of this.
At the moment using URL shortners are creating a minimum of two redirects to get to the original content linked to from Twitter. This is really not great as it slows the page load so this is something I want to avoid in arc_twitter if possible. Perhaps if there is a lot of demand for non-Twitter url shortening then they can remain as an opt-in.
#190 2011-10-05 04:37:20
- Rimfya
- Member
- Registered: 2007-11-22
- Posts: 31
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Hey great plugin, what do I do if I want to show tweets from two different accounts?
#191 2011-10-13 14:25:22
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
Rimfya wrote:
Hey great plugin, what do I do if I want to show tweets from two different accounts?
There are two choices. You can show two separate timelines using the arc_twitter tag:
<txp:arc_twitter user="user1" /> <txp:arc_twitter user="user2" />
Or a combined timeline using the arc_twitter_search tag:
<txp:arc_twitter_search search="from:user1 OR from:user2" />
Full documentation of both tags can be found in the wiki.
Last edited by monkeyninja (2011-10-13 14:26:12)
#192 2011-10-21 09:45:36
Re: TXP Tweet: arc_twitter and arc_twitter_intents
I use arc_twitter 3.0
<txp:arc_twitter_follow_button user="psychomuell" count="0"/>
The issue is not valid xhtml:
<script src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"></script><a class="twitter-follow-button" data-lang="en" data-show-count="false" href="http://twitter.com/psychomuell">Follow @psychomuell</a>
Can someone help me?