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#169 2006-07-11 14:31:00

Archived Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-05-27
Posts: 62

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

robmcm wrote: This is superb but there is one thing I am desperate for. If I am using this for a site navigation and then again for a sub navigation (using prune and min level 2) but I need the pages to appear in a diffrent order (not alpahbetical) Does anyone know a solution, perhaps output by published at order and then I can change the published times so they are in the order I want?

The plug-in outputs a list of categories, which aren’t published the way that articles are. Are you asking that the categories be ordered according to when the articles within them were published? What happens when a category has more than one article — is it ordered according to the earliest published article or the latest?

chairman wrote: it seems that it’s the “start” attribute that’s causing the problem. I have a section called about and when i set the value of the “start” attribute to “about” it causes the error I mentioned above. I also can’t seem to get it to out put just the categories that are assigned in the about section.

Just to clarify: the start attribute is meant to accept a category name, not a section name. Assigning that property the wrong value shouldn’t cause any problems other than showing more categories than you were intending. It certainly shouldn’t throw a SQL error. Perhaps your string has some illegal characters in it? What does your tag look like?

flowmom wrote: Now, however, when I click on a category it continues to show only the main categories, not the applicable subcategories. I don’t think I changed anything about the stw_category_tree tag, but I did update TXP and stw_category_tree and I fiddled a lot with the CSS. But I didn’t expect that to change the category navigation functionality…what am I missing here?

It’s very hard to tell from your post. My guess is that it’s CSS related. Have you looked at your outputted HTML and determined whether the text of the subcategories are actually in there? That’d be a good first step. Also, why do you have onclass set to “”?


#170 2006-08-10 08:12:34

New Member
Registered: 2006-06-21
Posts: 6

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

Is there a way to display also the articles with this plugin. For example:

  • Category 1
    • article
    • article
    • article
      • Subcategory 1
        • article
        • article
        • article


#171 2006-08-10 13:35:04

Archived Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-05-27
Posts: 62

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

Sorry, cerpint. The plugin only shows categories.


#172 2006-08-29 17:51:32

From: Paris
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 309

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree


First is: thank you very much, amazing plugin…
I wondered if it would possible to add the title attribute to the links created such as:

<txp:stw_category_tree onclass=“category-1-name” section=”*” count=“0” prune=“1” killempties=“1” localized=“y” wraptag=” “ break=“li” title=”<txp:title />” />
<br />

_I plant seeds for future visions. Farmer of your eyes. Subliminal engineer of your minds. eion founder__

Hablablow + Webdesignofficina


#173 2006-08-29 18:32:04

Archived Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-05-27
Posts: 62

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

hablablow wrote:
I wondered if it would possible to add the title attribute to the links created such as:

Would this just spit out the title before the list? What tag would the title go in?

I’m afraid I don’t know how to handle tags that are embedded in other tags, as in your example. If that’s what you wanted to do, couldn’t you just put the txp:title tag immediately before the txp:stw_category_tree tag in the code?


#174 2006-08-30 11:06:34

From: Paris
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 309

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

Thank you Santheo for your answer…

In fact here’s what I would like the script to output:

<li>< a href=“site/category-name” title=“title-of-the-last-posted-article-or-category-name-or-whatever”>category-name1</a>
<li>< a href=“site/category-name” title=“title-of-the-last-posted-article-or-category-name-or-whatever”>category-name2</a>
<li>< a href=“site/category-name” title=“title-of-the-last-posted-article-or-category-name-or-whatever”>category-name3</a>
<br />
I mean just using titles to describe the categoty links outputed…

_I plant seeds for future visions. Farmer of your eyes. Subliminal engineer of your minds. eion founder__

Hablablow + Webdesignofficina


#175 2006-09-01 17:43:58

Archived Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-05-27
Posts: 62

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

Got it. I’ll put it on my list of feature requests. Thanks for the suggestion.


#176 2006-09-02 21:26:54

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,310

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

Hi Sandor,
thank you for your awsome plugin and the constant improvements and refinements you’ve given to it. If I had a problem with txp I always got a solution from the forum, or found a plugin for it. Thanks for writing this one!

I’m working with the current version I’ve downloaded from the link in post #1 and with txp v4.0.3. I have the same problem like “And” and elemental in post #27 and #28, stw_category_tree doesn’t assign neither an ID nor a class to my list elements. But even worse, it prevents the following elements from being displayed, swallowing large parts of the source code. So the result is an almost blank page. But it doesn’t swallow just everything, at least the closing tag of the missing div is printed in the sourcecode. Btw, if I use category_list the missing elements show up properly.
Any kind of help is appreciated. And I’d be glad to help tracking this one down.

Edit: v0.7 and 1.0.1b seem to be the same ones.

Last edited by uli (2006-09-02 21:39:36)

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#177 2006-09-02 22:18:22

From: Cologne
Registered: 2006-08-15
Posts: 4,310

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

Good that you’ve put several versions on your server. I’m using v. 0.6.1 now and I my articles are getting displayed again. This reassures me, as I wasn’t sure enough to do things the right way. But this version doesn’t output the class I’ve assigned: <code><txp:stw_category_tree cssid=“Navigation” onclass=“liste” /></code>, it outputs the cats’ ID’s. Maybe this is what you’d expect, and it’s just a little late for my brain to understand the help text ;)

Forgotten to mention: I’d still help you to find out where the reason for the unusual behavior is. At least this little bit I’m able to give back.

Last edited by uli (2006-09-02 22:26:24)

In bad weather I never leave home without wet_plugout, smd_where_used and adi_form_links


#178 2006-09-08 01:01:03

Archived Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-05-27
Posts: 62

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

Thanks, uli. I’ll take a look at this in a few weeks. Right now I’m getting prepared for my wedding, so my mind is elsewhere. I’ll have some more time in late September. I’ll be in touch.


#179 2006-09-11 21:25:14

From: london
Registered: 2004-07-15
Posts: 57

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

hi there

thanks for the great plug-in – for the most part it works fine – but i’m having this really buggin problem with it…

basically i’m using stw_category_tree to generate a category sub menu on each article list page with the following:

<pre>< txp:stw_category_tree cssid=“mainnav” onclass=“active” break=“li” start=“Expeditions” section=“rgs” maxlevel=“1” /></pre>

and as explained, that seems to work for most pages of the site.

however, i just moved one of the child categories under ‘Expeditions’ elsewhere in the category heirarchy, and the output from stw_category_tree is now minus the cssid! (id=mininav)

i moved the category back where it originally was, and everything works again now!

i sit here scratching my head…

to compound the problem i tried using the plug-in to list children of another category in my site, and this also outputs the list minus the cssid.

not sure how to share my code etc. if you need to investigate further!


“Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own” – Bruce Lee


#180 2006-10-23 22:07:08

Archived Plugin Author
From: Chicago
Registered: 2004-05-27
Posts: 62

Re: [Archived] stw_category_tree

hablablow wrote: I mean just using titles to describe the categoty links outputed…

This was easy to do. It’ll be part of the next version.

uli wrote: stw_category_tree doesn’t assign neither an ID nor a class to my list elements. But even worse, it prevents the following elements from being displayed, swallowing large parts of the source code.

This is boggling. I’ve tried replicating this bug, but can’t do it. uli, if you could, please post (or email me) the following: your list of categories (just use category_list and copy and paste); the tag you’re using, and the HTML output it produces. This will help me track it down.

But this version [0.6.1] doesn’t output the class I’ve assigned: <code><txp:stw_category_tree cssid=“Navigation” onclass=“liste” /></code>, it outputs the cats’ ID’s. Maybe this is what you’d expect, and it’s just a little late for my brain to understand the help text ;)

If you set a value to the onclass property, you’ll see ID’s appear for all categories (this is in the documentation). However, you should also see a class property show up for the category you’re currently in. In other words, if you have a category called “Dogs”, and you navigate to this category, and you display the stw_category_tree, the Dogs item that tree will have its class property set to whatever you defined “onclass” as.

lukepermsn wrote: however, i just moved one of the child categories under ‘Expeditions’ elsewhere in the category heirarchy, and the output from stw_category_tree is now minus the cssid! (id=mininav)

This is bizarre. Seems similar to uli’s probably, and like that one, I can’t replicate it. Could you send me the same thing: your list of categories and the output? But please also send the output after you move things around, as well as the name of the category you move and where you move it to.

Thanks all, for all your help.


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