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Re: TXP Forum? -- Small plugin w/ possible solution [needs work]
That sounds right — you’d set up a different section for each sub-forum, but you’d have to adjust the code a bit so that new topics would get assigned the correct section — in the future this could all be built into a tab in the admin.
– BenOffline
#14 2006-11-19 21:57:41
- mattgilbert
- Member
- Registered: 2006-03-23
- Posts: 70
Re: TXP Forum? -- Small plugin w/ possible solution [needs work]
any developments on the subforum issue? or has a different approach altogether gained momentum that i didn’t know about?
also, i’m getting this error:
tag_error <txp:article_custom category=“forum” form=“forum_form_2” /> -> Textpattern Notice: Form not found: “forum_form_2” on line 1332
even though i have the “forum_form_2” form set up.
here’s the code that’s in the form:
<table style=“border:groove;border-width:thin;” >
<td width=“200”>
<span class=“small_font”>
<P><txp:permlink><txp:title />
<td width=“80”>
<p><span class=“small_font”><center>
<txp:comments_count />
<td width=“255”>
<P><span class=“small_font”>
<b><txp:author /></b> · <txp:posted />
Last edited by mattgilbert (2006-11-19 22:19:46)
Re: TXP Forum? -- Small plugin w/ possible solution [needs work]