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#13 2009-02-23 12:27:40

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,293
Website GitHub

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

the_ghost wrote:

the size of backup will vary from one site to another.

Yes. I use too many plugins — my average DB size is 2-3Mb. Without automatic rotation, a daily “incremental” (in the loose sense of the word) across my 6 TXP installs would chew up 10-20Mb a day :-\

faster to import my own backup sql, than write a ticket, wait for response, write an argument why to restore backup, wait again for response and so on

True. Host support does often suck. Certainly backing your own stuff up is preferable. I just tend to do it ad-hoc (usually when I’m about to make big changes I might need to undo) rather than on a scheduled basis. Maybe it’s just me as I like to do things by hand!

Last edited by Bloke (2009-02-23 12:28:54)

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#14 2009-02-23 13:28:45

From: Hamburg
Registered: 2006-05-04
Posts: 994

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

Another short thought: Create a backup set

My provider (if I get it right) only allows one backup file to be up to two MB. Scratching that limit I think that a batch backup option makes sense:

  • Create a new directory
  • Backup every single table as one zipped backup file
  • ‘Restore’ should be adopted to ‘batch backup’ accordingly

Without that ‘batch backup option’ I must manually backup every single table.

Does that make sense?

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#15 2009-02-23 13:45:46

Registered: 2005-05-10
Posts: 698

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

Can backup be the default tab. To make it easier for clients


#16 2009-06-22 01:51:16

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

Those of you for whom the backup/restore portion of Rob’s plugin does not work: does that same server have PHP’s safe mode enabled?


#17 2009-06-22 02:37:33

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

merz1 wrote:

Another short thought: Create a backup set

My provider (if I get it right) only allows one backup file to be up to two MB. Scratching that limit I think that a batch backup option makes sense:

So basically your dump command is limited or the query size? Or the file size? Which?

Mary wrote:

Those of you for whom the backup/restore portion of Rob’s plugin does not work: does that same server have PHP’s safe mode enabled?

For me just dump and other high level db talk command are just disabled. It’s really usual in cheap web hosting biz. Only way around it is to use export library (like phpmyadmin’s).

Last edited by Gocom (2009-06-22 02:51:17)


#18 2009-06-22 09:41:00

From: Hamburg
Registered: 2006-05-04
Posts: 994

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

So basically your dump command is limited or the query size? Or the file size? Which?

I think it’s the file size which is limited but I have no chance to test it right now.

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#19 2009-06-22 10:31:57

Developer Emeritus
From: Schoerfling, Austria
Registered: 2005-06-06
Posts: 3,324
Website Mastodon

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

Mary wrote:

Those of you for whom the backup/restore portion of Rob’s plugin does not work: does that same server have PHP’s safe mode enabled?

  • safe_mode: on
  • $backup_cmd: mysqldump -h127.0.0.1 -u... -p... --add-drop-table --skip-lock-tables dbname > /[...].sql
  • result from popen($backup_cmd, 'r') in $dumpIt on line #36: NULL


#20 2009-06-23 15:40:39

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

Thanks Jukka and Robert. Anyone else?


#21 2009-06-24 02:31:41

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

Just happened on this one, and I thought “nice work, darth mary!” Looking forward to seeing this.


#22 2009-08-22 20:03:57

Plugin Author
From: Toronto
Registered: 2006-06-11
Posts: 1,197

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

any updates on this?

Last edited by iblastoff (2009-08-22 20:04:06)


#23 2009-08-23 10:26:25

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress

No major updates to report, other than Nora Brown has agreed to help with the interface design.


#24 2009-10-30 10:32:55

From: Nottingham, UK
Registered: 2009-03-23
Posts: 19

Re: upm_db_admin: Requests and Progress


Great to see this plugin being developed – it will be a lot quicker than using PHPMyAdmin :)



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