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#25 2006-07-31 18:38:36
- Ray
- Member
- Registered: 2004-03-02
- Posts: 155
Re: [howto] copyright
colak, nice little “time saving” snippet of code. Thanks for posting… good idea ; )
#26 2006-08-01 02:35:07
- net-carver
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2006-03-08
- Posts: 1,648
Re: [howto] copyright
Esteban_Panzera wrote:
What does that code print?
Hello Esteban,
I don’t know which snippet of code you are referring to but if you look at my post for the copyright plugin it gives a little more detail.
Basically it can…
- output a copyright message for use in the
section of a page. - output the effective copyright dates of either a site or an article on a site.
- output a copyright message for a site or an article on a site.
- optionally make the copyright owner a hyperlink.
The actual string displayed by the plugin for the copyright message and copyright owner is configurable, as is the date section that it outputs – start only, end only, start-end and even the order in which these things are displayed.
The dates are taken from the article timestamps so you don’t need to worry about updating your copyright messages at the end of the year, it’s all driven by the data.
Hope that helps.
— Steve