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#37 2006-09-08 19:02:00
- tsuma
- New Member
- Registered: 2006-08-21
- Posts: 5
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
Is there a way to have feeds from 2 or more sections merged into single feed?
#38 2006-09-11 22:13:58
- tsuma
- New Member
- Registered: 2006-08-21
- Posts: 5
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
tsuma wrote:
Is there a way to have feeds from 2 or more sections merged into single feed?
Ah, I read the FAQ on XLM feeds not showing up and I turned off syndication for sections I did not want syndicated!
Problem solved.
Last edited by tsuma (2006-09-11 22:26:44)
#39 2006-10-11 15:43:24
- dotjay
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- Registered: 2004-10-26
- Posts: 10
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
Andrew wrote:
Ah yes, back to the original question ; )
<txp:ajw_clean_feed_link sitewide="y" area="comments" />
That should do it.
The link tag seems to work:
<txp:ajw_clean_feed_link label="all comments" area="comments" sitewide="y" wraptag="li" title="" />
… giving me the correct URL for the comments feed, but my comments feed contains no comments from the site. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?
I’ve checked all htaccess entries that may have been causing problems (used to use that for clean feed URLs) by removing them.
I’m in clean permalinks mode (yyyy/mm/dd/title)… using the ugly format for the comments feed (?rss=1&area=comments) works, but the clean URL (/comments/rss/) is empty.
Edit: There’s something weird happening somewhere, as I’ve tried to patch the issue with htaccess and it still doesn’t work.
RewriteRule ^comments/(rss|atom)/? ?$1=1&area=comments
I’ve also discovered that the permalinks in my feeds (when using ?rss=1&area=comments) are stuck in 1970 again! :(
Cheers in advance
Last edited by dotjay (2006-10-11 16:02:28)
#40 2006-10-11 16:03:36
- playpiggy
- Member
- From: Changchun, China
- Registered: 2004-11-23
- Posts: 55
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
dotjay: Have you used the latest version of ajw_comments_feed. I think it should be 0.6.
Welcome to the REAL World…
#41 2006-10-11 16:09:35
- dotjay
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- Registered: 2004-10-26
- Posts: 10
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
playpiggy wrote:
dotjay: Have you used the latest version of ajw_comments_feed. I think it should be 0.6.
Sorry – I should’ve posted some version numbers.
Textpattern 4.0.3, ajw_clean_feed 0.2, ajw_comments_feed 0.5 (latest?)
#42 2006-10-11 16:25:41
- playpiggy
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- From: Changchun, China
- Registered: 2004-11-23
- Posts: 55
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
0.6 seems to be a development version to catch up with the upcoming 4.0.4. It’s not really released, but posted on the forum. It works with the latest development version of Textpattern on my site perfectly. I searched the forum but didn’t get the link. I think you should have a try too.
Welcome to the REAL World…
#43 2006-10-11 16:44:03
- playpiggy
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- From: Changchun, China
- Registered: 2004-11-23
- Posts: 55
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
Oh I find it. It’s here. But it’s not for 4.0.3, so I have no idea if it will solve your problem.
Welcome to the REAL World…
#44 2006-10-11 16:48:48
- dotjay
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- Registered: 2004-10-26
- Posts: 10
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
playpiggy wrote:
Oh I find it. It’s here. But it’s not for 4.0.3, so I have no idea if it will solve your problem.
Thanks for the link. OK, I might leave comments feeds off until 4.0.4 is ready then. I’m not that fussed – it’s just nice to be able to track comments from my feed reader.
#45 2006-10-31 12:38:55
- vanderkerkoff
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- Registered: 2005-05-26
- Posts: 45
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
Love the plugin guys, got it working in no time at all.
One question.
Is there currently a way using this plugin to show me one article as a feed?
Not the comments, just the article?
I’ve read this conversation but can’t see anyone asking or talking about it. I understand it’s called a comments feed, but is there somethign I can change in the plugin itself to output the articles content, not the comments?
#46 2006-10-31 17:57:59
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
The idea of feeds is usually to syndicate a group of items that are added-to and/or change over time. Why would you need a feed for one article, when its updates would also be reflected by the master feed?
#47 2006-11-01 10:47:49
- vanderkerkoff
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- Registered: 2005-05-26
- Posts: 45
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
Hi Andrew
Our marketing department dont want to enter the data twice into two websites, one on textpattern, on on django.
So, they want to be able to export single textpattern articles to certain pages on the django site.
If there’s no easy way out of the TP box, then I can always write some django code to blow the rss output up and only dipslay a certain record based on the title in the rss output. I have to use the poxy xmlns or whatever its called to blow this stuff up now though, grrrr, it’s so shite I can’t even remeber the name of the acronym properly :-)
Thanks for trying anyway Andrew.
#48 2007-01-01 16:05:27
- haggis
- Member
- From: Edinburgh
- Registered: 2005-04-15
- Posts: 19
Re: [plugin] [ORPHAN] ajw_clean_feed
I have the problem that has been discussed earlier, I have three sections I want to synidcate. Ideally I’d like to have a combined feed for them but haven’t been able to find a way to do that so thought I would go for one feed per section, so I have this for each section:
<txp:if_section name=“sectionname”>
<li><txp:ajw_clean_feed_link section=“sectionname” label=“RSS 0.92” flavor=“rss” limit=“3” title=“sectionname Feed” /></li>
<li><txp:ajw_clean_feed_link section=“sectionname” label=“Atom 1.0” flavor=“atom” limit=“3” title=“sectionname Feed” /></li>
The behaviour I get is that one of the sections will successfully produce a feed but the other two give me an error unable to save a file in my “C:\…\documents&settings\temp” folder “because the source file could not be read”. I can’t see the difference between the section that works and the two that don’t, so am flumoxed by this. Can anybody point out why this isn’t working? Or an easier way to acheive what I’m looking for?
All sections have the same settings on the “sections” page. Am on 4.0.4 of txp, 0.2 of ajw plugin and am using section/id/title URLs
Website is here and the section with feed that works is “travels”
thanks in advance