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#13 2008-01-08 15:47:55
- Niconemo
- Member
- From: Rhône-Alpes, France
- Registered: 2005-04-18
- Posts: 557
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
You linked the page to jQuery?
In <head>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/textpattern/jquery.js"></script>
You added the js to your site following jQuery?
In <head>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/wlk_helpful.js"></script>
And wlk_helpful.js is actually in my js folder at the top of my install.
You put the wlk_helpful tag in an article form?
Yes sir !
You created the wlk_helpful_ajax page & section?
Yes I did.
wlk_helpful_ajax section linked to wlk_helpful_ajax page
You put ONLY the wlk_helpful_ajax tag in that page?
Only <txp:wlk_helpful_ajax />
and nothig else. I swear your honnor.
Not even a single space.
Edit :
Hey ! I have a warning at the bottom of the wlk_helpful_ajax page txp screen !
Warning: Erreur de syntaxe pr�s de ‘collate utf8_bin NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) )’ � la ligne 1 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS txp_wlk_helpful ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `textpattern_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `plus` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `minus` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, `ip` varchar(15) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) in /mypath/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 84
Warning: Erreur de syntaxe pr�s de ‘collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default ‘0’, `pluses` varchar(5) chara’ � la ligne 1 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS txp_wlk_helpful_counts ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `textpattern_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `count` varchar(5) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default ‘0’, `pluses` varchar(5) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default ‘0’, `minuses` varchar(5) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default ‘0’, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) in /mypath/textpattern/lib/txplib_db.php on line 84
Last edited by Niconemo (2008-01-08 15:55:14)
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
whoops, there ya go. the create table sql is screwing up.
I uploaded a new version that should fix the problem. — I created new Create Table statements that are more compatible.
(1 thing to note, the database tables are created when you visit the “Presentation” tab (technically the “Pages” tab).
Last edited by Walker (2008-01-08 16:03:27)
#16 2008-01-08 17:06:56
- Niconemo
- Member
- From: Rhône-Alpes, France
- Registered: 2005-04-18
- Posts: 557
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Walker wrote:
I uploaded a new version that should fix the problem. — I created new Create Table statements that are more compatible.
(1 thing to note, the database tables are created when you visit the “Presentation” tab (technically the “Pages” tab).
Great job: it’s OK now ! I’m playing with…
One thing that is sure is that it will need a few customisation/internationalisation features ;-)
Last edited by Niconemo (2008-01-08 17:07:19)
#17 2008-01-09 16:39:49
- Niconemo
- Member
- From: Rhône-Alpes, France
- Registered: 2005-04-18
- Posts: 557
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Sorry, it’s me again.
I can’t figure out how to use this
quoted from plugin help :
Put this tag in that page: <txp:wlk_helpful_ajax /> (Tell it which=“ratio” to have it count by ratio rather than positivity—simple.)
I tried (as a tag in wlk_helpful_ajax page) :
<txp:wlk_helpful_ajax />
<txp:wlk_helpful_ajax which="ratio" />
<txp:wlk_helpful_ajax which="positivity" />
But each one has the same result :
- Helpful?
- 1 Yes
- 1 No
But I probably misunderstood the plugin help…
Where I’m I wrong ?
How it is supposed to work ?
Last edited by Niconemo (2008-01-09 16:40:14)
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
txp:wlk_helpful_ajax receives the ajax calls from the plugin and resturns the results of those calls to the client’s browser.
txp:wlk_helpful is the “Helpful Yes/No” html output.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
If you want me to look at your install, email me.
#20 2008-01-10 10:55:36
- Niconemo
- Member
- From: Rhône-Alpes, France
- Registered: 2005-04-18
- Posts: 557
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
Thank you… I don’t want to bother you…
No problem about the general use of the plugin. I’ts working :
With <txp:wlk_helpful_ajax />
the default tag pasted in the “wlk_helpful_ajax” named page
I have by default :
- Helpful?
- 0 Yes
- 0 No
If I click on Yes, I have now :
- Helpful?
- 1 Yes
- 0 No
So no problem about that. The plugin works perfectly.
But I wonder how to to use the ratio/positivity setting ? And what it is supposed to change for the visitor.
I hope I’m clear enough… (I’m an autodidact and my english is not perfect as you can see)
Otherwise, no problem, I’ll wait for english-speaking users to test the plugin… That will probably help ;-)
Last edited by Niconemo (2008-01-10 10:58:12)
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
If you add the attribute which="ratio"
to the wlk_helpful_ajax tag (<txp:wlk_helpful_ajax which="ratio" />
, it uses a ratio of good to total to find the overall rating of an article. Otherwise, by default, it determines the overall rating of an article by subtrating all the negative ratings from the positive ones.
#22 2008-01-10 16:19:11
- Niconemo
- Member
- From: Rhône-Alpes, France
- Registered: 2005-04-18
- Posts: 557
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
OK. I think I understand. Thanks for the explanation !
I was thinking the purpose of this setting was to display :
- Useful ? 2 (=5-3)
- Yes
- No
Instead of
- Useful ?
- 5 Yes
- 3 No
Or something like that…
and, by the way, if you plan to add such a feature, It wouldn’t be the last “thank you” I’d send to you ! ;-)
Last edited by Niconemo (2008-01-10 16:25:30)
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
This one:
- Useful ?
- 5 Yes
- 3 No
always displays. I think seeing the negatives is debatably good/bad but it was in the design for the site that this plugin was originally built for.
Re: wlk_helpful, a rating plugin
A rating plugin is great!! However, I can’t make it worK.
I followed all the necessary steps (at least, that’s what I think):
1. I created a section “wlk_helpful_ajax” which refers to the page “wlk_helpful_ajax”
2. The only thing on the page “wlk_helpful_ajax” is: <txp:wlk_helpful_ajax />
3. In the head of all my pages I added:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<txp:link_to_home />textpattern/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<txp:link_to_home />textpattern/wlk_helpful.js"></script>
(I put the wlk_helpful.js in the same directory as tjh jquery.js. And I checked on the generated page whether the script can be reached; e.g. in Firefox with the addon Webdeveloper, I can see the code of both javascripts)
4. I added the tag <txp:wlk_helpful />
in a form
- Helpful?
- 0 Yes
- 0 No
But clicking on Yes or No, makes you jump to the start of the page and nothing else.
Any clues on how to solve this???
Any suggestions are very much appreciated