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#13 2006-05-22 09:35:02

From: Finland
Registered: 2005-09-10
Posts: 211

Re: Plugin Requests

If I understood correctly, this is now the place for plugin requests?

Would anybody be interested of taking over the guestbook -plugin and making it possible to have custom fields as described here?

If custom fields are not possible to make, other option could be making guestbook plugin to support country regognization automatically like WP:s IPnation. That plugin adds two database tables and is quite ridiciously huge considering it´s usage that is to show visitors/commenters country so visitors/commenters direct input with custom fields would be just better.

If somebody is interested, I am willing to donate/participate on ransom.


#14 2006-05-22 21:41:43

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: Plugin Requests

Bump: updated details url for Steve’s claim, added P’s request.


#15 2006-05-27 23:55:36

From: Greenville, SC
Registered: 2005-07-31
Posts: 1,495

Re: Plugin Requests

Show/Hide fields and Tabs for better user friendliness

I would like to request a plugin that would serve to make “user-friendliness” a greater virtue of TXP.

current problem:

I find it difficult to tell clients: “See this keyword box, you’ll never need to use it, don’t touch it”. This has often seemed unprofessional to me. There are plenty of opinions about this, but I have heard enough mention of the hope of “hiding” certain parts of the textpattern backend to certain levels of users, that I feel its worth asking for the development of such a plugin.

desired functionality:

  • ability to hide unnecessary fields in the “write” tab. I’m not sure which are viable and which cannot be “hidden”, but as many as possible would be ideal
  • ability to hide any of the four category lists (for those that the system doesn’t use) under the “organize” tab
  • ability to hide any unnecessary fields in the “image”, “files”, and “links” tabs (particularly the “inner” parts of that where one assigns thumb, alt text, category, sort order, etc)
  • ability to hide even the appearance of tabs that a certain level of user “ought” not to see. For instance a staff writer shouldn’t even have to be tempted with the “organize” tab.


I foresee this being part of the “extensions” tab that is often used by admin end plugins. Perhaps it could be a list of fields corresponding to “nnnnnn_tab” with radio buttons for show or hide.
Each option might have a list of checkboxes corresponding to each level of user to assign whether or not the option is visible. Perhaps there is a better grid to handle this kind of functionality more efficiently? If the would-be plugin developer would be willing to adjust the level of cost for the plugin in exchange for help designing the interface (from me and/or others) I would be interested.

If anyone has any other ideas to add to this request, I would love to hear them, however, I think this is already a very tall order, and perhaps already too tall, so please keep it within reason.

possible solution:

there has been much work into the Rights and Permissions workgroup, but alas, we are all busy, and its hard to say when this kind of thinking will come to fruition.

Pledge of funds

I will pledge $50 (us) dollars to start this off. I am hoping that others will join the fray.
I expect that a plugin of this magnitude will take some time, as is worth more than 50 dollars.

That’s all folks.



#16 2006-05-28 00:39:33

Plugin Author
From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2005-01-28
Posts: 87

Re: Plugin Requests

Matthew, I can do this one.
The actual hiding will have to be done with javascript, otherwice whole tabs’ php would have to be rewritten.
If there are some especially notable posts in the “Rights and Permissions” discussion, could you point to them please, as i didn’t read the seven pages yet.


Plugin Composer — admin plugin to write your own plugins


#17 2006-05-28 04:53:49

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: Plugin Requests

Bump: Added Matthew’s request. I haven’t marked it as “claimed” yet as it appears some dialog is still forthcoming? but let me know otherwise.


#18 2006-05-28 09:08:54

From: Netherlands
Registered: 2005-04-10
Posts: 82

Re: Plugin Requests

How about a shoutbox? Anyone eager to implement one? I think it would be a useful and popular addition to the Textpattern feature set.

Something like this for example.


#19 2006-05-28 10:24:10

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,135
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: Plugin Requests

ragger wrote:

Something like this for example.

Wouldn’t this example drain the bandwidth? (maybe I’m wrong; just thinking)

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#20 2006-05-28 13:06:05

From: Greenville, SC
Registered: 2005-07-31
Posts: 1,495

Re: Plugin Requests

I don’t know that anything in the rights and permissions workgroup is applicable.
It mainly focuses on rights and roles, and is a much much bigger project.

This plugin would only focus on one small part of that issue, which is controlling visability based on permissions, but wouldn’t affect any of true permissions really accept for those things hidden through javascript. I hope that makes sense.

Unless you have some clear idea about how to implement a grid for the control of visibility, and/or if you feel it would help to have someone like me or others contribute on that end, I can work on something over the rest of the weekend (ready for tuesdayish) to “visualize” that behavior (via a mockup of some sort).

Let me know what you want to do?

Thanks Inspired, looking forward to it.



#21 2006-05-28 13:49:13

Plugin Author
From: Kiev, Ukraine
Registered: 2005-01-28
Posts: 87

Re: Plugin Requests

Well, I have some ideas on how to implement it and will take time think and apply them :) Of course if you have a particular vision, please share it perhaps as part of the request. Won’t tell you more now, leaving to take some experiments.
Mary, you can add this to claimed. Thanks for care.

Plugin Composer — admin plugin to write your own plugins


#22 2006-05-29 03:24:23

From: Greenville, SC
Registered: 2005-07-31
Posts: 1,495

Re: Plugin Requests

Inspired, I am happy to let you role with this. Do you have a final dollar amount in mind? If you care to write me directly, you may. Thanks man, looking forward to the results.



#23 2006-05-29 07:44:44

Sock Enthusiast
Registered: 2004-06-27
Posts: 6,236

Re: Plugin Requests

Bump: added ragger’s request and marked Matthew’s as claimed.


#24 2006-05-30 03:05:33

Plugin Author
From: Boston, MA
Registered: 2004-02-24
Posts: 592

Re: Plugin Requests

Hey, I would be willing to adapt my flash shoutbox and make it a plugin for txp. Would that be nice enough?

upload swf and js file using files tab. If you already have my next walk_qt plugin installed, v0.6(not out yet), i’ll make this plugin use the same js file.
Embed flash via js for Eolas workaround.

The only thing I’m worried about is db support. Perhaps I could make it use the txp_discuss table?

What does everyone think?
A solution on the DB side that I haven’t thought of….?

Last edited by Walker (2006-08-29 16:43:34)


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