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#1 2016-10-12 13:15:17

From: Miami, FL
Registered: 2005-04-13
Posts: 228

Setting an article image as a css background

I have an article form where I want my article image to be background-size: cover, which I am currently doing like this:

<section class="fullscreen-article-image" style="background-image: url('<txp:image_url id='<txp:custom_field name="article_image" />' />')" >

… which works splendidly for articles that have an image ID in the article image field. However I also have some articles where the article image was uploaded by FTP and isn’t in the images database and so is assigned like this: /images/gallery/center.jpg (is this bad?), in which case the code above quite rightly returns bupkis. I am working on something like this:

<txp:variable name="article-image-url" value="<txp:image_url id='<txp:custom_field name="article_image" />" />

<txp:if_variable name="article-image-url" value="">
  <txp:variable name="article-image-url" value="<txp:custom_field name='article_image' />" />

… which will not work, because in the first line there are three levels of quotes necessary. Can this be fixed with yet another variable, or is the whole thing a dead end?

Yes, I have tried turning it off and on.


#2 2016-10-12 13:26:05

From: Leeds, UK
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 11,273
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Re: Setting an article image as a css background

How about using <txp:variable> as a container:

<txp:variable name="article-image-url">
   <txp:image_url id='<txp:custom_field name="article_image" />' />

Note that you’ll probably need to put it all on one line so the subsequent <txp:if_variable> compares to "" properly. It doesn’t trim spaces by default. We’re working on that.

Edit: or use txp:if_article_image in some capacity.

Last edited by Bloke (2016-10-12 13:26:34)

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#3 2016-10-12 13:39:15

From: Miami, FL
Registered: 2005-04-13
Posts: 228

Re: Setting an article image as a css background

Of course! I always forget about Variable as a container tag. Thanks!!

Yes, I have tried turning it off and on.


#4 2016-10-13 16:01:16

Plugin Author
From: France
Registered: 2005-12-12
Posts: 1,599
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Re: Setting an article image as a css background

Self explain:

 * Display as background style the latest image url from an article
 * Form name: "custom_img_url"
 * To be called as:
 * <code>
 * <txp:article_custom section="my-section" limit="1" status="live" sort="Posted desc">
 * background:transparent url(<txp:output_form form="custom_img_url" />) center center no-repeat;background-size:cover</txp:article_custom>">
 * </txp:article_custom>
 * </code>
global $variable;
$pic = custom_field(array('name'=>'article_image'));
// Prevent multiple image from a comma separated list of IDs
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($pic, ','))) {
    $pic = substr($pic, 0, $pos);
$variable['cimg'] = $pic;
</txp:php><txp:if_variable name="cimg" value=""><txp:else /><txp:images id='<txp:variable name="cimg" />'><txp:image_url /></txp:images></txp:if_variable>

Can be used to preload images in your <head> part, too:

<txp:article_custom section="my-section" limit="1" status="live" sort="Posted desc"><link rel="preload" href="<txp:output_form form="custom_img_url" />"></txp:article_custom>


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#5 2016-10-14 12:12:04

From: Miami, FL
Registered: 2005-04-13
Posts: 228

Re: Setting an article image as a css background

Pat64 wrote #302161:

Self explain:


Can be used to preload images in your <head> part, too:

<txp:article_custom section="my-section" limit="1" status="live" sort="Posted desc"><link rel="preload" href="<txp:output_form form="custom_img_url" />"></txp:article_custom>...

Hmm, I’m confused. What does this do, how is it better than the code I’ve got?

Yes, I have tried turning it off and on.


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