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#37 2009-12-07 09:43:21

Registered: 2006-06-07
Posts: 165

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

Another feature request:

The Item dropdown menu is sorted alphabetically, which if fine. But customfields get scattered between the regular write tab elements. If you have a lot of customfields it’s hard to find them. Maybe group the customfields and add them to the bottom of the list?

Same goes for bot_admin_toolstips.

Last edited by jelle (2009-12-07 09:44:56)


#38 2009-12-07 12:33:06

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-02-14
Posts: 1,410

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

mapu wrote:

… I have a feature request though. A collapsible excerpt text area would be great. One that “remembers” its state.

Hi mapu,
The collapsible excerpt textarea should be achievable adding some simple jquery in the appropriate box.
As for the cookie there is this jquery plugin which may help. Just download the plugin, upload it in your script folder (mine is /js) and write the needed jquery code in the js box. I’ll try it myself if I found some free time.

jelle wrote:

The Item dropdown menu is sorted alphabetically, which if fine. But customfields get scattered between the regular write tab elements. If you have a lot of customfields it’s hard to find them. Maybe group the customfields and add them to the bottom of the list?

Thanks jelle, I’ll think about it.


For the collapsible excerpt write this rules in the js box, after you have attached a “collapse” class to the excerpt:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
	    $(".collapse label").click(function(){

or, if you are using hak_tinymce:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
	    $(".collapse label").click(function(){

The cookie part should be just a little more complicated. I’ll try when I can

Last edited by redbot (2009-12-07 13:54:56)


#39 2009-12-08 06:45:35

From: Munich, Germany
Registered: 2004-03-16
Posts: 141

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

redbot wrote:

For the collapsible excerpt write this rules in the js box, after you have attached a “collapse” class to the excerpt:

I’m grateful for every help because I’m an amateuer when it is going beyond HTML & CSS! ;-)

I did like you advised but it’s not working. From the source code of the write tab I can see that the javascript is injected as intended but the excerpt textarea has no .collapse class added (although the js of the plugin to add it is there).


Also tested it with the body text area. .collapse is also not being added there.


Shame on me. I Just saw that you released an update because of adding classes…. It is now working as intended! Thanks a lot!

Last edited by mapu (2009-12-08 06:50:26)


#40 2009-12-16 13:13:36

From: Ireland
Registered: 2009-02-10
Posts: 50

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

Thanks for this plugin redbot! it’s proving very useful


#41 2009-12-16 13:18:07

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 1,000

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

simoin wrote:

Thanks for this plugin redbot! it’s proving very useful

+1. I can’t express how helpful this is!


#42 2009-12-16 14:59:05

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-02-14
Posts: 1,410

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

John & Simon,
thank you. FYI As soon as possible I’ll release an updated version which addresses this request by jelle and adds some items I forgot (i.e “prev”, “next” and “create new”)


#43 2010-01-05 19:57:53

Plugin Author
From: Huddersfield
Registered: 2008-07-14
Posts: 90

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

Superb plug in!
Seems to be working fine with glz_custom_fields too(so far)!

But I did come across a problem which I think was to do with two sections that had the same several letters.
speaking & speakingcal It wouldn’t change the settings one without the other, so I could only check the box for speaking if speakingcal was on too and the same for off.

the problem was when I was trying to show only custom fields to the section speaking I updated but ignored my changes, I assume becasue I didn’t want the same for speakingcal section too.

Is it recognising the word speaking and think they are the same section?

I have change speakingcal section to something else and seems to be working now.

Just thought I’d let you know – Still love it!


#44 2010-01-05 20:27:54

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-02-14
Posts: 1,410

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

Hi Oliver, thank you for reporting.
You are right, it seems to be a bug. Unfortunately I’m rather busy at the moment so I don’t know if I’ll find the time to try to solve the problem now but I hope I’ll be able to release a new version relatively soon.


#45 2010-01-24 16:59:25

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

redbot >

This is awesome. A very nice replacement for sed_section_fields. I have a suggestion based on my own usage style.

Most of my sites most of my custom fields are used in single sections only. So the present behavior requires me to go through 20+ custom fields and switch them off in most places, whereas being able to specify multiple sections to enable/disable multiple items would be totally awesome.

  • Idea> How about adding an area with the following: two multiple selects side by side; items and sections add show and hide radio buttons and an update button. That would take care of most of my site in just a few page reloads. You could call it “Advanced Apply” and collapse it by default.

Regardless, this is a very useful plugin and very nicely implemented.

Last edited by mrdale (2010-01-24 17:14:37)


#46 2010-01-24 17:43:43

Plugin Author
From: Woodbridge, VA
Registered: 2008-06-01
Posts: 1,000

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

I also love this plugin. My usage is the same as Dale’s.


#47 2010-01-24 19:16:34

Registered: 2006-06-17
Posts: 192

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

Great plugin: A couple things I saw:
At the moment you cannot hide the Comment on/off switch, the Comment Invite or the category box from rss_unlimited_categories.


#48 2010-01-26 10:29:49

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-02-14
Posts: 1,410

Re: bot_write_tab_customize: rearrange and style items in the write tab

dl33 wrote:

…you cannot hide the Comment on/off switch, the Comment Invite or the category box from rss_unlimited_categories.

You are right. I’ll add the first two in the next release. I won’t add the category box from rss_unlimited_categories though because is a plugin-specific item. The good news is if you tell me the id of this item (or paste here the relevant html code) I’ll show you how to modify bot_wtc to make it work. (only a one-line mod is required)

mrdale wrote:

…How about adding an area with the following: two multiple selects side by side; items and sections add show and hide radio buttons and an update button….

That would be useful indeed but believe me it’s not so easy. Anyways I’m thinking about it and if I’ll have the time i’ll try to implement something similar even if I fear it won’t happen too soon.

speeke wrote:

…if I try to hide the category tags (where no categories exist), the Category 1 and 2 titles remain visible

I’ll look into it ASAP. I’m at work and haven’t a test site to experiment now

..Am I correct in assuming that the Hide sections in sections dropdown should hide the section name in the section list dropdowns for each item?

Frankly I can’t understand well what you mean… this feature hides sections in the sections dropdown in the “write” tab. Could you explain me better what you mean?


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