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Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Walker wrote:
That example page doesn’t work anymore?
No, I deactivated the plugin because it doesn’t works with the live search plugin.
As said above, when I only use the wlk_helpfull it works fine, but combined with the live search it’s still there but my vote doesn’t pass and I get an error in Firebug.
Apparently you can’t use MooTools ( AJAX live search plugin uses this JS framework) and the jQuery plugin on one page, it causes conflicts because they use the same functions and namespaces.
Going to do some research if it’s possible to use them together altough I’m not JS expert
Too bad, it’s a nice plugin.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Oh Emm Gee
I can’t believe anyone uses that MooTools p.o.s.
Ah well…some people just don’t know any better…
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Not possible to get them working together…
Installed the latest jQuery released a couple days ago, nada, errors stayed the same.
Attached a piece of JS in my <head> section which rewrites the $ sign of jQuery in anything you want, njet..
When installing the latest MooTools version nothing worked anymore, plugin is based on an earlier version.
Maybe in a next life with one big JS framework.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
maybe it is interesting for someone.
The plugin first didn’t work on my site. Than I figured out, that the problem lies in my messy (can`t change it) URLs. So I had also, like “Blueprint”, to change the js in line 6 from
jQuery.post('/wlk_helpful_ajax', {"article_id":article_id,"up_down":'up'}, function(data)
jQuery.post('/index.php?s=wlk_helpful_ajax', {"article_id":article_id,"up_down":'up'}, function(data){
after that everything worked fine.
Thanks for that great plugin …
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Hi I’ve installed this plugin and it counts the ‘Yes’ counts but not the ‘No’ counts
Here’s the dB’s
id textpattern_id plus minus ip
2 57 1
3 55 1
4 59 1
id textpattern_id count pluses minuses
4 57 1
3 47
5 55 1
6 56
7 59 1
8 53
(Sorry textile’s stripping the spaces)
The ’1’s are in the plus/pluses column
It also returns me to my frontpage from any article I rate eg to www.mysite.com/#
Plus the top rated – bottom rated articles are identical – possibly because of the problem above?
Last edited by geoff777 (2008-06-23 19:08:13)
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Hey Geoff,
Sounds like something might be wrong with the javascript or your javascript install. If you have urls, I could take a peek at?
otherwise, I’m going to be no help.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
I uninstalled, dropped the dB’s and started again
It now counts ‘no’ inputs.
It however still adds both yes and no’s to both outputs – Top & Bottom rated.
It also takes me back to the frontpage from any Section. ie www.mysite.com/#
I’m uninstalling again – sorry, perhaps it’s just my site …?
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
I would appreciate it if someone would test my installation. I’m having the problem with the number showing up beside a Yes or No, but when I come back to look later, it’s gone. Sometimes it will reappear if I refresh the page.
You can check it out by going to an individual article for one of the apps listed in the sections at thriftmac
Thank you for any and all help.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Thanks for the feedback, and thanks for the great plugin.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
<txp:wlk_helpful_list which="bottom" />
has the same output like
<txp:wlk_helpful_list which="top" />
Is there any solution???