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#37 2009-10-09 19:59:11

Plugin Author
From: Ukraine
Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 355

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

egyarnetsky wrote:

What I am needing is the ability to forward an old section to a new section…
ie… section “blog” is changing to section “news”… I need
forwarded to…

upgrade plugin to 0.3.4a, and try it

<txp:aks_301 start="/blog/(.*)$" url="http://www.domain.com/news/$1" />

Other sample:
forwarded to…

<txp:aks_301 start="/blog/(.*?)/(.*)$" url="http://www.domain.com/news/$2/$1" />


New version aks_header 0.3.4a
  • Added mask for redirect in aks_301 tag

Last edited by makss (2016-01-16 18:40:38)

aks_cron : Cron inside Textpattern | aks_article : extended article_custom tag
aks_cache : cache for TxP | aks_dragdrop : Drag&Drop categories (article, link, image, file)


#38 2009-10-14 18:17:00

From: Madison, Indiana
Registered: 2006-11-27
Posts: 13

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

Thank you very much! It looks like it will fit the bill perfectly.

I’m getting back to my main project after a side trip, so I’ll install and try this out.


It’s not working for me at the moment. I’m going to check with my sysadmin to see if anything he implemented may be conflicting before taking the next step.

Last edited by egyarnetsky (2009-10-14 18:45:40)


#39 2010-02-11 10:28:53

Plugin Author
From: Ukraine
Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 355

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

New version aks_header 0.3.5

  • Added mask for redirect in aks_301 tag
  • Added attributes ignore and black to aks_301 tag
  • Fixed bug in strip function.

Last edited by makss (2016-01-16 18:41:02)

aks_cron : Cron inside Textpattern | aks_article : extended article_custom tag
aks_cache : cache for TxP | aks_dragdrop : Drag&Drop categories (article, link, image, file)


#40 2010-07-24 15:12:49

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,583
Website GitHub

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

Hi makss,

Just found some weird output on a site where I was using this great plugin. It seems to be stripping whitespace from inside <pre> blocks so they lose their formatting a little. e.g. instead of rendering:

<code>code block
<code>a couple of

I get:

</code> <code>code block
</code> <code>with
</code> <code>a couple of
</code> <code>rows

Which renders differently in the browser. Anything I can do to get round this? If I use nostrip="pre" it renders fine but if I use nostrip="pre,code" or leave it as default, it doesn’t. Any ideas?

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#41 2010-07-28 12:04:00

Plugin Author
From: Ukraine
Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 355

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

Bloke, thanks for feedback. Now this bug fixed. :)

New version aks_header 0.3.6

  • Fixed bug in strip function.

Last edited by makss (2016-01-16 18:41:33)

aks_cron : Cron inside Textpattern | aks_article : extended article_custom tag
aks_cache : cache for TxP | aks_dragdrop : Drag&Drop categories (article, link, image, file)


#42 2010-09-30 06:36:43

From: Corvallis, Oregon - USA
Registered: 2005-11-16
Posts: 73

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

Maybe I’m not using this in the way it was intended or possibly just plain wrong but what I want it to do is redirect the main /subscribe page to a different url (which works great) but any other existing pages should not be redirected.

<txp:aks_301 start="/subscribe" ignore="/subscribe/" url="/members/signup.php" />

This produces the correct behavior for url.com/subscribe (redirects) and url.com /subscribe/ (doesn’t redirect) but not for url.com/subscribe/policies (redirects this page)

I’ve eve tried this (ignoring a specific already existing url) but it still redirects the policies page:

<txp:aks_301 start="/subscribe" ignore="/subscribe/policies" url="/members/signup.php" />

Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong?

Edit — it appears to have been a weird caching issue, not sure if it was my browser or Textpattern, but it’s resolved itself and the <txp:aks_301 start="/subscribe" ignore="/subscribe/" url="/members/signup.php" /> is working as expected.

Last edited by visualpeople (2010-09-30 07:33:43)


#43 2010-10-18 13:49:19

Registered: 2009-11-18
Posts: 99

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

Not sure if it fits here but is there a way to properly do a 301 redirect from www to non-www with textpattern?
If I change my .htaccess I get weird results like index.php getting added to the url.


#44 2010-10-18 17:02:40

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,135
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Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

element wrote:

Not sure if it fits here but is there a way to properly do a 301 redirect from www to non-www with textpattern?
If I change my .htaccess I get weird results like index.php getting added to the url.

doesn’t fit in this thread:) Did you try…

# Redirect www to non-www
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule (.*) http://%1/$1 [R=301,L]


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^your-site.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://your-site.com/$1 [L,R=301]

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#45 2010-10-19 08:57:40

Registered: 2009-11-18
Posts: 99

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

Of course I tried. Why does index.php get added when it converts from www to no www?

Don’t want to hijack the thread, so I started a new one here: http://forum.textpattern.com/viewtopic.php?id=34809

Last edited by element (2010-10-19 09:18:31)


#46 2012-08-21 17:16:52

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

I have a section that outputs an ical file. Right now it just wants to save the file with the section name; “ical”. What I’d like it to do is save the file with the name “calendar.ics”.

Here’s my code.

<txp:aks_header file="1" name="Content-Type" value="text/calendar" strip="0" gzip="0" nodebug="0" />

I hacked the plugin to add the line 'ics' => 'text/calendar' in $ext=array(

Any ideas people?

Last edited by mrdale (2012-08-21 17:24:47)


#47 2012-08-21 19:18:37

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

mrdale wrote:

I hacked the plugin to add the line ‘ics’ => ‘text/calendar’ in $ext=array(

I don’t think such hack is doing much of anything. Since you are already setting the content-type header in the tag itself, that addition will not add anything new to the game, and the extension to header mapping is deployed when the page’s URL ends with an extension.

While undocumented, it seems that the extension mapping only works for individual articles. The plugin uses article’s URL title field to get the requested locations “file extension”. Which is all fine, but this URL title is only available for articles. I’m not entirely sure if that is intentional behavior. I can say the regular expression that is used for picking the extension isn’t, and doesn’t seem right. The plugin would be better off with pathinfo which is also offers significantly better performance compared to a regular expression.

Any ideas people?

Most browsers use as or suggest as the file name either:

  • Requested resource’s name which in your case is ical (the name of the section).
  • Content-Disposition HTTP header’s filename field.

To offer a calendar.ics as the “file’s” name, set a Content-Disposition header’s filename field. You should be able to do that with aks_header as you did with the Content-type header. It’s just a header where the rest of them:

<txp:aks_header name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment; filename=""calendar.ics""" />

Note the quotes and the value escaping. Looks funky, but it’s intentional.

Alternatively you can set such headers and generate those files using other tools. Plain PHP is always an option, these thing are not impressively complicated and sending HTTP headers requires just a line of code. Since the code is simple it can be wrapped in rah_function too, offering very much XML like presentation. If you are already using rah_external_output’s, you could also use it’s form partial (snippet) to generate and deliver the iCal file:

; Content-Type: text/calendar
; Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="calendar.ics"

	Any markup here that generates the iCal's calender file

Things are simple in raw PHP too. The following offers the same functionality as these plugins when used in the page template:

	header('Content-type: text/calendar');
	header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="calendar.ics"');

The above can be wrapped in a rah_function:

<txp:rah_function call="header" header="Content-type: text/calendar" />
<txp:rah_function call="header" header="Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""calendar.ics""" />

Last edited by Gocom (2012-08-21 19:19:17)


#48 2012-08-21 20:02:13

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: aks_header : Compress your pages on the fly. Strip white spaces + gzip

Thanks… does that mean I should do that in addition to my original call?

nevermind. I just used the php snippet.

Last edited by mrdale (2012-08-21 20:29:42)


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