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#85 2010-04-13 12:39:43

Registered: 2010-04-13
Posts: 11

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

You’re rigth – the path does look funny indeed, but I guess it’s the actual path at the hosting server?
My path is www.papskubber.dk

I have the plugins “act_if_mobile” and “tru_tags” running with no problem, but they don’t draw on external .inc files .. so that might be it ?
I’ve put the simplepie compatibility test here: http://papskubber.dk/textpattern/lib/compatibility_test/sp_compatibility_test.php ..

I’ve no idea where the ‘httpd.www’ comes from .. my ftp access to the subdirectory points to /textpattern/lib/ and the aks_rss plugin is installed with no modifications and simply “turned active” with the YES/NO method in txp-admin

Last edited by bojay (2010-04-13 12:44:37)


#86 2010-04-13 13:04:11

Plugin Author
From: Ukraine
Registered: 2008-10-21
Posts: 355

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

merz1 wrote:

“@BlasterBo: @Markus_Merz Thanks for the tip .. but it seems the simplepie.inc file (also used by aks_rss) is my issue – are you running it on php5.3.2 ?”

Notice: Undefined offset: 8192 in /customers/papskubber.dk/papskubber.dk/httpd.www/textpattern/lib/simplepie.inc  on line 737
Tag error:  <txp:aks_rss feed="http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_tech.rss" form="rss"  order="desc" wraptag="ul" /> ->  : Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated  on line 737

Simplepie project not fully compatibility with PHP 5.3 and uses some deprecated references . This is only Notice.

Hide warning, set in php.ini or .htaccess:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED

or set in Textpattern Production Status to Live (menu Admin \ Preferences \ Production Status)

aks_cron : Cron inside Textpattern | aks_article : extended article_custom tag
aks_cache : cache for TxP | aks_dragdrop : Drag&Drop categories (article, link, image, file)


#87 2010-04-13 13:26:36

Registered: 2010-04-13
Posts: 11

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

I’ve set the production state to “Live” in TXP preferences .. and this hid the errors allright, but isn’t a fix as-such and the plugin don’t parse the example rss.

Can anyone tell me if simplepie is able to produce output (any at all) in PHP 5.3.2 hence “Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated” ?

or is my issue the wired path: “/httpd.www/textpattern/lib/simplepie.inc” .. even though it’s an odd path, the script does seem to run.
again – I’m not PHP sawy by any standard, so I could be wrong in this assesment?!


#88 2010-04-13 14:21:31

From: Hamburg
Registered: 2006-05-04
Posts: 994

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Re. path: Please check your Textpattern diagnostics & esp.:

Document Root:
Textpattern-Pfad (should be ‘path’ in english):

The weird part is /customers/papskubber.dk/ papskubber.dk/httpd.www/ textpattern/lib/simplepie.inc

You should involve your ISP and file a ticket about this path issue. Maybe they can help

Last edited by merz1 (2010-04-13 14:25:13)

Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML


#89 2010-04-13 14:39:44

Registered: 2010-04-13
Posts: 11

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

ah thanks – this looks like it could lead to something.
In my diagnostic window in TXP the $path_to_site is this:

$path_to_site: /customers/papskubber.dk/papskubber.dk/httpd.www

Should this point to the clean URL of the domain only ?
Does the plugin require this value to be read otherwise .. or are your guess that the plugin simply isn’t exuceted at all ??

But weather or not this is a funny sub-path, the $path_to_site var does return the folder, and I have no reason to belive that this isn’t the folder structure on the server.

Thanks in advance

Last edited by bojay (2010-04-13 14:46:52)


#90 2010-04-13 15:17:32

From: Hamburg
Registered: 2006-05-04
Posts: 994

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

To tell you the truth: I have no idea but I would bet that this is a web server configuration issue and not a problem with aks_rss and/or the PHP version.

The odd thing (from the outside!) is that papskubber.dk/textpattern/lib/simplepie.inc is working and http://papskubber.dk/papskubber.dk/httpd.www/textpattern/lib/simplepie.inc is returning a 404 error.

Btw.: The same for http://papskubber.dk/papskubber.dk/httpd.www which should return the site root if the configuration would be OK. Please contact your ISP about this path issue!

Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML


#91 2010-04-13 16:44:37

Registered: 2010-04-13
Posts: 11

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

For now I’ve written my hosting company (not my ISP) asking for a setting in my setup or method to ensure that the string returned by $path_to_site is a prefix I can use to hit and contact the (.inc) files in the sub-directories.

Feedback from the host:
They state that the $path_to_site is something I’ve control over myself .. ie: I’ve set the variable (somewhere) or TXP has gotten the path wrong somehow and set the variable. The host have no problem in that php-var containing the correct url to the site.

So .. does anyone know where to set that variable manually / correct it ?
I’m guessing it’s part of txp’s internal variable-set.

The site hasn’t been moved since install and I’m 100% sure I havn’t entered the ../httpd.www… adress.

Hoping that the variable resides in some ini file somewhere, but would love to get feedback from others who’ve had to manually overwrite $path_to_site

Thanks again !!

Last edited by bojay (2010-04-14 20:39:50)


#92 2010-04-14 21:31:46

Registered: 2010-04-13
Posts: 11

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Through PhpMyAdmin I’ve found the database entry called “path_to_site” in the txp_prefs table, wich contains the /customer/…./httpd.www string.
I’ve changed it to be: http://papskubber.dk but once I run the diagnostic I’m hit with an error stating that http://papskubber.dk/index.php isn’t accable. (I would very much thing is was so .. ) but the diagnose writes the path as I would imagine it to be right.

The funny thing is that after I run the site or the diagnostic once the variable gets reset back to
$path_to_site: /customers/papskubber.dk/papskubber.dk/httpd.www

So textpattern donsn’t just read the string.

But for what it’s worth I guess it tells me that the plugin isn’t the faulty bit here :-)


#93 2010-04-15 12:54:43

From: Hamburg
Registered: 2006-05-04
Posts: 994

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

@bojay As this issue seems to become pretty off topic here (for this aks_rss thread) I recommend to open a (one!) new thread in a general forum. Oh, and don’t forget to search/grep your local configuration files, TXP documentation & forum for “$path_to_site”. Maybe you find a solution faster this way.

  1. Just start a thread with an appropriate title, “How and where to fix wrong TXP $path_to_site on server” comes to my mind.
  2. Then describe the problem and link to the first comment (here) where the issue starts so that others can get an overview.
  3. Comment here with a link to the new thread so that we know where to find you :)

I guess this is the right approach to find help for your specific issue inside this TXP forum.

Last edited by merz1 (2010-04-15 12:56:25)

Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML


#94 2010-05-31 21:49:42

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,702

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Very nice makss! Used it for the first time today and had no problems pulling in a facebook feed and formatting it to match the rest of the site.

One idea: Would it be possible to use aks_rss_short as a container tag in the form, e.g. <txp:aks_rss_short words="25"><txp:title /></txp:aks_rss_short>? The facebook writers of the feed I accessed have not been very consistent, so sometimes there are posts with no title, sometimes with 2-3 lines, sometimes with 5 paragraphs!! For the moment I just edited the source so that shortdesc also applied to the title field.

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#95 2010-06-01 11:42:14

From: Hamburg
Registered: 2006-05-04
Posts: 994

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

jakob So you are asking for a complimentary shorttitle attribute?

Did you edit the simplepie.inc to achieve title shortening?
AFAIK this feature is not available in the original.

Last edited by merz1 (2010-06-01 11:42:35)

Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML


#96 2010-06-01 11:51:49

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,702

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Did you edit the simplepie.inc to achieve title shortening?

No, I changed line 199 in the aks_rss source to read:

$out['title'] = aks_rss_short($item->get_title(), $shortdesc);

analog to the similar lines for body and excerpt a couple of lines further down. I noticed from looking at the code that makss has already made a standalone function aks_rss_short, so I wondered whether that could simply be used in the form so you can shorten whatever you wish.

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


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