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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
I just wonder if I’m overlooking something. I just started using TXP a few days ago…
Here’s what I have for the form upm_imgCaption :<code>
<div id=“img_300x250” ><img src=”<txp:upm_img_id />” /><div id=“caption_imgfeatures”><txp:upm_img_caption /></div></div>
and this is how I’m calling it in the article :<code>
<txp:image id=“2” form=“upm_imgCaption” />
It brings in the image, but doesn’t apply any of the div styling (for id “img_300x250” in my CSS), nor does it give me a caption in the div underneath (if I view the html source, it doesn’t even write out the div tags from the form at all. Only the image tag.)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
nevermind, i figured it out… newbie troubles ;)
<div id=“img_300x250” ><txp:upm_image image_id=”<txp:upm_img_id />” show_height=“no” show_width=“no” /><div id=“caption_imgfeatures”><txp:upm_img_caption /></div></div>
then for calling it
<txp:upm_image image_id=“2” form=“upm_imgCaption” />
Last edited by jpea (2006-06-16 16:21:54)
#51 2006-06-27 09:58:14
- alexwest
- Member
- From: Järna, Sweden
- Registered: 2004-08-04
- Posts: 53
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
Trying to use this plugin straight out to display three images from an article. The images display fine, but they are all wrapped in an <code><a></code> tag linking to the default images folder of TXP.
Even if I only use <code><txp:upm_article_image /></code> to call it.
Any clues to what is happening?
be safe and happy
#52 2006-06-27 10:22:56
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
No idea. Can you do a tag trace?
#53 2006-06-27 10:42:37
- alexwest
- Member
- From: Järna, Sweden
- Registered: 2004-08-04
- Posts: 53
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
Hi Mary,
I’ve noticed two behaviours (I have 3 image ids assigned to Article Image in my Article).
- One
The first is the one I mentioned above, with <code><txp:upm_article_image /></code>.
The code is wrapped in <code><a></code> tags for each image, like this
<a href=“http://localhost/website/images/”><img src=“http://localhost/website/images/22.jpg” width=“591” height=“443” /></a>
This is the Tag Trace:
[SQL (0.001829): select * from `txp_image` where id in(22,20,19) order by field(id, 22,20,19)]
- Two
If I set the plugin to display only one image, like this <code><txp:upm_article_image limit=“1” /></code>, there’s only the image tag <code><img></code> in the source code now (no wrapping tags, plugin returns as it should) and the Tag Trace shows this:
<txp:upm_article_image limit=“1” />
[SQL (0.003090): select * from `txp_image` where id = ‘22’ limit 0, 1]
Hope that’s helpful
Last edited by alexwest (2006-06-27 10:43:20)
be safe and happy
#54 2006-06-27 11:05:53
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
Thanks. I’ll see what I can do.
#55 2006-06-30 03:59:20
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
I can’t replicate this behaviour. Are you running the latest version?
#56 2006-06-30 09:39:27
- alexwest
- Member
- From: Järna, Sweden
- Registered: 2004-08-04
- Posts: 53
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
Hi Mary,
Yes, v.0.3 that is what it displays in the plugin list. I’ve tried downloading again from your website, but the link is empty.
I set up a testing page for the plugin here (it’s in debug mode), with different attributes, and I’ve found the same behaviours.
I have replicated these on two different servers now and both are running Textpattern version: 4.0.3 (r1188) (just in case it had something to do with that)
Again, the article is assigned 3 images and the plugin is run from a form.
Thanks for your help.
be safe and happy
#57 2006-07-01 12:37:23
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
Try this one, Alex.
#58 2006-07-01 19:16:20
- nardo
- Member
- From: tuvalahiti
- Registered: 2004-04-22
- Posts: 743
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
hiya Mary – for article images, I’m using your plugin calling a form – so as to be able to use the <txp:upm_img_caption />
sometimes images have captions, sometimes they don’t
I want to be able to have some styling on the caption (from a paragraph tag or even div with a class) but don’t want that tag & styling showing when there’s no caption
I tried wrapping the img_caption tag with the chh_if_data conditional – but that doesn’t work… any ideas?
maybe if your form tags also had wraptag & class attributes?
thanks again for these plugins, essential
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
Hello Mary,
I would like to use upm_article_image (v.0.3.2) to make a ul -> li -> a -> img structured picture gallery list with popup images.
I think it is possible to attach a class to breaktags (the li elements) but it is not possible to attach a class to the parent wraptag ( the ul ).
Is that right?
My problem is that i should add some margin to the top and bottom of the ul, but it is not possible right now without an ugly extra div wrapper.
What do you think?
Thanx: teamtom
#60 2006-07-02 17:59:00
- Mary
- Sock Enthusiast
- Registered: 2004-06-27
- Posts: 6,236
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] upm_image: More powerful image display
Nope, it should apply the class to the wraptag specified.
<txp:upm_article_image wraptag="ul" class="my-ul-class" break="li" breakclass="my-break-class" />
nardo: that’s because the custom tags aren’t “real” tags, like how comment_name_input isn’t, at present, a real tag.
I can soon change that though. :)