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#133 2011-07-06 23:54:48

Registered: 2010-03-01
Posts: 216

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator


I should have said simple “tag,” which is this: <txp:aks_rss limit=“8” form=“feed_listing” feed=“http://vahomeschoolers.org/blog/feed/” />

The content from that website is simply not viewing on my page.

Living the Location-Independent Life: www.NuNomad.com


#134 2011-07-11 16:50:17

Registered: 2010-03-01
Posts: 216

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

I’m frustrated. I’m using the aks_rss tag as indicated above and it will not show anything (I get this error message on the top of my page: “A feed could not be found at http://vahomeschoolers.org/blog/feed/”). But when I swap the feed link to another (http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/rss.xml) it views. And, as Markus pointed out in his Simple Pie demo, it shows there.

Could the problem be that I’m required to use Simple Pie with the aks_rss plug-in for this feed location?

Perhaps someone has an alternative tag example I could try?

Thanks for your patience with me.

Living the Location-Independent Life: www.NuNomad.com


#135 2011-07-11 21:18:29

From: Hamburg
Registered: 2006-05-04
Posts: 994

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

And, as Markus pointed out in his Simple Pie demo, it shows there.

It is not my SP demo. It’s their standard demo page.
Nevertheless this demo page is my fast standard check for feeds.
Oh, 1st I open the feed URL in Firefox (and check it) and from there I have a ‘subscribe with SimplePie’ which is explained somewhere on the SP site how to do it and which is the convenient way to hand over the feed to the demo page.

Could the problem be that I’m required to use Simple Pie with the aks_rss plug-in for this feed location?

AFAIK (pretty sure) aks_rss uses the SimplePie library

Perhaps someone has an alternative tag example I could try?

I am still using the original SimplePie Textpattern plug-in v.1.2.2. AFAIK with the latest SimplePie library file.

Richard a fast check if the feed is not in the page. Just to make sure that the output is not hidden for what ever obscure reason:

  1. wrap aks_rss tag in HTML comments
  2. Do a forced reload in your browser for that page/article
  3. Check for the comments and what is between them in the HTML source code

Richard, a fast check if the feed is fetched by the plug-in and make sure you have a fresh feed file:

  1. Empty the SimplePie cache directory on the server
  2. Do a forced reload in your browser for that page/article (and check page/HTML :)
  3. Check the SimplePie cache directory on the server for the cached feed file
  4. If file is there open it with text editor and check if the XML contains the correct content

Let us know.

Last edited by merz1 (2011-07-11 21:20:02)

Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML


#136 2011-07-28 15:07:56

Plugin Author
From: Berlin
Registered: 2006-07-06
Posts: 687
Website Mastodon

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Nice plugin, thank you.

A hole turned upside down is a dome, when there’s also gravity.


#137 2012-01-06 00:58:08

Registered: 2007-01-16
Posts: 301

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

I’m trying to upgrade from bit_rss to aks_rss and I’m just not sure how to reformulate my forms and tags. Here is what I have for bit_rss (four forms/tags):

form rss:

    <h3><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink></h3>
        <p><txp:rss_auto_excerpt words="75" showlinkwithexcerpt="0" /></p>
        <p align="right" class="smallcaps"><em>~ <txp:posted /></em><br><txp:permlink>Go To Entry</txp:permlink> &rarr;</p>

example tag:

<txp:rah_function call="strip_tags" allowed_tags="<a><p><br><em><strong><i><b><u><h1><h2><h3><form><input><span><div><table><td><tr><th><thead><tbody><blockquote>">
		<txp:bit_rss feed="http://opalcat.livejournal.com/data/atom" limit="4" form="rss" wraptag="p" />

form rss_forum

    <span class="forum_title"><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink></span>, <span class="small"><em>latest post <txp:posted /></em></span> <!--span class="smallcaps"> ~    
 <txp:permlink>Read Thread</txp:permlink> &rarr;</span--><br />

example tag:

<txp:bit_rss feed="http://fff.fathom.org/forums/external.php?type=rss2" limit="10" form="rss_forum" />

form rss_gallery

    <td width="33%"><h3><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink></h3>
    <p><txp:rss_auto_excerpt words="75" showlinkwithexcerpt="0" /></p>
    <p class="smallcaps"><txp:permlink>View Album</txp:permlink> &rarr;</p></td>

example tag:

<txp:rah_function call="html_entity_decode">
		<txp:bit_rss feed="http://gallery2.opalcat.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=rss.Render&g2_name=OpalCat%27s+Gallery+Feed" limit="3" form="rss_gallery" cache_dir="/home2/juggler1/public_html/opalcat/textpattern/cache/" />

form rss_googleplus

    <a href="https://plus.google.com/109656880045202933892/about"><img src="/images/243.jpg" width="30" height="30" alt="Google+ Profile" title="Google+ Profile" align="left" vspace="5" hspace="5" border="0" /></a><span class="forum_title"><txp:permlink><txp:title />...</txp:permlink></span> 
    <span class="small"><em>Posted <txp:posted /></em></span> <!--span class="smallcaps"> ~ <txp:permlink>Go to entry</txp:permlink> &rarr;</span--><br clear="all"/>

example tag:

<txp:bit_rss feed="http://gplusrss.com/rss/feed/5058dfd7e29c9972330215aecdbc2dc94f75300918013" limit="3"  form="rss_googleplus"  />

Can someone show me how to get the same results with aks_rss?

Last edited by WebKat (2012-03-30 17:22:02)



#138 2012-03-30 17:13:22

Registered: 2007-01-16
Posts: 301

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

I don’t have a lot of cash these days (who does?) but I can shell out $20 to someone who can port over my bit_rss stuff (4 form templates, basically, and making sure I have the right tag to call the feed on my page template) to aks_rss, including updating SimplePie if it needs it… my current one says:

// SimplePie Info
	var $name = 'SimplePie';
	var $version = '1.0 b3.2';
	var $build = '20061124';

Alternately, I can trade with you for this, either your choice of 6 tubes of handmade lip balm from my site here: Opal Essence All Natural or I can trade you a fine art print of one of my paintings or photograms from my Specials page here (the first one listed, the 18” × 12.5” one, is excempted… all the others are available for trade).

Normally I’d just slog through and try to figure it out on my own, but you would not believe the number of projects I have going right now—I am way too busy to figure this out. Anyone game?



#139 2013-02-13 15:27:12

From: Grünberg/Hessen/DE
Registered: 2013-01-22
Posts: 38

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Hello there.

I have just installed the aks_rss plugin, but i got these Error’s in the Admin-panel when try to activate:

get_off_my_lawn: plugin, switch_status

Do i need to install anything else here?

<TXP:n00b />


#140 2013-02-13 17:35:54

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,306

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Please have a look whether anything from this topic can help you, e.g. emptying the cache.

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#141 2013-02-14 16:53:06

New Member
Registered: 2008-01-22
Posts: 4

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Is there any way of parsing an rss feed so each item in the feed is assigned to separate article?

Right now the only way is to isert a whole feed in one single article (or form etc.)


#142 2013-02-16 10:28:40

Registered: 2010-11-11
Posts: 5,131
Website GitHub

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

libero wrote:

Is there any way of parsing an rss feed so each item in the feed is assigned to separate article?

I don’t think there is an easy way to “fake” full-featured articles, you will need to save the feeds in your textpattern table (smd_query plugin can help). But if you only want to show one feed (disguised as article) by page, that’s feasible, just create an appropriate individual article form.


#143 2013-02-17 04:26:01

From: Pottsville, NSW
Registered: 2005-07-06
Posts: 859

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

Yes – I remember seeing it in an example with smd_xml here


#144 2013-02-17 07:18:28

From: Hamburg
Registered: 2006-05-04
Posts: 994

Re: aks_rss : RSS parser and aggregator

libero wrote:

Is there any way of parsing an rss feed so each item in the feed is assigned to separate article?

Be warned: It might get messy and the plug-in is not supported!

Look for plug-in asv_tumblelog. I used asv_tumblelog to import del.icio.us bookmarks as single articles which worked perfectly well.

Try asv_tumblelog 1st (!) in a fresh TXP installation to see if you can achieve what you want.
Only then reproduce/install in your normal TXP site.

Get all online mentions of Textpattern via OPML subscription: TXP Info Sources: Textpattern RSS feeds as dynamic OPML


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