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Re: rah_external_output
Version 0.5 of rah_external_output released. 0.5 adds disable and activate actions to the multiedit feature. Wonderland, the download and a some whatever plugin.
sacripant wrote:
Is it possible for this plugin to manage “charset” , “Content-Disposition” and “filename”?
Thank you for suggestion sacripant. You will see improved header editor in 0.6. Possibly advanced settings which allow the user to add multiple header lines into one content-type.
Last edited by Gocom (2010-04-11 17:35:45)
Re: rah_external_output
Any idea why adi_calc wouldn’t work in an exteral output?
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Re: rah_external_output
MattD wrote:
Any idea why adi_calc wouldn’t work in an exteral output?
It works :-) you just have to set the load order value to lower than rah_external_output’s (like for example to 4 and rah_external_output to 5). Otherwise adi_calc can’t initialize the code before rah_external_output. Same rule applies to all plugins.
Re: rah_external_output
Hi, I am attempting to use rah_external_output to generate an XML playlist for this player:
(Note: My real domain is disguised in the examples below.)
I created a snippet like this:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<playlist><txp:file_download_list category=“mycategory” form=“playerFiles” /></playlist>
The snippet’s content-type is text/xml
The form “playerFiles” looks like this:
<title><txp:file_download_description /></title>
<artist>My Name</artist>
<path>http://www.mydomain.com/files/<txp:file_download_name /></path></item>
If I point my browser to:
I get XML output that matches the required playlist.
I uploaded the player SWF and embed code to my server. The embed code looks like:
<script type=“text/javascript” src=“http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/swfobject/2.2/swfobject.js”></script>
<div id=“player-holder”></div>
<script type=“text/javascript”>
var options = {};
options.playlistXmlPath = “http://www.mydomain.com?rah_external_output=playerTom”;
swfobject.embedSWF(“http://www.mydomain.com/audio/test/OriginalMusicPlayerPlaylist.swf”, “player-holder”, “250”, “250”, “9.0.0”,false, options, {}, {});
Everything seems OK, but the when I load the HTML page with the embed code, the SWF appears but does not load the playlist. Looking in the Activity window of Safari, I see two strange things:
1) The address of the playlist has “crossdomain.xml” appended to it:
2) Activity shows one error: “The URL can’t be shown” error is associated with the address (generated by Javascript)
Can anyone tell me what’s going on here? Why doesn’t the SWF recognize the output? Is there another player that is proven to work with this plugin?
EDIT: If I use the tag in a page…
<txp:rah_external_output name=“playerTom” />
…and create a section using the page, then the playlist loads. Would prefer not to do it this way, however, as my application needs to support multiple file categories and I don’t want to make a section and page for every category.
Last edited by jsanto (2010-07-05 18:08:23)
Re: rah_external_output
What’s the best method to output MLP (multilanguage) articles in XML through rah_external_output?
In past few projects I was using a category to assign language to article. In that case I would make 2 different rah_external_output’s (one for each lang.) like…
<txp:article_custom category1="serbian" />
and <txp:article_custom category1="english" />
. It work’s fine, but I would like not to use category, but to use MLP plugin. I want to get XML like
<articles> on english </articles>
<articles> on serbia </articles>
I dont care even to use more different output’s, but to make it with MLP. Any ides?
Re: rah_external_output
Last edited by scottcal (2010-09-09 00:59:05)
Re: rah_external_output
Last edited by scottcal (2010-09-09 00:01:34)
#56 2010-09-26 18:29:12
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: rah_external_output
This is such a dam cool plugin for feeding Flash with TXP content! Million thanks, Jukka! Works with beauty and elegance everywhere I needed it until.
Just one thing I don’t understand is why in one special case I can’t use its output directly. The code in question an external_output form is
<content width="600" height="432" hcover="true" transparency="true" >
<txp:rah_repeat value='<txp:adi_gps name="abbs" />'>
src="<txp:site_url />images/<txp:rah_repeat_value />.jpg"
The direct output, read by a Flash file, produces a loading icon that’s spinning endlessly. If, however, I open a browser window accessing the external_output via mysite.com/?rah_external_output=FlashFlipBookSeiten&id=4
, copy the code it creates and paste it back into the form it created, only then the flash file can query the desired content.
Do you have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
Last edited by uli (2010-09-26 18:53:38)
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
Re: rah_external_output
uli wrote:
This is such a dam cool plugin for feeding Flash with TXP content! Million thanks, Jukka!
Thank you, Uli :-)
parameter is reserved by Textpattern. It is used to fetch articles by ID, but the plugin won’t really follow contextes. I suggests changing it, even that the plugin should take action before TXP’s article context related code.
[...]value='<txp:adi_gps name="abbs" />[...]
Make sure the parameter is feeded by the Flash thing.
Last edited by Gocom (2010-09-26 19:56:28)
#58 2010-09-26 23:55:59
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: rah_external_output
Thanks for your answer, Jukka.
Though my solution mostly seems to work (by injecting article related info into rah_eo per adi_gps), I think I haven’t really understood its concept. So I’ll have to ask dumb questions.
I think I should annotate that I’m trying to pass the article information from the article itself to a new window with the flash movie.
Gocom wrote:
but the plugin won’t really follow contextes. I suggests changing it, even that the plugin should take action before TXP’s article context related code.
How would I do so in this “open a new window” context?
[From the plugin help]
The tag is a secondary feature, and the automatic URL call method should be preferred over the tag.
At the moment, this is unclear to me, both how the tag itself can be used and how the automatic URL call can be applied.
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
Re: rah_external_output
uli wrote:
How would I do so in this “open a new window” context?
In your example you’re not using the id which you suplied in your URL.
At the moment, this is unclear to me, both how the tag itself can be used and how the automatic URL call can be applied.
The external output is located in example.com/?rah_external_output=name
. There is nothing more to it.
#60 2010-10-19 18:33:33
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,311
Re: rah_external_output
Jukka, sorry that I didn’t come back here for so long now. The Flash project was a voluntary work I had to put aside for a real job, and was stopped in the meantime.
Thanks for offering your help :)
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links