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Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
I recommend to remove the old version first. The database entries should prevail, though, which means you shouldn’t have to set things up all over again after re-installing. :)
#62 2006-03-17 06:46:02
- fritz1903
- Member
- From: Berlin/Leipzig, Germany
- Registered: 2005-10-24
- Posts: 13
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
Are you going to supported Clean URL’s in the next version? That would be great! :-)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
I’m afraid there won’t be support for clean URLs for this plugin, for two good reasons:
- It’s not necessary. What clean URLs really were made for are permlinks, to make sure that the links to individual articles look more appealing. The wow_menu plugin does not link to individual articles.
- It’s not possible. There are several different ways clean URLs may be built, which always require information which is not available on menu level, but only for articles (id, year, date, title, etc.)
- Björn
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
This may seem a bit off topic but is there a plugin that works like this for sections? Or would it be possible to include this in the future?
I realize there are plugins to control section output to make a navigation menu but from what I’ve found they require you to add a custom list to the tag itself. There is no graphical interface like this plugin has.
It would come in handy for me when I setup sites for clients. It would make adding and controling sections a lot easier for them.
I don’t have the time to read this whole topic either so my apologies if it’s been asked.
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
wow_menu also supports sections, but through a workaround. If the plugin finds a category and section with the same name, it will link to the section instead of the category.
I agree — it would have made more sense to create this plugin for sections instead of categories. The problem is that textpattern offers poor support for sections – no subsections, for example, and you will quickly loose overview of the list if you have more than 5 sections – while categories can be administered in a rather comfortable way, so I decided to use this as a basis for the menu tree.
When you think about using this plugin for clients, please keep in mind that controlling the menu can be complex (depending on how much tweaking you need :), and that the UI does not support IE due to its poor DOM/DHTML support.
Last edited by nighthawk (2006-04-05 22:15:40)
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
Thanks for your answer. I didn’t realize the UI didn’t work in IE as I use firefox. That would be a problem for clients as most, if not all, use it as their browser.
Not to worry though. I’ll just use the custom sections plugin tag I found. It does what I want but forces the user to hack at the code and insert the menu list in the tag itself. I’ve setup a form for it by itself so at least it’s away from most other code.
#67 2006-04-20 21:23:14
- Infi
- Member
- Registered: 2005-05-28
- Posts: 75
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
In an online manual, I am using wow_menu to show cats for each section while IN that section. The link must contain the section as well as the category in the URL to retain the proper menu, so I’ve made this happen by changing:
<code>$href = hu . ‘index.php?’ . $type . ‘=’ . urlencode($target);</code>
<code>$href = hu . ‘index.php?s=<txp:section />&’ . $type . ‘=’ . urlencode($target);</code>
and writing the form like so for each category I need displayed:
<txp:if_section name=“SECTION”>
<strong><txp:section title=“1” /></strong>
<txp:wow_menu start=“CATEGORY” showparent=“0” />
This will not work for an overall menu, however. In any section outside those specified (section=”“), the current section (or cat) will be appended to the URL in addition to the one the category actually belongs in. (s=current&s=destination or s=current&c=CatNotInCurrentSection)
I know nothing about this stuff, but would very much like a tree with links pointing to the proper section AND cat in the URL no matter what section the user is in while retaining the option to show specific menus for specific sections.
Is this possible?
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
Oh boy, you got me reading your post over and over again to figure out what exactly you mean. ;) I’m still not certain, but it seems like you’d like to have s=x&c=y on all the wow_menu links – right?
I’m not sure if this’d work – from all I know about TXP, you can access articles through different sections as the sections apply the “look and feel” to an article. If that’s the case, the main problem is to determine which section should be used for which link – not thinking about the fact that some users certainly would like to add conditions to this, too. Oh, the possibilities… ;)
What could be done, of course, is to retain the current section and append it to all links, but this again could cause problems at some other end.
All in all, I’d prefer not to add a feature like this for 1.0 (which is close), but please feel free to provide some more details on what you need so we can take it into account when improving the plugin.
#69 2006-05-08 00:50:37
- Infi
- Member
- Registered: 2005-05-28
- Posts: 75
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
nighthawk wrote:
s=x&c=y on all the wow_menu links – right?
Figured my message wouldn’t be too clear :), but yes. As this is for a specialized “Online Help” section of a much larger ASP application site, I wasn’t really thinking in terms of alterations to the official version of the plugin, but am looking for pointers – plugin code, TXP or both – on how to get the menu to behave… yep, exactly like that.
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
Welllll… your suggestion is not really a change, right? ;)
Besides, that’s not a bug – it follows the XHTML conventions for ordered lists.
If you think that <ul><li>some stuff</li><ul><li>sublist</li></ul></ul>
is correct, please check the specs.
The right way to write this is:
<ul><li>some stuff<ul><li>sublist</li></ul></li></ul>
In short: A new sublist element always needs to spawn/be contained within a parent list element. Otherwise, correct nesting won’t work as you will quickly find out when working with DOM (I made the same mistake in the beginning BTW).
Okay, since there are no further bug reports, let’s go for the 1.0 release.
#71 2006-08-08 19:10:38
- Infi
- Member
- Registered: 2005-05-28
- Posts: 75
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] wow_menu-Full menu control (order, hide/show items, subtree)
Ummm… :)
I’m getting the same as steelspace. Dbl-checked and triple-checked, because I had to remove the div around the output menu and give the ul a class to create a tree that matched the rest of the site.
This happens if you have a third level (L8 & L9 removed from example):
<li id=“L5”><a id=“A5” href=”#”>Subject</a>
(Insert missing </li> here)
<li id=“L11”><a id=“A11” href=”#”>Topic Two</a></li></ul>
It’s third level lists that aren’t closed… if that helps. (‘Course, I probably screwed something up when I removed those divs, but worth checking that third level, anyway.)
Last edited by Infi (2006-08-08 19:21:50)