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#13 2006-05-06 21:52:26

From: Germany
Registered: 2005-01-20
Posts: 4,812
Website GitHub

Re: Transatlantic cooperation

thanks to both of you for shedding some more light on the background, the hitches and how you overcame them and your working method, too. I forgot to ask if you used an online collaboration tool, but you answered it already :-) I presume you also both worked on the same online txp installation, i.e. txp as central data repository with basecamp as a parallel ‘communication channel’.

Getting a little off-topic here, but: Guillaume, would you say basecamp has advantages over other methods when you don’t need to collaborate? I certainly have a need to note down stuff I have to do, but I really do it for myself and am not sure if I always want a client to be able to read my own deliberations. In an attempt overhaul my ever less clear sets of paper lists, I’ve been using a tiddlywiki derivate for keeping my lists for several projects and so far it seems okay. It’s not hooked to deadlines/calendar (at least at the moment) so I use it more like a flexible jotting tool rather than for ‘(time) managing’ projects. Like you say, I can have it open in another window, but I can also take it with me on a USB-stick for use when I have no internet connection (or even no computer of my own), and also use it for numerous projects at the same time.

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#14 2006-05-07 01:13:26

From: Paris
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 309

Re: Transatlantic cooperation


> I presume you also both worked on the same online txp installation

Yes and it appeared to be a great technical collaborative tool as well. At a time of the project, when Rob had laid down all the site structure, I was able to fine tune some details without asking him to loose time for minor changes. We even were at the end, in the final rush, both working inside Txp at the same moment.

> would you say basecamp has advantages over other methods when you don’t need to collaborate

I use it for reminders, categorize my to-dos in different lists and keep an history of what has been done in my other personal single projects. It’s obvious it’s deploying it’s full power when it comes to collaborate with other people, in the case of this site for example. It’s the only tool I’ve been until now, but it’s so deadly simple that you get used to it instantaneously…

> and am not sure if I always want a client to be able to read my own deliberations

In Basecamp you can restrict certain areas and make them private, not visible for a client for example. The client never had access to Basecamp in our case nor did I mention to him the existence of such a tool.

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