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#133 2009-10-12 17:47:09
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
Zanza, see the updating instructions in the first post :). The plugin has been self-contained for awhile (no ext. JS and CSS).
#134 2009-10-12 18:04:55
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
Oh… ehm, thanks (so, why the error message in extension?), but is not working anyway. The page load in a new window instead a modal. Sure I’m doing wrong somewhere. (Add: plus, with an installation running in a subdir, the insert image link is not showing).
Last edited by Zanza (2009-10-12 18:06:55)
#135 2009-10-12 23:49:29
- redbot
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2006-02-14
- Posts: 1,410
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
could it be related with the other problem reported here?
Does it work disabling glz_custom?
Last edited by redbot (2009-10-12 23:50:31)
#136 2009-10-13 08:32:13
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
@redbot: Yes and no. The modal problem was caused by wrong dir of js and css files, my fault. Still, if glz_custom is active, the insert image link is not showing (and bot_show_image is broken). I think I’ll make some other check and then report this on glz_custom_field thread.
#137 2009-10-13 10:09:35
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
Zanza wrote:
Oh… ehm, thanks (so, why the error message in extension?), but is not working anyway.
You’re getting an error with v1.0b2? You shouldn’t be with this version because there’s no check for thickbox.js|css and hasn’t been for awhile.
The page load in a new window instead a modal. Sure I’m doing wrong somewhere. (Add: plus, with an installation running in a subdir, the insert image link is not showing).
The link created with JS is <a href="#jmdImgSel">
without a target – older versions might have had a target attribute.
Still, if glz_custom is active, the insert image link is not showing (and bot_show_image is broken).
There was a problem awhile ago with hak_tinymce and jmd_img_selector – solution described here. I don’t rewrite the left column’s HTML because I’m just prepending the link.
I just tested bot_show_image (nice plugin, redbot!) with v1.0b2 of jmd_img_selector, and they both work fine together. I don’t have glz_custom_fields installed, so I have no way to test it. Try disabling my plugin and seeing if redbot’s works with glz_custom_fields and vice versa. EDIT: Just saw your post in redbot’s thread. Just to double check, disable glz_custom_fields and enable bot_show_img and jmd_img_sel to ensure they work together on your install (they should).
Last edited by jm (2009-10-13 10:17:06)
#138 2009-10-13 10:40:31
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
@jm: Ok, I made it. I was using an older version (taken from google or plugin archive -don’t remember – instead of this thread). Now it works, there is no error message, and everything is compatible with glz_custom_field, too. Thanks for pointing out the most recent version!
#139 2009-11-10 23:37:32
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
woof wrote:
Hi Jon-Michael – this is an excellent plugin, thank you. Could I suggest that a feature for a future version might be the ability to reverse the display order of thumbnails? It might be useful for users of sites with large collections of images to see their most recently uploaded images first.
Echoing that sentiment, is there a way to make this sort the images in the opposite order, so the newest is always at the top?
Running excellent otherwise alongside glz_custom_fields and bot_hide_in_admin on 4.2
Last edited by aswihart (2009-11-10 23:57:33)
#140 2009-11-11 10:08:50
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
aswihart wrote:
Echoing that sentiment, is there a way to make this sort the images in the opposite order, so the newest is always at the top?
At the moment, you need to make a change in the plugin. Find these lines in JMD_ImgSelector::getImages()
$this->images = getRows("select id, name, category, ext, w, h, thumbnail
from " . safe_pfx('txp_image'));
and change them to
$this->images = getRows("select id, name, category, ext, w, h, thumbnail
from " . safe_pfx('txp_image') . " order by date desc");
That should do it, but I haven’t tested it.
#141 2009-11-11 11:20:18
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
Awesome, that worked perfectly. This is really needed for my site as I am going to be dealing with many different users uploading thousands of images.
Given that, it would also be nice to remove the “Browse Category” and “Insert As” fields. I know you don’t often get asked how to remove features, but in this case, the simpler the better. Any code I can remove to affect these changes? Thanks much!
Last edited by aswihart (2009-11-11 11:22:59)
#142 2009-11-11 13:04:42
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
Presentation > Style > jmd_img_selector
#jmdImgSel_options { display: none }
#143 2009-11-11 14:29:08
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
You’re the man Jon-Michael, thanks for making this awesome Txp plugin, it is extremely useful, and in fact is pretty much a necessity to bring end-user image uploading into the realm of practicality.
#144 2009-11-11 17:06:11
Re: jmd_img_selector: Thickbox-style image selector
jmd, perhaps this has already been suggestified, but I have an idea…
bend this plugin to be a visual associator for files and other articles as well through a designated custom field.
That would be super powerful.