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#109 2006-04-12 06:50:35

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Ay! It’s annoying that you all have to go through that trouble to get it working right but … I just have not had time to get through the code again and find that bug.

– jw -, thanks for helping Dominique out with the issue. Glad to hear it’s working okay with your fix. – ben


#110 2006-04-13 23:45:25

From: Paris
Registered: 2005-12-03
Posts: 45

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern


This plugin is a present of <strike>God</strike> Ben !

I have just a problem with “Mail” in Macintosh. Html Emails symply don’t work at all, all I get in my “Mail” client is a blank page, only the title of the email is displayed. Quite strange because it’s perfect on PC platform with Outlook.
I have tested it both with a powerbook G4 and a Mac G5 with respectively OS X III and IV. Anyone experienced the same issue ?

By the way, I would suggest a small improvement in the list of subscribers presentation : just to sort them alphabetically



#111 2006-04-14 10:48:23

From: fruitbelly, the Netherlands
Registered: 2004-03-16
Posts: 79

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

- jw -, thanks for helping Dominique out with the issue. Glad to hear it’s working okay with your fix. – ben

Ben, no problem. I have a question about EOP though. I found that EOP sends an email no matter the post status (ie draft). Would it be possible to only send mail when an article is really published? Come to think of it, it looks like txp considers the first time hitting the publish button as an article published. It seems only after that the system looks at the article status. I read somewhere that the plugin grabs the article before it is saved to the db, and emails it out. That would mean my question is answered with a big no!

Than maybe it would be possible to put the radiobutton EOP yes/no on the write tab….

Well, the more I write the more I see the difficulty with this. I just hope there is some sort of a solution to this

- jw -

textile deletes my identity


#112 2006-04-14 16:00:12

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

– jw –

I’m working on updates for everything; the NM and EOP both need some fixes, and I’ve been trying to extricate the subscribe function and table from the NM [so that you can use it with either, or anything else, without needing NM installed]. It’s too many things for the time I have so I keep getting scattered …

However, good news for you. I have almost finished working on an EOP update that will include [because of yours and I_Ms comments in the EOP thread]:

  • The ability to specify multiple sections to EOP, instead of the current one or all choice
  • If no specific sections are set, radio buttons on the write tab [“EOP or no?”] that allow you to choose per article. This will mail only when EOP is set to yes, and anytime in the article’s development — ie, you can email it when it first publishes, or you can make it a draft or post it live without mailing it, and then set the radios to yes and post it afterwards. This is basically ready but still needs testing.

Sound good?

Also, ma_smith requested the ability to use txp tags in the article body; this functionality will be in there with the same caveat — though I haven’t fully tested this — you can’t use txp tags relating to the article you’re on. This may be different if you are emailing posts that are already in the DB, but if it’s the first time you’ve posted, the plugin grabs the info before it is entered into the DB, and so the tags don’t know what you’re talking about.

– Ben


#113 2006-04-15 12:16:58

From: fruitbelly, the Netherlands
Registered: 2004-03-16
Posts: 79

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Sound good?

yes yes yes yes !!!! did I say it sounds good, already?. Great work Ben. Thanks.

- jw -

textile deletes my identity


#114 2006-04-15 12:43:25

From: Greenville, SC
Registered: 2005-07-31
Posts: 1,495

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Well done. You’ve outdone yourself here :)



#115 2006-05-15 09:27:07

New Member
From: Kazakhstan/Almaty
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 8

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

loid wrote:

Ben, sorry to say, but while the latest version removes the double “install tables” issue, its not fixing the prefix issue. I uninstalled the old version, dropped the table fbtxp_nlprefs (fb being the prefix) and then installed the new version of the plugin. No double “install tables,” but the newsletter preferences still disappear after filling in the fields, and the newsletter still doesn’t send.

Anyone have any ideas for a workaround? I really would like to make this work.

had the same issue and thinking I solved it. you’ll need to manually change the plugin code. find all the lines where TXP fetch() function is called, and replace the variable holding table name with actual table name. here is the example:

was: $init_ac = fetch(‘admin_controls’,”$bab_txp_nlprefs_table”, ‘id’,‘1’);

change to: $init_ac = fetch(‘admin_controls’,“txp_nlprefs”, ‘id’,‘1’);

found similar lines in 5 places

2Ben , great plugin, thanks! saved me a lot of time :)

Last edited by km_sameboy (2006-05-15 09:43:06)


#116 2006-05-18 16:28:10

Archived Plugin Author
From: NYC
Registered: 2005-01-08
Posts: 74

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Love the plugin, thanks so much Ben

I’d love the ability to maintain multiple newsletter lists with one instance of the plugin — i.e. each subscribe form could have a dropbox or a hidden field specifying “list” and then stick that inside the db.

With this I could totally migrate from dada — 1 list for the montly newsletter subscribers, 1 for people who want email-on-post, etc.


#117 2006-05-18 22:16:24

Registered: 2005-03-09
Posts: 38

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern


“had the same issue and thinking I solved it. you’ll need to manually change the plugin code. find all the lines where TXP fetch() function is called, and replace the variable holding table name with actual table name. here is the example:” (snip)

I felt I was so close. Thanks for the help; unfortunately that didn’t do it for me. I can see that one record is being kept in the fbtxp_nlprefs table, but after I fill in the blanks under admin controls and hit ‘set newsletter prefs,’ they still disappear. Now the subscribers appear to stick in the database, though.

It was easy to make those replacements you suggested at the fetch function. I wonder why it worked for you and not me.



#118 2006-06-06 04:42:04

From: Melbourne
Registered: 2006-02-18
Posts: 42

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Excellent work Ben! And great support from people who have chipped in with testing and suggestions too.

I’ve just installed the plugin by downloading from the plugins section of textpattern.org, but what tags to use? Am I missing something that other people have seen? I’ve trawled the code and this forum and have collected a few, but is there a full list somewhere, or any other documentation?


– Luke


#119 2006-06-06 22:43:55

Plugin Author
Registered: 2006-01-13
Posts: 328

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern


Have you seen the “help” link on the plugins tab on your Admin > Plugins page? There is fairly extensive documentation hidden away in there …


Obviously, development on Newsletter Manager and Email-on-Post has been slow in coming along — this is not for lack of interest but life has overtaken me. I don’t mean that as in, HALTED — when I do have time I will get back to these plugins — but I’d feel badly making promises. In the meantime, all of the help folks give eachother is truly appreciated and if anyone wants to take a shot at adding requested features, post the updates here for everyone.

I apologize for the delay but just thought I better let people know.


– Ben

Last edited by benbruce (2006-06-06 23:41:06)


#120 2006-06-07 15:26:24

From: Melbourne
Registered: 2006-02-18
Posts: 42

Re: [archived] bab_newsletter: Newsletter Manager for Textpattern

Ah yes… That’s the goods, thanks Ben.


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