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#157 2008-02-11 08:14:32

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: glz_custom_fields

Gerhard, if you send Nick a compressed plugin, he can probably install it.


#158 2008-02-11 08:23:26

Plugin Author
From: London, UK
Registered: 2005-06-29
Posts: 409

Re: glz_custom_fields

Hey ruud, I have, base_64.

Nick, for the time being, do the following. Set up plugin_cache_dir in Admin > Preferences > Advanced to /path/to/your/site/scripts and create a folder °*scripts* in the root of your website. Put the uncompressed plugin in there as a PHP file (I will send it over in a minute) and that’s your temporary fix until we figure out as to what is going on with your install. You will miss on the help, but hey, you know most of the stuff anyways, right?


#159 2008-02-11 08:37:47

From: Brisbane, Queensland in AU
Registered: 2004-03-04
Posts: 40

Re: glz_custom_fields

Ah ha! That did the trick! Thank you, gentlemen.

Is there any useful debugging information that I could send over? I wonder if I should also post on the Joyent forums for some clues.


#160 2008-02-11 08:55:06

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: glz_custom_fields

base64 isn’t compressed, just encoded.


#161 2008-02-11 10:31:23

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-02-14
Posts: 1,410

Re: glz_custom_fields

Just a little suggestion. In the plugin help you should delete the ending slash from <txp:glz_if_custom_field name=“Rating” val=“4” /> cos this is not a self closing tag.
Another little glitch I’ve noticed is that in some (not all) of my txp installations the custom fields settings are no more hidden from the “advanced preferences” tab. Actually nothing very important , I just wanted to let you know.


#162 2008-02-11 15:25:59

Plugin Author
From: London, UK
Registered: 2005-06-29
Posts: 409

Re: glz_custom_fields

redbot wrote:

Just a little suggestion. In the plugin help you should delete the ending slash from <txp:glz_if_custom_field name=“Rating” val=“4” /> cos this is not a self closing tag.

You are absolutely right, fixed. Will send the update when everyone has submitted the little bugs.

Another little glitch I’ve noticed is that in some (not all) of my txp installations the custom fields settings are no more hidden from the “advanced preferences” tab. Actually nothing very important , I just wanted to let you know.

Yes, I’ve already spotted that, all fixed. It had to do with jQuery 1.2 selectors.

ruud wrote:

base64 isn’t compressed, just encoded.

Yes, you are right, apologies. Are you thinking about some characters becoming screwed in the mail attachment when sending as .txt?


#163 2008-02-11 19:25:45

Developer Emeritus
From: a galaxy far far away
Registered: 2006-06-04
Posts: 5,068

Re: glz_custom_fields

No, I mentioned plugin compression to circumvent the restrictions on maximum upload size. I assume you’re using zem_tpl.php to encode your plugin into txt format. If you want to create a compressed plugin, change this line:

return $header . "\n\n" . trim(chunk_split(base64_encode(serialize($plugin)), 72)). "\n";


return $header . "\n\n" . trim(chunk_split(base64_encode(gzencode(serialize($plugin))), 72)). "\n";

Note that not all PHP installs have gzip support activated and this requires TXP 4.0.4 or higher.


#164 2008-02-11 19:35:00

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,393
Website GitHub

Re: glz_custom_fields


Or if you are using ied_plugin_composer the latest version has the option of outputting a compressed plugin for you.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

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#165 2008-02-12 14:17:07

From: Normandy, France
Registered: 2004-06-17
Posts: 831

Re: glz_custom_fields

Can’t get it working on a new install of TxP.

Search tag on default page:
<txp:glz_custom_fields_search_form results_page=“listings” searchby=“Category” />

result tag the listings page:
<txp:glz_custom_fields_article form=“default” limit=“20” no_results=“no_results” />

The listings page is not listing anything, any ideas what I have done wrong?

Demo site here: www.lesagencesdulimousin.fr/


#166 2008-02-12 15:16:12

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-02-14
Posts: 1,410

Re: glz_custom_fields

Version 1.0 had this bug but I thought it was now fixed .
Unfortunately now I can’t do any test, what happens if you omit the attribute results_page=“listings”?


#167 2008-02-12 15:41:44

From: Normandy, France
Registered: 2004-06-17
Posts: 831

Re: glz_custom_fields

redbot wrote:

Version 1.0 had this bug but I thought it was now fixed . Unfortunately now I can’t do any test, what happens if you omit the attribute results_page=“listings”?

That didn’t work. And I just tried v1.1.1 and the problem persists. Not quite sure what to do now…


#168 2008-02-12 15:48:14

Plugin Author
From: London, UK
Registered: 2005-06-29
Posts: 409

Re: glz_custom_fields

Blimey, forgot to update the help accordingly, glz_custom_fields_article has been replaced by glz_article & glz_custom_article. My omission must have been due to the 14th day of solid work, you have no idea how much I’m looking forward to next weekend which will be all mine (that means no bug reports for this weekend please : )).

Let me know if that works guys. I’m sure it’s something really silly, a variable not being set properly or something similar if the problem persists. Will look into it later on tonight if you still can’t get it working.

Also, please, send me e-mails with some login details for your test sites (if you trust me enough : )). If I can troubleshoot in situe, it’s quicker and when the bug is fixed, we know it’s a definite.


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