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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
Hi Steve, I started using this plugin a couple of hours ago and I love it already. Keep up the good work!
#38 2007-08-04 12:34:00
- chinesedream
- Member
- Registered: 2006-09-05
- Posts: 22
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
Hi, I wonder if I can still use TXP default OL, or perhaps replacing the <div> to <ul>? Somewhere I can edit in the plugin?
Though arguable and somewhat objective, I however feel the List is more semantical for the comment area.
What I want is something like this:
<li class=“comment_left”>
<li class=“comment_author”>
example here: http://tinyurl.com/3dzf5g
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
Steve, just found and started using this fantastic plugin. Just wondering – where do you use the “comments_preview” form? Do you mean the default “comments_display” form?
In the docs: “All of them are designed for use in the TXP forms called comments and, if you use it, comments_preview.”
Not quite following what’s the purpose of “comments_preview” nor how it is used…
Edit: I figured it out: <txp:comments_preview form="comments_preview" />
Last edited by jstubbs (2007-12-25 13:46:00)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
I wasn’t having any problems with your plugin, Steve, but according to Jukka here it needs upgrading to be compatible with 4.0.6 so that it will still work in conjunction with his new plugin. I need the comment numbers to keep ascending when comments are spread over more than one page. At present they start from #1 on each page.
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
I didn’t say it as so. I just said that this plugin doesn’t support offset – so it shows same numbers every page. Feature zero, feature of sed_comment_pack. You need new plugin that counts offset, nothing more. If comment pack will count offset, then it will start numbers after offset causing hazard when dealing comment lists etc. Feature as I said.
And I didn’t say anything about my plugin :P Offset is core feature and rah_comments still uses it, it doesn’t make the pagination by it self, ay’know.
Last edited by Gocom (2008-02-17 00:45:24)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
I’m having problems with the author_class being applied “out of the box”. The author (me) appears to be receiving the same markup as other comments. I’ve double checked that the name and email are the same. The install I’m using it on is a recent svn. Is it possible something has changed since the 4.0.6 release that interferes with the author checking?
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
Hi Mike, I can help with that one. Mine works fine in 4.0.6. The following also includes some code from Jukka so the numbers of the comments worked correctly. So just adapt it to suit you. This is the comments form:
<div class="<txp:sed_get_comment_class per_name='' hide_odd_even='1' />">
<txp:comment_anchor />
<h5><span class="comment-no"><txp:comment_permlink>
$dif = gps('pg')*10;
$dif = $dif-10;
} else {
$dif = '0';
$number = sed_comment_number(array())+$dif;
echo $number;
</txp:php></txp:comment_permlink></span> · <txp:comment_name /><txp:sed_if_author_comment_string string=' (TXPQ)' /></h5>
<txp:sed_comment_time class='comment-time' format="%d %b %y" />
<txp:message />
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
Thanks Peter, I’ll give it your suggestion a try.
There has been at least one commit since 4.0.6 that deals with how the log in/user name is handled. I was wondering if it had any impact on sed_comment_pack’s author check. (I think it checks comment name against author’s real name).
(I’ve a php light-weight still, so it might not have anything to do with it. :)
Last edited by maverick (2008-07-08 00:09:41)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
I tried your suggestion, but for some reason it still is not styling the author comments. I appreciate your help, though!
I don’t think its the user name change in the svn – I’ve now tried the plugin on a regular 4.06 install with the same result.
Weird is that if I use the check-password method, it works as advertised. (But don’t want to use that method). But with the check-email method isn’t recognizing my comment email as the author email. I know the email address is correct – I’ve even copy/pasted it over. txp:author it returning the correct author.
Last edited by maverick (2008-07-08 01:12:35)
#46 2008-07-08 05:25:55
- net-carver
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2006-03-08
- Posts: 1,648
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
Hi, thanks for posting. If possible, can you mail me a login to the site so I can take a poke around and see what’s happening?
— Steve
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
Sorry for the delay. I’ve been on multiple projects.
You should have mail.
Thanks so very much.
Last edited by maverick (2008-07-09 22:51:10)
#48 2008-07-15 05:35:30
- net-carver
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2006-03-08
- Posts: 1,648
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] sed_comment_pack
maverick’s problem has been identified and I’ve made a change to the code so it won’t happen again in the next version.
Symptom: Comments left by authors are not having the ‘author’ class applied to them when matching on email address.
Happens when: The admin user has a mixed case email address associated with their account.
Work-around: Edit your user’s email address making it all lower case.
Last edited by net-carver (2008-07-15 05:36:16)
— Steve