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#1 2013-08-30 10:46:11
- Gallex
- Member
- Registered: 2006-10-08
- Posts: 1,315
[solved] parse error
today i found this from one of my pages:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'yield' (T_YIELD), expecting '(' in /srv/n1/w/kotkas/aaxumu/html/textpattern/publish/taghandlers.php on line 313
what i need to do?
Re: [solved] parse error
Textpattern 4.5.x isn’t compatible with PHP 5.5. PHP 5.5 added a new keyword named yield, which collides with our template tags and its function yield()
. You can either downgrade to PHP 5.4, remove the function from the source file or use a development version of Textpattern (4.6-dev).
Last edited by Gocom (2013-08-30 12:03:09)
#3 2013-08-30 12:37:48
- Gallex
- Member
- Registered: 2006-10-08
- Posts: 1,315
Re: [solved] parse error
here are rows from 297-329. what i need to change here:
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function output_form($atts, $thing = NULL)
global $yield;
'form' => '',
), $atts));
if (!$form)
$yield[] = $thing !== NULL ? parse($thing) : NULL;
$out = parse_form($form);
return $out;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function yield()
global $yield;
$inner = end($yield);
return isset($inner) ? $inner : '';
Re: [solved] parse error
This is the second report in as many weeks. If hosts are starting to upgrade servers to PHP 5.5, should we be thinking about an interim Txp 4.5.5 release with a temporary tpt_
style patch?
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Re: [solved] parse error
Bloke wrote:
This is the second report in as many weeks. If hosts are starting to upgrade servers to PHP 5.5, should we be thinking about an interim Txp 4.5.5 release with a temporary tpt_ style patch?
Even if they didn’t, wouldn’t be bad idea. Its just two lines and ensures that users can update their PHP versions in case they need to. Not saying that Textpattern actually works well on PHP >=5.4. Well, it does work, but not necessarily as intended; Error handlers probably display wrong error types (I changed it to whitelisting in 4.6-dev to ensure every PHP version displays same results) and uses that deprecated MySQL extension.
Last edited by Gocom (2013-08-30 17:01:04)
#6 2013-08-31 11:03:12
- Gallex
- Member
- Registered: 2006-10-08
- Posts: 1,315
Re: [solved] parse error
just changed this function yield()
to this function yield2()
. it helped
Re: [solved] parse error
A patch version (v4.5.x) would be welcome, as the time when servers upgrade to PHP 5.5 will eventually arrive, and if I got this issue right, existing installations of 4.5.x will break.
At that time, it may not be possible for site owners to easily upgrade to Txp 4.6 (or whichever version is the most up-to-date Txp release at the time), and so, a patch version would make it easy to fix a broken installation.
Re: [solved] parse error
I’ve been bitten by this issue (on my local server, Debian Testing with PHP 5.5.3-1), on a Txp 4.4.1 installation.
I may be able to jump to 4.5.x series if a patch is provided (but it will be even better if the patch is applicable on top of 4.4.1).
In the meanwhile, I’ll look into downgrading PHP on my local server.
Re: [solved] parse error
An interim Textpattern v4.5.5 release gets my vote too.
Re: [solved] parse error
philwareham wrote:
An interim Textpattern v4.5.5 release gets my vote too.
One of my Japanese hosts has notified us that they’ll upgrade to PHP 5.5 within the next month.
Where is that emoji for a solar powered submarine when you need it ?
Sand space – admin theme for Textpattern
Re: [solved] parse error
I think it prudent and good public relations to be proactive on this issue.
An interim Textpattern v4.5.5 release gets my vote too.
…. texted postive
#12 2013-10-07 23:39:02
- bigHairyBird
- New Member
- Registered: 2013-10-07
- Posts: 1
Re: [solved] parse error
I installed 4.5.5 and the dreaded ‘ textpattern Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘yield’ (T_YIELD)’ issues seems to be a thing of the past. Just having fun FreeBSD 9.2
EDIT: removed software list
It takes a while to get all things working . . .
Last edited by philwareham (2013-10-08 19:37:22)