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#73 2006-12-21 21:52:16

Archived Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-03-12
Posts: 1,253

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

benbruce wrote:

PS. I noticed the “This is not spam” line is underneath the checkbox [and the checkbox is next to the dropdown menu].

Right, that mustn’t be.
I gave it a quick fix.
However the styling would be easier, if the input and label elements for the checkbox would have an additional class hook for easier targeting.
(The ID is already taken up by that large number, that the checkbox uses.)
( I will suggest this on Ruud’s thread. Some Elements in the ZCR API have those additional hooks, some do not )

I managed to get around it though, by augmenting specificity and some additional rules.

regards, marios

Last edited by marios (2006-12-21 22:44:37)

⌃ ⇧ < ⌃ ⇧ >


#74 2006-12-23 00:36:20

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager


I’m not going to get the next version released before the holidays as I’d hoped. We’ve got family coming into town and I’ll be leaving tomorrow for the weekend. Next week looks to be very busy as well.

The good news it’s nearly ready, so when I can find a bit of time I’ll finish it up and get it posted here.

  • Ben


#75 2006-12-23 02:30:10

From: Walla Walla
Registered: 2004-11-19
Posts: 2,215

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Thanks again Ben for a great plugin, Happy Holidays.


#76 2006-12-31 15:45:52

From: middelburg, nl
Registered: 2004-03-03
Posts: 235

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

gerhard01 wrote:

Copy & pasting the plugin from http://www.benbruce.com/txp/Postmaster_v4.
leads to
Badly formed or empty plugin code
in my case (TXP 4.0.4). Ideas what I could do?

Hi ben,

Same error here on a dutch host (Linux! I also tested this with an exact clone of this txp 4.0.4 install on textdrive (FreeBSD 5.5-STABLE) and it did install correctly. So it looks like it is not installing on some hosts. Other plugins are installing fine on both.


Last edited by kees-b (2006-12-31 15:47:09)


#77 2007-01-02 18:53:21

From: Leicester, UK.
Registered: 2004-07-20
Posts: 57

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Hi Ben,

Thanks for all your hard work with this plugin. I am currently receiving the following error when clicking on test:

Notice: error_article_context in /home/7912/domains/algus.org.uk/html/members/textpattern/lib/txplib_misc.php on line 1821

Although the email is sent. Any ideas what might be causing this problem?



#78 2007-01-02 20:20:01

From: Leicester, UK.
Registered: 2004-07-20
Posts: 57

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Also can’t seem to get the unsubscribe function to work. I have:

  1. Created a new section called subscribe. Uses page ‘subscribe’
  2. Created a new page ‘subscribe; with <txp:article form="Unsubscribe" />
  3. Created a new form called ‘Unsubscribe’

<h1>Subscribe to ALGUS eNews</h1>
<txp:output_form form="subscribe" />

<h1><txp:title /></h1>
<txp:body />

  1. When clicking on the unsubscribe link on the email, the user is presented with a blank page, see the example
  2. Postmaster within the control panel has the following settings: (unsubscribe URL) http://www.algus.org.uk/members/index.php?id=12

Can anyone see anything which I might be doing wrong?


#79 2007-01-02 20:50:42

Plugin Author
Registered: 2005-08-18
Posts: 699

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

1. Is there a way to send an email to subscribers (via web input box) so that they receive an email alerting that someone added their address to the list? At the moment an email is only sent to the admin.

2. Is there a way to get rid of the select element in the example subscription form? Using an hidden field with list value do the trick? It seems so, but in the email sent to the admin, there is no list name.

Thank you for your great work!


Last edited by Zanza (2007-01-02 20:51:24)


#80 2007-01-02 20:54:48

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Kees, thanks for the insight. Not sure what the problem could be.

snkhan, that “article_context” error means you are asking Textpattern to provide information (through a custom tag) that it can’t find (given the information it has). In your form, see if there are any TXP tags that can be replaced with the custom PM tag <txp:bab_pm_data> (a good clue is if you are receiving the email but, say, the body of the article is not appearing). Examples are <txp:title /> and <txp:body />. These should be written like <txp:bab_pm_data display="title"> and <txp:bab_pm_data display="body">. A good resource would be which TXP tags work correctly and which don’t.

I don’t have time right now to really dig down into your unsubscribe problem. A couple of things to test out:

  • IS it working? The unsubscribe function is “silent” so if you click the unsubscribe link in the email and come to the page, where you should see a result is in the “list of subscribers” in TXP > Extensions > Postmaster — not on the page itself [the subscriber you just clicked the link from should have been removed from the list]. The function and what’s appearing on the page are two separate things.
  • Try a simpler unsubscribe page [to test]. Create a new page whose function is simply to unsubscribe someone who came from that email.


#81 2007-01-02 22:51:13

From: Leicester, UK.
Registered: 2004-07-20
Posts: 57

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Hi Ben,

Managed to sort out the problems relating to the unsubscription. Seems refreshing the page was still fetching the cached version of the article. A couple of Ctrl+F5 later and all is well.

Regarding the error, my Newsletter form is:

Dear <txp:bab_pm_data display="name" />,

We have recently published a new announcement on our website, <site> . The title of the article is "<txp:bab_pm_data display="title" />".

To read the full article visit
<txp:bab_pm_data display="link" />

You can obtain log in credentials by calling the office.

To unsubscribe from our mailing list please visit <txp:bab_pm_unsubscribeLink type="text" />.

Thank you,


In addition, when sending out a complete mailing (currently consisting of two admin accounts) the send page always displays

Mailing ...
Please don't close this window until mailing is complete.
You will receive a written message here when mailing is complete.

The page continues to refresh, but no emails are sent out. Could this be related to the error message I am receiving above?

Last edited by snkhan (2007-01-02 23:07:44)


#82 2007-01-03 01:53:15

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager


The attribute you are looking for is “copysender” — set that to yes and the subscribee should receive an email. Check the zem_contact_reborn documentation for more on that [and to doublecheck me].

Use this line to automatically enter a list for a new subscriber:

<input type="hidden" name="zemSubscriberLists" value="list_name" >

You could also do:

<input type="hidden" name="zemSubscriberLists" value="list_name list_name2 list_name3" >

That should be in the help but is not (yet).


Glad the unsubscription is worked out. Not sure what’s going on with your mailing errors (and they probably are related). Your form looks ok — is <site> shorthand? I think it should be <txp:sitename /> but … that doesn’t seem like it would cause the error. My suggestion is to set up a separate, extremely simple setup, and make sure the plugin is working there [or let me know if it HAS worked correctly]. If it’s not working there, we’ll be able to more easily pinpoint the bug.

  • Ben

Last edited by benbruce (2007-01-03 02:02:27)


#83 2007-01-03 17:36:08

From: Leicester, UK.
Registered: 2004-07-20
Posts: 57

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Hey Ben,

Thanks for your continued support. I’m confident that my form/section set up is correct, I just wrote <site> instead of my real site name. My subscription works like this:

Section subscribe. A couple of conditionals here so that subscribe form only shows up if no article selected (the only article posted within this section is the unsubscribe article). If you want I can create a temporary user/administrator for txp if you want to inspect the settings (unsure whether this helps, but I’m using TP with PHP5 on mediatemple’s grid server).

IS it possible to create a manual unsubscription form for those who will not be clicking from the email? I realised I can use <txp:zem_contact_text name="zemUnSubscribe" label="Unsubscribe" /> to unsubscribe. Is there a way of putting both the subsribe and unsubscribe form on the same page without getting any ‘You have not completed …’ errors?

Last edited by snkhan (2007-01-03 20:12:29)


#84 2007-01-03 19:17:57

From: Leicester, UK.
Registered: 2004-07-20
Posts: 57

Re: [archived] Postmaster -- A simple email-on-post / newsletter manager

Hmm, still getting the article_context errors. But I have managed to narrow down the cause of the problem. My article excepts use <txp:permlink>Read more »</txp:permlink> so that I can make my read more links appear inline. When this code is present within the excerpt field (even if it is not output within the newsletter form itself) the error is output.

Additionally, the postmaster processing page never returns a completed message, even if though there are only two subscribers. The completed message however, is returned only when sending a ‘Test’ message. (Edit#2 Must be a Firefox issue, as this error is not displayed in IE7. It might be linked to the fact that Firefox opens a new tab, which might be causing this behaviour)

Any other users experiencing a similar problem?


Last edited by snkhan (2007-01-03 20:16:28)


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