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Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Do you only have 5 articles on the site?
….ermm…..that’s the only reason I could see that happening.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Walker wrote:
Do you only have 5 articles on the site?
….ermm…..that’s the only reason I could see that happening.
No, there are more than 500 articles …
The database has also enough negative counts/entries.
txp_wlk_helpful 140
txp_wlk_helpful_counts 588
If I change the code for the wlk_helpful_list function in this line
'order'=> (isset($prefs['wlk_helpful_list_which']) && $prefs['wlk_helpful_list_which']=='bottom')?'ASC':'DESC',
to ‘DESC’:‘ASC’
I get the opposite result – the “bottom” or “negative” – for both parameters “which=‘top’” and “which=‘bottom’”. That show’s me, that the script can calculate a negative list.
Any hints?
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Problem solved, not in a clever way, but solved.
Maybe I expressed the problem not clearly.
I wanted to show at the same time two lists: the top and the bottom. But all the time there were the same lists in “txp:wlk_helpful_list which=‘top’” and “txp:wlk_helpful_list which=‘bottom’”. So the solution was to create a second function wlk_helpful_list because: you can’t use a variable two times. For all the plugin programmers the problem is clear, but it was it not for me.
So I solved the problem in creating a second wlk_helpful_list2 and now I got two lists on my site.
Ok, maybe a little bit stupid but it works …
#52 2008-11-20 11:32:23
- paxrex33
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- Registered: 2007-10-25
- Posts: 15
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Is it possible to stop the same person (cookie, IP check) to rate the article more times?
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
I’m not sure if this problem was resolved by anybody yet, but if you want the Yes/No links to stop popping you to the top of the page, just make a simple modification to the wlk_helpful.js — adding return false;
in two places as shown below:
$(".wlk_helpfulplus").bind("click", function(e){
page_var = $(this);
thecount = page_var.parents('.plus').children('.thecount').html();
article_id = page_var.parents('.plus').children('.thisid').html();
jQuery.post('/wlk_helpful_ajax', {"article_id":article_id,"up_down":'up'}, function(data){
if(data.length > 0) {
return false;
//Rate it down 1
$(".wlk_helpfulminus").bind("click", function(e){
page_var = $(this);
thecount = page_var.parents('.minus').children('.thecount').html();
article_id = page_var.parents('.minus').children('.thisid').html();
jQuery.post('/wlk_helpful_ajax', {"article_id":article_id,"up_down":'down'}, function(data){
if(data.length > 0) {
return false;
Work until your carpal tunnel makes you cry.
My “bloggy” TP site >> liberalrevolt.com
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
I don’t know why but ajax can’t found the section wlk_helpful_ajax
#56 2011-08-20 17:12:09
- Jaro
- Member
- From: S/F
- Registered: 2004-11-18
- Posts: 89
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
I was wondering if it’s difficult to modify the plugin so that it could output a list of most popular articles (based on votes) in other than predefined format. Current format is:
<ol id=“wlkhlpflbottom”>
<li><a href=“permalink”>Article Title 1</a></li>
<li><a href=“permalink”>Article Title 2</a></li>
I would something like this:
<ol id=“wlkhlpflbottom”>
<li><a href=“permalink”>*Article 1 Thumbnail*</a></li>
<li><a href=“permalink”>*Article 2 Thumbnail*</a></li>
I’ve been playing around with the plugin but couldn’t figure it out with my limited PHP knowledge.
Last edited by Jaro (2011-08-20 17:13:01)
#57 2011-08-20 20:56:21
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,310
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Jaro, you could try the following. It’s untested, I’ve only looked at the (not completely installed) code of the plugin and copied over from my mod of stm_article_order:
Search for
function wlk_helpful_list($atts)
Replace by
function wlk_helpful_list($atts)
global $img_dir;
Search for
Replace by
<img class="article-img" src="'.hu.$img_dir.'/'.$article['Image'].'t.jpg" />
The latter as you’ll see easily will output only JPGs, it’s the only output I could get working in my copy of stm_article_order (limited PHP knowledge, likewise)
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links
#58 2011-08-21 08:57:28
- Jaro
- Member
- From: S/F
- Registered: 2004-11-18
- Posts: 89
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Hey uli, thanks for the reply, I managed to get it working thanks to your suggestion! I couldn’t figure out how to display thumbnail instead of an image but it’s as easy as adding “t” at the end of the file name.
I created a new tag called wlk_helpful_list_image. I’ll copy paste the function here if anybody would like to use it:
function wlk_helpful_list_image($atts)
global $img_dir;
global $prefs;
global $permlink_mode;
'which'=> (isset($prefs['wlk_helpful_list_image_which']) && $prefs['wlk_helpful_list_image_which']=='bottom')?'bottom':'top',
'order'=> (isset($prefs['wlk_helpful_list_image_which']) && $prefs['wlk_helpful_list_image_which']=='bottom')?'ASC':'DESC',
'limit'=> (isset($prefs['wlk_helpful_list_image_limit']) && is_numeric($prefs['wlk_helpful_list_image_limit']))?$prefs['wlk_helpful_list_image_limit']:'5',
'debug'=> 'false'
safe_query('DELETE FROM '.safe_pfx('txp_wlk_helpful_counts').' WHERE textpattern_id NOT IN ( SELECT ID FROM '.safe_pfx('textpattern').' )');
//Grab the articles with the "top" or "bottom" count count
$results = safe_query('SELECT txp.Image, txp.ID, txp.Title, txp.Section, txp.Posted, txp.url_title FROM '.safe_pfx('txp_wlk_helpful_counts').' AS helpful LEFT JOIN '.safe_pfx('textpattern').' AS txp ON txp.ID=helpful.textpattern_id ORDER BY count '.$order.' LIMIT 0, '.$limit);
$results_r = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($results))
$article_array = $row;
$article_array['permlink'] = permlinkurl($article_array);
$results_r[] = $article_array;
$out = '<ol id="wlkhlpfl'.$which.'">'."\r";
//create the HTML
foreach($results_r as $article)
$out .= "\r\t".'<li><a href="'.$article['permlink'].'"><img src="'.hu.$img_dir.'/'.$article['Image'].'t.jpg" />'.'</a></li>';
$out .= "\r".'</ol>';
//Return it
return $out;
} else {
return '';
Last edited by Jaro (2011-08-21 09:00:28)
#59 2011-08-21 09:05:29
- Jaro
- Member
- From: S/F
- Registered: 2004-11-18
- Posts: 89
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
My next PHP challenge is how to get it working with any image extension, not only jpg :)
#60 2011-08-21 13:19:39
- uli
- Moderator
- From: Cologne
- Registered: 2006-08-15
- Posts: 4,310
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
All that’s needed should be in bot_show_image. I wish you more success than I had :)
In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links