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Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
Trying out this plugin, but unsuccesful. My form looks like below, however I end up with all my article titles but no bodies.
<div id=“article”>
<h3><txp:permlink><strong><txp:title /></strong></txp:permlink>
<txp:posted /></h3>
<div class=“txt”><txp:body /></div>
<txp:kgr_safe_excerpt words=“100” linktext=“Read more…” />
<p style=“text-align: center”><img src=”/images/45.jpg”/></p>
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
sorry if this is completely off base.. but did you check that the plugin is turned on (to Yes) in the admin/plugins tab?
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Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
Doh! It has been many months since I installed a new plugin, that was the problem. Thanks!
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
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#41 2005-06-12 15:56:27
- Coin
- New Member
- Registered: 2005-06-01
- Posts: 2
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
Just wondering, is there anyway of it being modified so that it showed the number of words, but only to the nearest “.” ? So, say I have words=“55” and after word #49 there is a “.”, it would cut out words #50-55? So that it doesn’t cut in the middle of a sentence?
I guess placing “…” in the plugin after the post will suffice for the moment, but a thought nevertheless (I’m a bit useless at PHP honestly…)
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
I have installed this plugin, but it does not seem to be working properly. I am new to TXP so I could be that I haven’t set something right.
I have a section on the site I am working on that is set up as a blog. I have created a template for that section called blog and in the code I am calling the form that I created in < txp: article form=“blog” />. My form is called blog and it looks like this:
<h3><txp:permlink><txp:title /></txp:permlink> :: <txp:posted /></h3>
<txp:body />
<txp:kgr_safe_excerpt words=“150” linktext=“Read more…” />
<br /><br />
But when I view the page (http://dev.matthewpaulturner.net/blog) I see the posting, looks like a repeat of the first paragraph & then the “Read more…” link. I just want to show the first 150 words of the article, but it doesn’t seem to be working. Any ideas?
“On the run from Johnny Law… ain’t no trip to Cleveland.”
#43 2005-06-13 20:45:26
- vagari
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-08-25
- Posts: 19
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
Remove <code><txp:body /></code> from your form, you’re basically telling it to show it twice. This plugin replaces the <code><txp:body /></code> element in the form.
Last edited by vagari (2005-06-13 20:46:29)
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
Awesome! Thanks vagari!
One more question. Is there a way to allow the /blog article to still show a posted image? The top article has an image and when I removed the <pre><txp: body /></pre> tag the image is no longer in the excerpt?
Thanks again for your help!
“On the run from Johnny Law… ain’t no trip to Cleveland.”
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
I just used the ‘excerpt’ field and called the image in there. That will work just fine for now. Thanks again for the help! Thanks to Kurt for the great plugin!
“On the run from Johnny Law… ain’t no trip to Cleveland.”
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
Hello KurtRaschke,
I have made a few changes to the code of your plugin! Have a look maybe you like them maybe not. It will now strip the paragraph tag from the excerpt and gets a new attribute styleclass wich wraps the link in a span-tag with the given class name!
Here it is:
function kgr_safe_excerpt($atts) {
if (is_array($atts)) extract($atts);
//added function to strip tag(s)
function strip_chars($string,$chars) {
$tags_to_strip = $chars;
Last edited by ifeelcool.com (2005-06-22 13:33:02)
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
Hey Kurt,
Great job on the plugin. I have a quick question for you. Is there any way to get around the kgr_safe_excerpt hiding article images if your article reaches your defined word limit? My setup looks like this: <code><txp:kgr_safe_excerpt words=“100” linktext=“read more »” /></code>. If I have an image in that article and it’s word count is past 100 it does it’s job, but it also hides the image. Any way around that?
Also how would I add in an anchor class to the href the plugin creates?
Thanks for your help!
ps: I’m running Textpattern · 4.0.2
“On the run from Johnny Law… ain’t no trip to Cleveland.”
Re: [archived] kgr_safe_excerpt
Can you repost your mod of the kgr_safe_excerpt plugin please using the < code > < /code > tags please? I have tried to implement your code, but I can’t get it to work because of issues copying it from the browser.
“On the run from Johnny Law… ain’t no trip to Cleveland.”