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#97 2007-01-13 16:19:33

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

I can’t get the email to subscribers sent. It looks like everything works fine, but no mail is sent to people that subscribe. I use the same form used in the help, with some values changed.

Is there something that I might be overlooking?

Thank you



#98 2007-01-13 21:39:36

Registered: 2006-02-12
Posts: 27

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Ben, any eta on the next version? Thanks!


#99 2007-01-15 02:20:55

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Version 0.3 is now available for download; in addition, a library plugin is now required; and finally, the help documentation has been updated and moved out of the plugin and onto my Web site.

It’s all available here.

  • Ben

Changes from the previous version:

  • added “display=” for all parts of the article
  • added an optional “strip_html” attribute to the bab_pm_data custom tag which will allow a user to write an article once and get a textiled and a text version
  • fixed zem_contact / postmaster issues; added some capabilities
  • split the plugin into two parts: Postmaster and Postmaster_library
  • added an “end” type for the bab_pm_mime custom tag
  • fixed line break issue [sicher]
  • dropped the “4.0.4” designation from the version number — it’s too long and complicated [replaced it with a note in the documentation]
  • updated and moved the documentation to an external site

Last edited by benbruce (2007-01-15 02:32:27)


#100 2007-01-15 02:32:09

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Notes on the 0.3 release:

There have been some errors and issues brought up since Jan. 1 that were delaying the release; something to note is that I decided it was better to release 0.3 than delay, but the issues are unresolved. I’ve added a “Troubleshooting” section to the brand-spanking new Postmanual where I’ll post fixes as they come up.

The Help is significantly improved, and more importantly, more easily edited (since it’s on my site instead of built into the plugin); please help me and others out by leaving comments in the Postmanual — either adding to the documentation, or noting errors or omissions. I will be going through the help and adding “related articles” where it makes sense.

Finally, there is a second plugin now required for Postmaster to work — Postmaster Library. This was done because it’s such a big plugin and there is a limit to how big they can be. It shouldn’t effect usage at all, except that you need to download and activate both plugins for Postmaster to work.


#101 2007-01-15 04:31:59

From: Spokane, WA
Registered: 2005-02-17
Posts: 36

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager


I have had a few of the errors already described (endless cycling of Firefox/Mac; SQL error messages, etc), so haven’t posted redundantly. The mail (if in tiny test batches so far) has still arrived as promised. Despite the few glitches, this is a spectacular piece of work of vital importance to increasing my use of Textpattern. I am doing some pro bono work for a non-profit organization that could (will, I hope) use this productively to send out a newsletter to 1,000 subscribers … and gain a Textpattern website along the way. Thanks very much.


#102 2007-01-15 06:07:09

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Go Zags

Outstanding! Thanks for the new features.


#103 2007-01-15 07:52:19

From: Bristol, UK
Registered: 2005-09-22
Posts: 491

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

great work Ben :)


#104 2007-01-15 08:43:13

From: middelburg, nl
Registered: 2004-03-03
Posts: 235

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

benbruce wrote:

Notes on the 0.3 release:
Finally, there is a second plugin now required for Postmaster to work — Postmaster Library. This was done because it’s such a big plugin and there is a limit to how big they can be. It shouldn’t effect usage at all, except that you need to download and activate both plugins for Postmaster to work.

Ben thanks for this one! It installed without a problem on my unwilling host. Last week I did find a workaround for installing 0.2 though, by installing it locally and importing the database. I will upgrade that 0.2 postmaster today. I managed to succesfully import a bulk list of 3000+ adresses and I will report here if postmaster can handle that amount. It will take some time I think.



#105 2007-01-15 16:49:46

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager


That’s great news; also that the Bulk Subscription worked with 3000 subscribers is an accomplishment; and your reporting on that number will continue to be useful. I haven’t heard of anyone with that big a list yet so that makes you a pioneer!

  • Ben


#106 2007-01-15 17:56:07

From: Leicester, UK.
Registered: 2004-07-20
Posts: 57

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Hi Ben

Thank you so much for your continued effort on developing this plugin. However, since upgrading the unsubscribe form doesn’t appear to work:

<txp:zem_contact to="x" label="" copysender="no" from="Test" subject="Unsubscription from Newsletter">
<txp:zem_contact_text name="zemUnSubscribe" label="Email Address" required="yes" break="" /><br />
<label for="zemSubmit">Unsubscribe</label>
<txp:zem_contact_submit label="Send" />

No amendments have been made to the form, although I was thinking of changing the input field name <txp:zem_contact_text name="zemUnSubscribe" label="Email Address" required="yes" break="" /> to <txp:zem_contact_email name="zemUnSubscribe" label="Email Address" required="yes" break="" /> as this will validate that the input is an actual email address.

Unsubscribing from the email link works as intended, although directly submitting from the form does not remove the subscriber from the database. Also, (for the next release) could a further check be added to the plugin which checks if an email account exists (within the mailing database), as even adding a dummy or fake email address still sends an email out to the administrator confirming the unsubscription.

Keep up the good work!



Last edited by snkhan (2007-01-15 17:58:15)


#107 2007-01-15 21:34:51

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

I think it’s an amazing piece of work!

As it is so elaborated, I just have some question.

I finally managed to have the mail sent to the subscriber. That’s ok, but the body of the mail is a list of data that have no meaning to the subscriber. Is it possible to send a mail that say “hello, your mail has been subscribed to the XXX newsletter. Click here if this is an error or you want to unsubcribe”? It would be a lot more meaningful.

Another thing useful would be customizing the message that is shown in the html page after subscribing, but I suppose this could be done via ZCR forms.

Anyway, is a way to check if the mail is already subscribed or is invalid and display a message accordingly?

Thank you for any tip.



#108 2007-01-15 22:32:22

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Zanza, most of what you’re looking for is built into the ZCR plugin:

copysender – Using copysender=“yes” will send a copy of the email to the sender’s address as well as the “to” address that you have set in the tag or “to_form”. In order to not show the your “to” address on the sender’s copy it is transferred to the “Bcc” field and the sender’s address becomes the “to” address. This means that as both copies are identical your “to” address will not be shown on your copy either. Default is “no”. Optional.
form – The name of your form template containing the field layout. Optional.

thanks – Your thank you message. Optional.
thanks_form – The name of your form template containing a thank you message. Optional.

Check through the ZCR help section and forum thread for more on this.

As for the email address — if it’s already been subscribed, it will not be subscribed again. There’s currently no way to show that. ZCR has messages for invalid email entries — again, check through that plugin’s help for more.


Sorry for the trouble. I did have to tweak that code a bit so I must have messed something up there. I’ll look into it as soon as I can.

  • Ben


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