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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_social
Great plugin – saved me lots of time, thanks :)
I think I may have found a bug though. On one of my sites I have a few sections which have sticky articles on them, instead of a list of articles – the links don’t pick this up at the bottom and no varibables are passed so the links on the social bookmarks look like this
Is there anyway around this?
#14 2007-07-05 07:02:33
- werner
- Member
- Registered: 2006-09-03
- Posts: 10
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_social
Hello – this plugin rocks.
I am developing a web catalogue, where every company/website is one article. The link to the company is stored in a custom field.
In order to change the social links from the article permlink to that custom field url, i changed the plugin code a little.
Instead of
$out = array();
$title = urlencode($thisarticle[‘title’]);
$permlink = urlencode(permlinkurl($thisarticle));
i wrote
$custurl = ‘url’; // Custom field name
$custa = custom_field(array(‘name’ => $custurl)); // Get value from custom field
$out = array();
$title = urlencode($thisarticle[‘title’]);
$permlink = urlencode($custa);
Maybe someone is looking for this feature.
And maybe in the next version of this plugin, there could be a tag like usecustomfield=“blahblah” ?
So i could still use the plugin for those articles of that project that are not describing companies, without having to put their permlink in the custom field. My programming skills are just too weak to achieve this.
#15 2008-01-27 19:18:45
- marios
- Archived Plugin Author
- Registered: 2005-03-12
- Posts: 1,253
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_social
Hi, I integrated this plugin into my project. However, I realized, that the description Info is not added to the URL.
Looking at the plugin code, it appears to me, that actually doing that PHP whise would not be the best solution.
Because it might be different for different purposes.
I was thinking, the best and easiet way to do that, would be to grab the info from the frontend page. That is how it is done with a boomarklet, it traverses the DOM to find the meta tag despription and then concatenates the URL with the fetched Info.
May be that could be done with Jquery (Which TXP uses )
Any Ideas on this ?
regards, marios
Last edited by marios (2008-01-27 19:21:20)
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#16 2008-11-28 21:15:10
- shnnnhickman
- New Member
- Registered: 2008-11-28
- Posts: 3
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_social
I’m getting an error tag when I use the ako_social plugin and the yahoo image doesn’t show properly.
Any suggestions?
the error riads:
Tag error: <txp:ako_social imgsrcdir=”/images/social” delicious=“1” digg=“1” reddit=“1” yahoo=“1” netscape=“1” windowslive =“1” stumbleupon=“1” googlebookmarks=“1” twitthis=“1” wink=“1” images=“1” /> -> Warning: array_key_exists(): The second argument should be either an array or an object on line 119
#17 2009-09-16 12:02:55
- Noxgenus
- Member
- Registered: 2009-03-12
- Posts: 21
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_social
and if you want the links to open in a lightbox, so that people can return to your site after posting the article:
// = etc attrs =
‘images’ => ‘0’,
‘imgsrcdir’ => ‘’,
‘wraptag’ => ‘’,
‘breaktag’ => ‘’,
‘imgclass’ => ‘’,
‘wrapclass’ => ‘’,
‘breakclass’ => ‘’,
‘aclass’ => ‘’,
‘mediabox’ => ‘ rel=“mediabox[1100 600]”’, <—— use this for your lightbox iframe
then in the bottom add this:
$out[] = href($v[$images], $v2, $mediabox);
#18 2010-05-08 19:05:21
- fantasmo
- Member
- Registered: 2010-05-05
- Posts: 40
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ako_social
is there a way to take the url from the post to the bookmarking site?
Now it just opens a bookmarking site, for example “Digg” but I have to type in the url, which is not very comfortable for the user.
Or is there another plugin which can do that?
I saw its possible on the bookmark links on the textpattern ressources site, but I don’t know, how they did that.