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#2209 2013-04-19 14:36:12

New Member
From: Germany
Registered: 2011-11-29
Posts: 3

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

i recently updated to textpattern-4.5.4/mlp- and since then it is not possible to edit existing articles. after reading the recents posts in this thread i came across a post which had a similar problem. but the issue still exists for my installation, even after updating to the files found here: https://github.com/Bloke/MLP

is there a solution for this? what i can do is to create new articles, but editing them afterwards ist not possible. i currently solve this with editing the mysql database manually. the weird thing is: in the textpattern backend the changes to an article are saved, but they don’t show up in the database and consequently are not shown on the website.

btw: i run a website with 2 languages (de/en) and don’t use any plugins other than the neccessary ones for mlp.


#2210 2013-04-22 00:04:52

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,568
Website GitHub

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

eequ wrote:

what i can do is to create new articles, but editing them afterwards ist not possible.

OK, do you have glz_custom_fields installed? Or another plugin that has altered the textpattern database table? And, if so, is it possible for you to check your table structures with phpMyAdmin (or equivalent) to make sure that all columns in your 10n_txp_<language_code> tables exactly match the structure of your textpattern table? Although glz_cf is not the only plugin to alter the table, it’s the most obvious one.

If the structures differ at all then — as long as you are using the very latest version of MLP from GitHub — you should be able to just make a single change to the textpattern table’s structure (e.g. edit a glz_custom_field from Extensions->Custom Fields or temporarily go and increase the size of one of the integer columns directly from phpMyAdmin), then the next time you visit any admin-side panel it’ll have a go at resynchronising the table automatically. You can change the integer column size back afterwards if that’s the course of action you took and it’ll resync again. Of course, backup first just in case!

That should fix things but if not then it might require a little bit more detailed digging. In that case, feel free to drop me a login to the site (if that’s practical) and I may be able to do some debugging directly there to find out why this behaviour is showing up. Hope that helps.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#2211 2013-04-26 02:01:10

From: Tokyo, Japan
Registered: 2005-02-05
Posts: 453

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Serious Problems after Upgrading:

Today I upgraded one of my sites to MLP 4.5.2 and TXP 4.5.4, and ran into the following issues:

1. No language marker is injected into the URL when performing a search on the public site

2. When saving an article, I get the following error message: Sorry, the form could not be submitted. Please try again, later. When I turn off the l10n plugin, this problem does not occur

The site uses PHP version 5.3.15.

I temporarily solved problem 1 by replacing the search_input tag with actual search code and the l10n_get_lang tag.

QUESTION: Any suggestions for fixing these problems (esp. 2)?

Old Photos of Japan – Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
MeijiShowa – Stock photos of Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
JapaneseStreets.com – Japanese street fashion (mostly txp)


#2212 2013-04-26 10:49:27

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,568
Website GitHub

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Kjeld wrote:

No language marker is injected into the URL when performing a search on the public site

Did it do this before? I can’t remember. I’ve just pushed a commit that remembers the previously used language if no marker is present in the URL, which has the net effect of retaining the site’s language if a search is performed. It doesn’t add the marker explicitly to the URL itself and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why it wouldn’t do it, but if the lack of marker is a problem then I can look into it again at some point.

For now, the functionality is restored even if the displayed URL isn’t exact. Thanks for pointing out this regression. btw, I also notice that if you perform a search and then use the lang switcher immediately you get a strange URL. e.g. site.com?q=test. If you change lang straight away after performing the search, the browser tries to go to site.com/new-lang/test which results in a 404. Minor problem and probably not worth worrying about I suppose.

Sorry, the form could not be submitted. Please try again, later.

This is usually because the admin side is either serving a stale textpattern.js file or some facet of the upgrade hasn’t synced the article (custom?) fields. If you have any installed plugins that modify the textpattern table (such as glz_custom_fields) try visiting that plugin’s tab and performing some action (e.g. edit a CF and Save it) which will resync the language tables if they have gotten out of sync because of bugs in older versions of MLP. It should do it automatically on upgrade but, well, it might not have done it for some reason.

If it’s not that, I’ll need a bit more detail about your setup to accurately figure out what’s going on. You are using the very very latest version of the pack from Github, right? Quite a few fixes are in there and I’m just waiting on some time to look into jens31’s issue, a few posts further up, before I officially release it.

Last edited by Bloke (2013-04-26 10:53:24)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#2213 2013-04-26 13:35:33

From: Tokyo, Japan
Registered: 2005-02-05
Posts: 453

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Bloke wrote:

I’ve just pushed a commit that remembers the previously used language if no marker is present in the URL, which has the net effect of retaining the site’s language if a search is performed.

Thanks, Bloke. I will check that out. I see that I have to go line by line in two files, so I better do that when I’m not rushed.

This is usually because the admin side is either serving a stale textpattern.js file or some facet of the upgrade hasn’t synced the article (custom?) fields. If you have any installed plugins that modify the textpattern table (such as glz_custom_fields) try visiting that plugin’s tab and performing some action (e.g. edit a CF and Save it) which will resync the language tables if they have gotten out of sync because of bugs in older versions of MLP. It should do it automatically on upgrade but, well, it might not have done it for some reason.

If it’s not that, I’ll need a bit more detail about your setup to accurately figure out what’s going on. You are using the very very latest version of the pack from Github, right? Quite a few fixes are in there and I’m just waiting on some time to look into jens31’s issue, a few posts further up, before I officially release it.

I use the latest official release, downloaded from the front page of the Textpattern site. I don’t really have any plugins on which I can perform an action.

Here is a list of my plugins:

Incidentally, before I discovered that MLP was the culprit, I checked each plugin by turning it off. Only when MLP was turned off did the problem go away.

I can create a user account for you to check under the hood if you find that helpful. ^^

Old Photos of Japan – Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
MeijiShowa – Stock photos of Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
JapaneseStreets.com – Japanese street fashion (mostly txp)


#2214 2013-04-29 08:42:57

From: Tokyo, Japan
Registered: 2005-02-05
Posts: 453

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Is there anything I can do myself to fix problem 2 described in the post of April 26?

Old Photos of Japan – Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
MeijiShowa – Stock photos of Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
JapaneseStreets.com – Japanese street fashion (mostly txp)


#2215 2013-04-29 09:19:55

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,568
Website GitHub

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Kjeld wrote:

Is there anything I can do myself to fix problem 2 described in the post of April 26?

Apart from checking the textpattern table definition exactly matches each of the l10n_txp_* tables, the only thing you can do is launch Firebug if you have it and watch what you get back when you hit Save. There might be something in the wodge of HTML that’s returned that gives a clue what’s going wrong.

As you don’t seem to have any plugins that modify the textpattern table I guess it’s some other interaction that’s causing the issue. If you want me to have a nosey around, feel free to send over a login.

btw, rss_admin_show_adv_opts and asy_wondertag????? Neither of these should be needed any more.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#2216 2013-04-30 02:10:44

From: Tokyo, Japan
Registered: 2005-02-05
Posts: 453

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Bloke wrote:

Apart from checking the textpattern table definition exactly matches each of the l10n_txp_* tables, the only thing you can do is launch Firebug if you have it and watch what you get back when you hit Save. There might be something in the wodge of HTML that’s returned that gives a clue what’s going wrong.

I’ll try that later.

Bloke wrote:

As you don’t seem to have any plugins that modify the textpattern table I guess it’s some other interaction that’s causing the issue. If you want me to have a nosey around, feel free to send over a login.

Thanks, Bloke. Will do that.

Bloke wrote:

btw, rss_admin_show_adv_opts and asy_wondertag????? Neither of these should be needed any more.

Exactly, that’s why they are turned off. This is quite an old site. I just updated texpattern a few days ago and want to make sure there are no tags hidden anywhere before I delete all the unneeded plugins. There are quite a few of them… Thanks for pointing that out.

Old Photos of Japan – Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
MeijiShowa – Stock photos of Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
JapaneseStreets.com – Japanese street fashion (mostly txp)


#2217 2013-05-17 11:59:28

Registered: 2006-03-09
Posts: 21

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Hi everybody,

I’ve just developed a simply website with two languages – english and arabic.
Everything works in backend but when viewing the site, I get a ‘ Error occurred: 404 – not found’
The URLs work fine without the /en/
error > http://www.fuentesconsulting.com/en
ok > http://www.fuentesconsulting.com/index.php

I try using messy and clean URLs but it’s the same error.

I read the post #1771 and the solution (missing htaccess) and I checked this and don’t work.

Here are my diagnostics info:

Textpattern version: 4.5.4 (r4919)
Last update: 2013-04-29 09:02:30/2013-05-17 09:22:16
Document root: /var/www/vhosts/1/102609/webspace/httpdocs/fuentesconsulting.com
$path_to_site: /var/www/vhosts/1/102609/webspace/httpdocs/fuentesconsulting.com
Textpattern path: /var/www/vhosts/1/102609/webspace/httpdocs/fuentesconsulting.com/textpattern
Permanent link mode: title_only
upload_tmp_dir: /tmp
Temporary directory path: /var/www/vhosts/1/102609/webspace/httpdocs/fuentesconsulting.com/textpattern/tmp
Site URL: www.fuentesconsulting.com
PHP version: 5.3.3
GD Graphics Library: bundled (2.0.34 compatible); supported formats: GIF, JPG, PNG.
Server TZ: Europe/Madrid
Server local time: 2013-05-17 13:42:11
DST enabled?: 0
Automatically adjust DST setting?: 0
Time zone: Europe/Madrid (3600)
MySQL: 5.0.83-community-log
Locale: en_GB.UTF-8
Server: Apache
PHP server API: cgi-fcgi
RFC 2616 headers: 0
Server OS: Linux 2.6.18-448.3.1.el5.lve0.8.64
Active plugins: zem_contact_lang-mlp-, gbp_admin_library-0.4.2, l10n-4.5.1
Admin-side theme: classic 4.5.4
Pre-flight check: 
Some Textpattern files have been modified: 
The following PHP functions (which may be necessary to run Textpattern) are disabled on your server: proc_close, proc_get_status, proc_nice, proc_terminate, apache_note, apache_setenv, closelog, debugger_off, debugger_on, define_syslog_variables, openlog, syslog, pclose, ini_restore, symlink
.htaccess file contents: 
#DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
#Options +FollowSymLinks
#Options -Indexes
#ErrorDocument 403 default
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
	RewriteEngine On
	#RewriteBase /relative/web/path/
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
	RewriteRule ^(.+) - [PT,L]
	RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
	RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php
	RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization}  !^$
	RewriteRule .* - [E=REMOTE_USER:%{HTTP:Authorization}]
#php_value register_globals 0
AddType image/svg+xml  svg svgz
AddEncoding gzip       svgz

{Corrected Textile code – Uli}

Last edited by uli (2013-05-17 12:37:23)


#2218 2013-05-23 08:33:41

Registered: 2006-03-09
Posts: 21

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

Solved, was a sync problem with htaccess and Hostalia hosting plan.

Last edited by derola (2013-05-23 08:33:56)


#2219 2013-06-18 00:54:41

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2008-07-24
Posts: 860

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

I can’t either save any article on my Txp4.5.4…
I tried to “play” with other plugins but nothing changes.
Let me know if you found how to fix it!

Follow me on Twitter and GitHub!
Multiple edits are usually to correct my frenglish…


#2220 2013-06-18 00:57:40

From: Tokyo, Japan
Registered: 2005-02-05
Posts: 453

Re: MLP - The Multi-Lingual Publishing Pack

No, still searching…

Old Photos of Japan – Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
MeijiShowa – Stock photos of Japan in the 1850s~1960s (100% txp)
JapaneseStreets.com – Japanese street fashion (mostly txp)


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