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[archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
Notice: This thread is archived, this plugin is no longer available.
Version: 0.3
Name: glx_code
I have made a txp plugin of Dunstans code presentation php code that is demonstrated here
Here is an example from my own site.
dont forget to make a /code folder to place your code txt files in.
Edit: new version
Last edited by osei (2005-01-18 09:20:19)
Johan Nilsson
#2 2004-09-05 15:54:19
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
That is definitely a good idea/implementation. Nice work. Color-coding would be a nice addition, but that is a much bigger endeavour.
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
Beautiful! Well done. I’m going to start using this right now.
#4 2004-10-06 17:42:06
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
Hey I just noticed that it doesn’t recognize comments that use ‘#’.
Add this line near the comment type definitions:
<pre>$pound_pos = strpos($line, "#");</pre>
Change this line about 10-15 lines past that,
<pre>// if its a single line comment
if (($slashslash_pos===0) || ($apos_pos===0))</pre>
<pre>// if its a single line comment
if (($slashslash_pos===0) || ($apos_pos===0) || ($pound_pos===0))</pre>
Last edited by compooter (2004-10-06 17:48:19)
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
ahh thanks compooter, ive updated the plugin with your code hope thats okey, link is found in the first post.
Last edited by osei (2004-10-06 20:29:00)
Johan Nilsson
#6 2004-10-06 20:29:41
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
#7 2004-10-26 18:32:50
- domfucssion
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-10-23
- Posts: 39
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
hi, being a bit thick and not being able to understand languages like swedish, I can’t get it to work…
i have a made a code folder inside my site folder and a txt file called 1.txt. the tag i am using in my article looks like:
txp:code file=“1”
but nothing shows up in the browser – any one got any ideas?
Last edited by domfucssion (2004-10-26 18:33:16)
#8 2004-10-26 18:46:12
- Andrew
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-02-23
- Posts: 730
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
<code><txp:glx_code file=“1” /></code>
instead of:
<code><txp:code file=“1” /></code>
D’oh! ;-)
Last edited by compooter (2004-10-26 18:46:24)
#9 2004-10-26 18:55:31
- domfucssion
- Plugin Author
- Registered: 2004-10-23
- Posts: 39
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
thanks compooter, that got it working, cheers
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
oops… my bad here, the example in the plugins documentation says it should be <code><txp:code file=“1” /></code> but ofcourse like compooter says it should be <code><txp:glx_code file=“1” /></code>
The plugin has now been updated with a correct example. sorry.
edit: haha i did it again (typed wrong)
Last edited by osei (2004-10-27 07:17:55)
Johan Nilsson
#11 2004-10-28 22:24:59
- Remillard
- Plugin Author
- From: Lenexa, KS
- Registered: 2004-05-16
- Posts: 169
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
This is a fantastic plugin. I used it extensively in the TXP 121 essay.
Out of curiosity, could you post a sample class that does what is shown on your page? I noticed the default behavior is a numbered list, but it adds a lot of clutter to the page and I’d like to eliminate it. I’ve tinkered with a few things but nothing’s really gone quite the way I wanted it.
Re: [archived] glx_code: Dunstans code presentation
The Key classes are
- source: this at the bottom of the code, where the download url is located
- tab1 – tab6: If the code is tabbed
- cmnt: Comments
- code: Assigned to the ol tag
Hope this could help you a bit
A example css can be found at Dunstans blog entry to
This is what i use on my own page
ol.code {
list-style-type: none;
color: #2AA7DC;
font-size: normal;
font-family: Courier, monospace;
margin: 0 10px 0 15px;
overflow: auto;
padding: 8px;
ol.code li {
background-color: #F8F8F8;
margin: 2px 0 0 0;
padding: 0 5px;
font-size: small;
ol.code li.source {
background-color: #fff;
color: #2395C4;
padding: 5px;
text-align: center;
border-bottom: 1px solid #E8E6E6;
font-family: verdana;
ol.code li.tab1 {padding-left: 15px;}
ol.code li.tab2 {padding-left: 30px;}
ol.code li.tab3 {padding-left: 45px;}
ol.code li.tab4 {padding-left: 60px;}
ol.code li.tab5 {padding-left: 75px;}
ol.code li.tab6 {padding-left: 90px;}
ol.code li code {
color: #F45D0F;
ol.code li.cmnt code {
color: #008000;
Johan Nilsson