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#325 2016-04-21 16:23:07

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 1,379
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

Just tried to install and got an error on my 4.6-dev version on PHP7:

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_get_server_info() in /home/redacted/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1369) : eval()'d code:703 Stack trace: #0 /home/redacted/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1369) : eval()'d code(179): smd_tags_table_install(0) #1 /home/redacted/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1896): smd_tags_welcome('plugin_lifecycl...', 'installed') #2 /home/redacted/textpattern/include/txp_plugin.php(538): callback_event('plugin_lifecycl...', 'installed') #3 /home/redacted/textpattern/include/txp_plugin.php(50): plugin_install() #4 /home/redacted/textpattern/index.php(211): include('/home/redacted/...') #5 {main} thrown in /home/redacted/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1369) : eval()'d code on line 703


#326 2016-04-22 08:39:56

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

lazlo wrote #298648:

When I install I do not see these mentioned buttons <snip> and when I try import from rss_unlimited_categories nothing happens.

If you’ve done a hard page refresh then I guess the plugin’s bust. Do you have any luck by replacing it with the version on github? I’ll investigate anyway as the plugin is in dire need of some visual love to bring it up-to-date with 4.5 and 4.6.

michaelkpate wrote #298763:

Call to undefined function mysql_get_server_info()

Yeah, the plugin’s no good on PHP7 because they’ve removed the mysql_* calls. Will patch.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#327 2016-04-22 19:54:53

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 322
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

giz wrote #298575:

Am I missing something, or misinterpreting how to use match="tag_title" in smd_related_tags?




#328 2016-04-24 19:49:17

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

giz wrote #298575:

Am I missing something, or misinterpreting how to use match="tag_title" in smd_related_tags?

I tried to replicate your setup but ran into some plugin snags along the way (tsk, I really need to work out how to use my own plugins properly!)

Anyway, when I resolved my configuration issues I started to put a test case together and got waylaid, sorry. I’ll try and run the tests as soon as I can today or tomorrow at the latest and report back.

Are you on 4.5.7 with the latest version of the plugin?

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#329 2016-04-24 20:52:51

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 322
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

Bloke wrote #298797:

Are you on 4.5.7 with the latest version of the plugin?

Thanks, Stef. I’m running TXP 4.5.7 & smd_tags v0.50.

smd_tags enabled in
Articles, Images
Link tags to categories
Permit parent tag selection
Master parent tag


#330 2016-04-26 23:45:56

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,566
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

giz wrote #298575:

<txp:smd_related_tags match="tag_title" />

Looks like a confirmed bug, thanks for finding it.

The plugin is creating a wrong query, still matching on tag_name instead of matching on what you asked. I’ll need to dig into the code deeper to find out why and fix it. During the bug tracking process I’ve found some additional aggregation errors in the smd_related_tags query, thanks to another strict setting in my new database version, so I’ll need to fix those too.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#331 2016-04-27 20:09:36

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 322
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

Thanks for a really useful plugin; looking forward to the next revision.

Good luck in your bug-squashing!

Last edited by giz (2016-04-27 20:10:02)


#332 2016-05-31 20:56:50

From: New Zealand
Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 322
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

I think I uncovered another bug, this time when smd_tags is used with images :(

If you replace an image, the smd_tags widget disappears after the new image has uploaded. It reappears if you save and reopen the image, but any previously selected tags have gone i.e. one needs to reselect them.

Not a deal-breaker, just a pain when you’re faced with hundreds of images to replace with higher res versions :)


#333 2016-06-02 15:14:01

From: Avon Park, FL
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 1,379
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

Just tried to install smd_tags on 4.6.0-beta

Clicking “Install tables” generates:

I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t do that; smd_tags smd_tags_table_install is an unsafe operation.


#334 2016-06-02 15:53:37

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,566
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

michaelkpate wrote #299419:

smd_tags_table_install is an unsafe operation

This has been fixed in the next release. You might want to roll that one-line fix to your version for now. Or paste the latest code from GitHub over your existing version. Use the Plugin Composer if you wish as that’ll update the entire file using the template format on GitHub, or just copy the Code Block if using Admin->Plugins. Sorry for the hassle.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#335 2016-09-05 08:45:58

Plugin Author
From: Nantes, France
Registered: 2009-03-19
Posts: 237
Website GitHub Mastodon

Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

Hello Bloke,
I had this error when trying to install your plugin

Uncaught Error: 
 Call to undefined function mysql_get_server_info() in /home/lereacteur/www/smarttleads/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1369) : eval()'d code:705 
Stack trace: 
 #0 /home/lereacteur/www/smarttleads/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1369) : eval()'d code(181): smd_tags_table_install(0) 
 #1 /home/lereacteur/www/smarttleads/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1896): smd_tags_welcome('plugin_lifecycl...', 'installed') 
 #2 /home/lereacteur/www/smarttleads/textpattern/include/txp_plugin.php(538): callback_event('plugin_lifecycl...', 'installed') 
 #3 /home/lereacteur/www/smarttleads/textpattern/include/txp_plugin.php(50): plugin_install() 
 #4 /home/lereacteur/www/smarttleads/textpattern/index.php(211): include('/home/lereacteu...') 
 #5 {main} thrown in /home/lereacteur/www/smarttleads/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php(1369) : eval()'d code on line 705

With a Textpattern 4.6.0-beta
What do I do ? :)


#336 2016-09-05 12:45:21

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,566
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Re: smd_tags: unlimited article, image, file and link taxonomy

planeth wrote #301054:

Uncaught Error:...

That’s a PHP 7 issue and was the least of the plugin’s problems, thanks for the report.

I’ve had a go at fixing the major compatibility bugs for 4.6. Please try that (uncompiled) version and let me know how it goes. The UI is still all squiffy but I’ll get to that in due course.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


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