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#145 2012-08-01 09:03:16

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,135
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Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

Bloke wrote:

Hi Stef

and change the true to false. But that’s only a temporary fix.

that fixed the problem.

It sounds, especially given your problems with rvm_privileged and this plugin, that things aren’t quite installed or set up correctly on your server. Not sure why though. I assume you’ve done a complete hard-refresh to flush any browser cache?

I am not running the betas on a live site. I created a subdirectory in one of my domains to check it all before upgrading when the final version comes. I could grand you access to the site if that will help you.

>Edited to add that rvm_privileged started working today:)

Last edited by colak (2012-08-01 09:06:40)

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#146 2012-08-01 09:20:48

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,296

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy


Quite a few UI-design issues in this screenshot.
The highlighted ‘Upload’ should start a new paragraph, me thinks. I’m trying to understand the rest.
Does the ‘set up’ button really need to be one with a class ‘publish’? That type of button is reserved for ‘Saving’ in my understanding of the TXP-UI. In this case it just loads the options pane.

I’ll see later how the plugin works on my side (goes reading the help file…)

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#147 2012-08-08 00:05:43

From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Registered: 2004-10-10
Posts: 3,070

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

Bloke wrote:

For the first time in absolutely ages, ied_plugin_composer has a new beta. But please note it only runs on Txp 4.5.0.

Being that the previous betas of ied_plugin_composer_v1.00 worked in Txp 4.4.1, could you consider bumping the plugin version? If not, I’ll have some ied_plugin_composer_v1.00_beta.php that are 4.4.1 compatible and others ied_plugin_composer_v1.00_beta.php that are Txp > 4.5.0 only compatible.
I know I’m being too picky, sorry :)

La música ideas portará y siempre continuará

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#148 2012-08-08 19:02:05

From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Registered: 2004-10-10
Posts: 3,070

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

I’ve just dropped the ied_plugin_composer.php file into the plugins cache, and it worked almost flawlessly: only missing things are all the plugin lang strings. I understand (and confirm) that the lang strings get installed when I do a “normal” installation (i.e. paste .txt content -> hit Install -> activate plugin).
But then, I’ve to request: could there be a way to manually run the installation of text strings for ied_plugin_composer when it’s installed by dropping it into the plugin cache dir? Thanks :)

La música ideas portará y siempre continuará

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#149 2012-08-08 21:56:29

Developer Emeritus
From: Helsinki, Finland
Registered: 2006-07-14
Posts: 4,533

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

maniqui wrote:

But then, I’ve to request: could there be a way to manually run the installation of text strings for ied_plugin_composer when it’s installed by dropping it into the plugin cache dir?

Translations are part of the composed plugin installation package itself. They are handled and installed by the plugin installer itself, and as such, are not part of the code itself. The plugin’s source code intentionally doesn’t contain those strings.

How I’ve handled the situation is by offering individual textpacks (Textpattern’s translation files) in the source repositories (e.g. rah_sitemap/textpacks). If someone decides to use just the raw source or needs multiple languages, they can install the translations from those files. Textpack files can be installed from Language Preferences panel.

In the future (during 2013?) I will be most likely dropping the constantly ran installer fallback too in favor of just relaying to plugin lifecycle callbacks, after which the installer needs to be ran manually using command-line or PHP interface if the plugin installation steps are skipped. This is to limit resource use and resolve potential errors.

Last edited by Gocom (2012-08-08 21:57:55)


#150 2012-08-11 08:48:08

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,575
Website GitHub

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

Yeah the ui still needs work. Please continue to highlight issues and I’ll get to them when I can. And yeah textpacks will need to be sourced separately. The .org redesign will have this feature eventually. Anyone who has installed it in the db can export the strings for you in the meantime. I’ll add a separate textpacks link on my site at some point.

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#151 2012-08-11 15:24:56

From: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Registered: 2004-10-10
Posts: 3,070

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

I forgot to add that I’ve got the strings by installing the plugin in DB (then, I’ve just removed it).

La música ideas portará y siempre continuará

TXP Builders – finely-crafted code, design and txp


#152 2012-08-20 16:18:18

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,575
Website GitHub

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

phiw13 wrote:

Quite a few UI-design issues in this screenshot.

Ack, finally got round to looking at this on a non-mobile network and the link 404s. Any chance you could forward me a copy and/or drop me a line about the UI problems you’ve spotted.

That Installation panel is an absolute mess (especially in Hive, but also in other themes). Could do with a design guru to suggest layout improvements if anyone has time. The main issue is that the various tools up there are kind of related, yet can work independently. For example:

  • You can name a plugin and hit Create new plugin to make an empty one with that name.
  • You can upload a .txt, .php or raw <?php ... file using the upload box and the plugin name will become the filename BUT if you add a name in the box to the left (prior to upload) then the plugin takes on that name instead of the filename.
  • The radio buttons usually apply only to the ‘install’ textarea but the Auto-enable plugins on install can be used to influence whether plugins that are installed, uploaded, or created are enabled, disabled or have their status remain as it was (in the case of a plugin that is already installed).
  • The Setup button is just a separate thing that brings up the prefs panel and can be located anywhere I guess.

So you see, all the widgets kind of interact depending on how you use the panel, which means they can’t easily be “grouped” into distinct areas. Any thoughts on how to lay it out are more than welcome.

Does the ‘set up’ button really need to be one with a class ‘publish’?

Not really. I can drop that class. I only added it in the first place because net-carver said he couldn’t find the Setup button in version 0.5-something and the red stood out more! It’s just been that way ever since. Mind you, the fact he couldn’t find it probably smacked more of my crappy UI skillz than his eyesight :-)

Last edited by Bloke (2012-08-20 16:19:09)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#153 2012-08-21 00:00:39

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,296

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

Bloke wrote:

Ack, finally got round to looking at this on a non-mobile network and the link 404s. Any chance you could forward me a copy and/or drop me a line about the UI problems you’ve spotted.

Ack, stupid DreanmHost. the HD that holds my site(s) went south and they restored from a outdated backup. I don’t have that screenshot anymore though.

(the issues highlighted are basically the same in Hive anyway, related to the ‘install’ panel: long unit erupted lines that don’t make clear what is what and so on. Resizing you window to smaller/larger shows some of them.

That Installation panel is an absolute mess (especially in Hive, but also in other themes). Could do with a design guru to suggest layout improvements if anyone has time. …

I’ll try to find some time later this week to produce some static html ‘pages’.

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#154 2012-08-21 06:27:35

Plugin Author
From: Japan
Registered: 2004-02-27
Posts: 3,296

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

Bloke wrote :

Not really. I can drop that class. I only added it in the first place because net-carver said he couldn’t find the Setup button in version 0.5-something and the red stood out more! It’s just been that way ever since. Mind you, the fact he couldn’t find it probably smacked more of my crappy UI skillz than his eyesight :-)

Perhaps we need a special class something for ‘this is an important button or link and needs special design love to attract attention’. Maybe philwareham can chime in on this… I seem to recall a discussion between I’m and Gocom on that subject; can’t find it though.

Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern


#155 2012-09-11 23:58:58

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,575
Website GitHub

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

New beta out with some tweaks and fixes. Nothing major, the installation panel is still a mess, but the interface works more consistently across themes. Grab it.

maniqui, et al: if you want Textpacks I’ve put them up in a separate folder for now which I’ll integrate into the ‘sw’ part of the site when I get round to paying it some attention.

I have a known bug to fix but I can’t quite trace the exact nature of it yet. If you switch languages from the Textpack strings area and hit Load, it goes away and fires off hundreds of AJAX calls to populate the strings. It appears that if you interrupt this process before it completes, when you go and reload the original strings, some of them are missing.

At least, I think that’s how it breaks. Anybody who wants to play with it and can figure out exactly what’s going on, please report it here. If you back up (export) your Textpack strings first just in case, it gives you a nice quick method to load them back in again if they get destroyed.

Tthinking out loud I’ll probably need to disable the jQuery auto-update during language switching so the existing strings don’t get blatted, but I also probably need a counter so you know how many have been loaded. And also to disable the Load button until it’s complete (though that won’t stop you navigating away from the page or using another button). Lots of things to think about here.

Last edited by Bloke (2012-09-12 00:08:38)

The smd plugin menagerie — for when you need one more gribble of power from Textpattern. Bleeding-edge code available on GitHub.

Txp Builders – finely-crafted code, design and Txp


#156 2012-09-12 09:29:02

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
Posts: 1,643
GitHub Twitter

Re: ied_plugin_composer - new plugins never came that easy

Hi Stef ;)

Maybe you’re looking for this. So you find it now:

#@language fr-fr
ied_plugin_any => Tous
ied_plugin_auto_enable => Activer les plugins dès leur installation
ied_plugin_cache_not_set => Le paramètre "chemin du cache des plugins" des préférences avancées n'est pas renseigné
ied_plugin_check_type => Renseignez le type de votre plugin !
ied_plugin_choose_file => Veuillez choisir d'abord un fichier
ied_plugin_code_dist => Code de distribution du plugin
ied_plugin_code_legend => Code source du plugin
ied_plugin_code_save => Sauvegarder le code
ied_plugin_code_saved => Code sauvegardé
ied_plugin_code_saved_fail => Échec de sauvegarde du code
ied_plugin_compress => Zip
ied_plugin_cpanel_legend => Installation
ied_plugin_create_new => Créer un nouveau plugin
ied_plugin_docs => Docs
ied_plugin_docs_legend => Aide du plugin
ied_plugin_edit => Éditer : {name} v{version}
ied_plugin_editing => Édition de {name} depuis Plugin Composer
ied_plugin_editor => Éditeur de plugins
ied_plugin_editor_options => Options de configuration de l'éditeur de plugins
ied_plugin_editor_path => URL de l'éditeur de plugins
ied_plugin_editor_width => Taille (largeur) de l'éditeur de plugin
ied_plugin_edit_new => Éditer votre nouveau plugin
ied_plugin_enable => Activé
ied_plugin_export => Exporter sous {name}
ied_plugin_export_textpack => Exporter le(s) textpack(s)
ied_plugin_export_zip => Exporter sous {name} (compressé)
ied_plugin_flags => Flags
ied_plugin_flag_has_prefs => A les préfs
ied_plugin_flag_lifecycle_notify => Notification d'événement 
ied_plugin_fn_not_exist => (la fonction est probablement en javascript ou contient du PHP corrompu)
ied_plugin_help_editor => Éditeur de l'aide
ied_plugin_help_editor_options => Configuration pour l'éditeur de l'aide
ied_plugin_help_editor_path => URL pour l'éditeur de l'aide
ied_plugin_help_not_available => Aide du plugin non disponible
ied_plugin_if_el_dist => Code de distribution
ied_plugin_if_el_style => Bloc CSS pour l'aide
ied_plugin_if_settings => Paramètres de l'interface
ied_plugin_install_txt => Installer depuis un fichier .txt
ied_plugin_interface_elems => Éléments optionels de l'interface
ied_plugin_jump_to_line => Aller à la ligne :
ied_plugin_langs_all => Toutes disponibles
ied_plugin_langs_installed => Seulement installées
ied_plugin_lang_choose => Liste des traductions (Textpack)
ied_plugin_lang_default => Langue par défaut (Textpack)
ied_plugin_lbl_composer => Plugin composer
ied_plugin_lbl_lc_delete => Supprimer
ied_plugin_lbl_lc_disable => Désactiver
ied_plugin_lbl_lc_enable => Activer
ied_plugin_lbl_lc_install => Installer
ied_plugin_lbl_op_code_first => Code au début
ied_plugin_lbl_op_help_first => Aide au début
ied_plugin_lbl_setup => Configuration de Plugin composer
ied_plugin_lifecycle_options => Réaliser les actions "lifecycle" sur
ied_plugin_load => Charger
ied_plugin_load_order => Ordre de chargement 
ied_plugin_load_order_help => (1=premier > 5=normal > 9=dernier)
ied_plugin_meta_legend => Meta information
ied_plugin_msgpop_lbl => Bloc phpdoc
ied_plugin_name_first => Veuillez nommer le plugin avant de pouvoir le créer
ied_plugin_output_order => Orde d'exportation du source PHP
ied_plugin_output_sfile => Noms d'exportation des fichiers plugin
ied_plugin_output_sfilec => Noms des fichiers compressés
ied_plugin_output_sfilep => Noms des fichiers Plugin
ied_plugin_output_sfilet => Noms des fichiers Textpack
ied_plugin_output_tmpcache => Chemin du cache de l'aide sous Textile
ied_plugin_php_doc => Créer un phpdoc
ied_plugin_prefs => Préférences
ied_plugin_prefs_deleted => Préférences supprimées
ied_plugin_renamed => (renomé)
ied_plugin_rename_failed => (échec de renomage)
ied_plugin_rename_file => Renomer le fichier
ied_plugin_restored => Plugin {name} restauré.
ied_plugin_restore_help => Restituer le code du plugin à partir de son dernier point de restauration
ied_plugin_restore_point => Point de restauration
ied_plugin_restore_verify => Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir restituer le code source de {name} à partir de son dernier point de restauration ?
ied_plugin_run_from => Les Plugins sont chargés depuis le cache
ied_plugin_run_install => Effectuer les actions de post-installation
ied_plugin_same => Nom
ied_plugin_save_as => Sauver sous {name}
ied_plugin_setup => Configuration
ied_plugin_syntax_check => Vérifier la syntaxe du code avant sauvegarde
ied_plugin_syntax_err => Erreur de syntaxe
ied_plugin_tp_legend => Chaînes du Textpack
ied_plugin_tp_populate => Essayer de charger les chaînes depuis la fonction 
ied_plugin_tp_prefix => Préfixe du Textpack 
ied_plugin_type => Type de plugin
ied_plugin_type_0 => Public
ied_plugin_type_1 => Admin + Public
ied_plugin_type_2 => Librarie
ied_plugin_type_3 => Admin seul
ied_plugin_type_4 => Admin (+AJAX)
ied_plugin_type_5 => Admin + Public (+AJAX)
ied_plugin_updated => Plugin {name} mis à jour
ied_plugin_uploaded => Plugin {name} téléchargé
ied_plugin_upload_php => Télécharger un plugin
ied_plugin_utils_legend => Distribution (effectif après sauvegarde)
ied_plugin_view_help => Aide de : {name}


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