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#253 2006-08-19 23:30:16

Registered: 2006-06-13
Posts: 19

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories


I got rss_unlimited_categories_article_list to ouput. Thanks for your help. But now I have another problem. I’m using section/id/title URLs. When I go to the URL of any individual article, it does not display the article but instead displays a list of all articles in that section. If I disable the plugin, the articles display normally. I’m using your new 0.5 version. Any ideas why it’s doing this?



#254 2006-08-20 13:57:45

From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-12-25
Posts: 52

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

I experienced the same problem as Austin with /section/title/. Running TXP 4.03 here.


#255 2006-08-21 21:58:18

Archived Plugin Author
From: France (69)
Registered: 2005-03-01
Posts: 20

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

Long month later i’m back…

Thanks for the correcting in the admin tab !

// edit

Argh, same problem than last posters, when i’m on an article, it’s listed like categories.

Last edited by Romuald (2006-08-22 10:55:06)


#256 2006-08-22 15:07:04

New Member
From: Fife, UK
Registered: 2004-09-10
Posts: 8

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

wilshire wrote:
h2. Important Again

Version 0.5 of this plugin contains a change that was made after TXP 4.0.3 was released. If you are running off the latest version from SVN, you won’t have any problems. If you are running 4.0.3 or an SVN version that isn’t very recent, you will not see the multi-select drop down list on the article -> write tab. In order to fix the problem, find this word in the code:


and replace it with


Given that TxP 4.03 is the latest released version of Textpattern, might it not be a good idea to make articleside the default value, and tell those on the bleeding edge to use article-col-2?

Assuming you’re biased towards the bleeding edge folks, could you at least add a comment into the installation instructions to tell mainstream users what to do. I had to grep through 9 pages of forum to find out.

I’m sure this will prove to be a fantastic plugin – please don’t take my request as undue criticism, if I didn’t think it was great, I wouldn’t be showing an interest.

Andrew K


#257 2006-08-22 18:21:04

Plugin Author
From: Akron, Ohio
Registered: 2004-08-27
Posts: 656

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

Autstin/mstwntd – I’ll have to look at that.

ak7176 – My apologies for your time wasted. I originally didn’t intend to make the change until 4.0.4 came out but then because of other fixes, ended up putting it out there. I added the note above to the install plugin page so that its clear.


#258 2006-08-22 18:24:34

New Member
From: Fife, UK
Registered: 2004-09-10
Posts: 8

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

No probs – after posting that, I read about the soon-to-be-released 4.04, and it all made sense!

FWIW, your plugin is working just fine, but the rest of my textpattern installation is up the creak.


Andrew K


#259 2006-08-23 02:26:22

Plugin Author
From: Akron, Ohio
Registered: 2004-08-27
Posts: 656

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

Well, seems that the ability to resolve /section/category/title URLs took away the ability to resolve normal URLs. I removed that code for now so if you re-download version 0.5 things should be back to normal.


#260 2006-08-23 08:00:34

New Member
From: Fife, UK
Registered: 2004-09-10
Posts: 8

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

Result! My site’s unbroken! Not a very quantitative test report, but that’s all I’ve got at the moment :-)

Andrew K


#261 2006-08-23 18:09:40

From: Kentucky
Registered: 2005-11-02
Posts: 324

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

I’m sorry if this has been discussed somewhere in this thread, but I don’t have time to look through 11 pages of posts to try and find it.

I just installed this plugin and from what I can see, it’s not working. When I go to Content -> Write tab it’s still displaying the normal 2 category drop down lists. I DO have the plugin set to active “YES” on the plugin screen, so I know that’s not it. Anything else I might be doing wrong here?



#262 2006-08-23 19:18:20

New Member
From: Fife, UK
Registered: 2004-09-10
Posts: 8

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

If you are using Textpattern version 4.0.3 then Click “Edit” on this plugin, find the text “article-col-2” and replace it with “articleside”.

If you upgrade to Textpattern 4.0.4 in the future, then remember to reinstall the plugin, or change the text back again.

Andrew K


#263 2006-08-23 19:34:03

From: Kentucky
Registered: 2005-11-02
Posts: 324

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

Thanks, that did it! :)


#264 2006-08-24 06:35:19

New Member
From: Guayaquil - Ecuador
Registered: 2006-08-24
Posts: 3

Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] rss_unlimited_categories - Unltd. Article Categories

Hi Rob, I’m using your unlimited categories plugin and also think it’s pretty Cool.

I needed to do a Small Mod :) to the rss_unlimited_categories_list Function to set a class (activeclass) for the active category element. (useful in a navigation)

Hope this helps somebody else and you include it in a new version :)


This is the part of the code I modified:

function rss_unlimited_categories_list($atts) { extract(lAtts(array( ‘section’ => ‘’, ‘time’ => ‘past’, ‘parent’ => ‘’, ‘showcount’ => 1, ‘countlinked’ => 1, ‘linktosection’ => ‘article’, ‘listwraptag’ => ‘’, ‘break’ => ‘li’, ‘wraptag’ => ‘ul’, ‘label’ => ‘’, ‘labeltag’ => ‘’, ‘class’ => ‘’, ‘breakclass’ => ‘’, ‘sortdir’ => ‘asc’, ‘activeclass’ => ‘’, ),$atts));

$sections=rssBuildSctSql($section); $time = rssBuildTimeSql($time);

$prnt = ($parent) ? “ WHERE parent = ‘@$parent’ “ : “”; $rsc = getRows(“SELECT distinct c.id, c.name, c.title FROM “.PFX.“textpattern_category as tc LEFT JOIN “.PFX.“txp_category as c ON tc.category_id = c.id “.$prnt.“ORDER BY c.name “ .$sortdir);

if ($rsc) {

global $c; // Custom Mod by Rafael Nevarez, added activeclass attribute

$row = array(); foreach ($rsc as $a=>$b) { $aq= “SELECT *, unix_timestamp(Posted) as uPosted FROM “.PFX.“textpattern as t LEFT JOIN “.PFX.“textpattern_category as c ON t.ID = c.article_id WHERE “.$sections.” c.category_id = ‘“.$b[‘id’].”’ and t.Status = 4 “.$time.” ORDER BY t.title”; $rsa = getRows($aq); if ($rsa) { $path = hu.$linktosection.”/”.strtolower($b[‘name’]); $count = ($showcount) ? “ (“.count($rsa).”) ” : “”; $row[]=($countlinked) ? tag(htmlspecialchars($b[‘title’].$count),‘a’,’ class=”’. ($c $b['name'] ? $activeclass : '') .'" href="'.$path.'" title="'.htmlspecialchars($b['title']).'"') : tag(htmlspecialchars($b['title']),'a',' class="'. ($c $b[‘name’] ? $activeclass : ‘’) .’” href=”’ . $path . ‘” title=”’ . htmlspecialchars($b[‘title’]) . ‘”’) . $count; } } return doTag(doLabel($label, $labeltag).doWrap($row, $wraptag, $break, $class, $breakclass), $listwraptag).n; } return ‘’; }

Last edited by RafaNevarez (2006-08-24 06:36:36)


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