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#1 2011-02-08 10:01:02

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 62

[SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

I have running a textpattern website for some time now and out of the blue a problem popped-up (or at some point it was noticed, the problem might always have been there, but hasn’t been noticed). I upgraded form 4.2.0. to 4.3.0. to see if that would resolve the problem. The answer is no.

I’ll try to explain as good as I can:
- I have a page (a template) that serves a particular section.
- In that section, about 45 artiucles have been posted
- Some pages that are requested show up fine, some show nothing but a blank page. When looking at the source code of the HTML page, it is indeed 100% blank.
- When you put the website in ‘debugging mode’ all pages work fine, but not in ‘testing’ and ‘live’ mode
- The same pages, with the same content all work fine on my (local) iMac, in every mode.
- I looked at the debugging comments a few times in the page source: nothing strange to be found.

So, it must be some weird interaction between Textpattern, the webserver and/or the database.

I use several plugins:
mg_setheader 0.1 – Sets proper header for xml pages
wet_haystack 0.6 – Custom full text index builder
wet_peex 0.4 – Peek into Textpattern using XML
wet_quicklink 0.5

Any suggestions where to look?


#2 2011-02-08 11:00:06

From: Cyprus
Registered: 2004-11-20
Posts: 9,012
Website GitHub Mastodon Twitter

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all


txp 4.3 upped the mysql requirements

can you please post your diagnostics?

Also did you check your database via phpMyAdmin to see if any table needs repairing?

NeMe | hblack.art | EMAP | A Sea change | Toolkit of Care
I do my best editing after I click on the submit button.


#3 2011-02-08 19:41:19

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

In that section, about 45 artiucles have been posted – Some pages that are requested show up fine, some show nothing but a blank page.

Just to be sure: are you talking about individual article pages only? If so, is it always the same with the same article, or does it happen randomly?

Last edited by els (2011-02-08 19:42:04)


#4 2011-02-08 20:56:54

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 62

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

For the record: the problems were already there with 4.2.0.

I have repaired/analyzed all tables in the MySQL database.

Els: it is not just an individual article page, there is content from other sections pulled in as well. It happens with the same articles, it is not just random. But I have obviously looked at the differences of the article texts and they are all structured the same, nothing strange.


Textpattern version: 4.3.0 (r3451)
Last Update: 2011-02-08 09:33:12/2011-02-08 09:33:06
Document root: [removed]
$path_to_site: [removed]
Textpattern path: [removed]
Permanent link mode: title_only
open_basedir: [removed]
Temporary directory path: tmp
Site URL: www.vanderaa.net
PHP version: 5.2.13
GD Image Library: bundled (2.0.34 compatible); supported formats: GIF, JPG, PNG.
Server TZ: System/Localtime
Server Local Time: 2011-02-08 21:52:00
DST enabled?: 0
Automatically adjust DST setting?: 0
Time Zone: Europe/Amsterdam (3600)
MySQL: 5.0.77
Locale: en_GB.UTF-8
Server: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
Apache version: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP Server API: apache2handler
RFC 2616 headers:
Server OS: Linux 2.6.24-7-pve
Active plugins: jmn_restricted_content-0.1, jmn_txp_filter-0.1, jnm_audio-0.3, jmn_txp_extension-0.3, mg_setheader-0.1, wet_peex-0.4, wet_quicklink-0.5, wet_haystack-0.6
Admin-side theme: classic 4.3.0

.htaccess file contents:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^(.+) – [PT,L]
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php


Charset (default/config): latin1/utf8
character_set_client: utf8
character_set_connection: utf8
character_set_database: utf8
character_set_filesystem: binary
character_set_results: utf8
character_set_server: latin1
character_set_system: utf8
character_sets_dir: /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
17 Tables: OK

10 Custom Fields: custom_1, custom_2, custom_3, custom_4, custom_5, custom_6, custom_7, custom_8, custom_9, custom_10 (10)

PHP extensions: date/5.2.13, libxml, openssl, pcre, zlib/1.1, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, hash/1.0, filter/0.11.0, ftp, gettext, gmp, session, iconv, posix, Reflection/0.1, standard/5.2.13, shmop, SimpleXML/0.1, SPL/0.2, sockets, exif/1.4 $Id: exif.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer/0.1, wddx, xml, apache2handler, dbase, dom/20031129, gd, imap, json/1.2.1, mbstring, mcrypt, mysql/1.0, mysqli/0.1, PDO/1.0.4dev, pdo_mysql/1.0.2, pdo_sqlite/1.0.1, xmlreader/0.1, xmlwriter/0.1, xsl/0.1, zip/1.8.11, ionCube Loader, Zend Optimizer

Apache modules: core, prefork, http_core, mod_so, mod_auth_basic, mod_auth_digest, mod_authn_file, mod_authn_alias, mod_authn_anon, mod_authn_dbm, mod_authn_default, mod_authz_host, mod_authz_user, mod_authz_owner, mod_authz_groupfile, mod_authz_dbm, mod_authz_default, util_ldap, mod_authnz_ldap, mod_include, mod_log_config, mod_logio, mod_env, mod_ext_filter, mod_mime_magic, mod_expires, mod_deflate, mod_headers, mod_usertrack, mod_setenvif, mod_mime, mod_dav, mod_status, mod_autoindex, mod_info, mod_dav_fs, mod_vhost_alias, mod_negotiation, mod_dir, mod_actions, mod_speling, mod_userdir, mod_alias, mod_rewrite, mod_proxy, mod_proxy_balancer, mod_proxy_ftp, mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_connect, mod_cache, mod_suexec, mod_disk_cache, mod_file_cache, mod_mem_cache, mod_cgi, mod_version, mod_fcgid, mod_perl, mod_php5, mod_proxy_ajp, mod_python, mod_ssl


#5 2011-02-08 22:30:00

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

Did you solve it? I clicked through the entire site and couldn’t find one blank page…


#6 2011-02-09 13:03:37

Plugin Author
From: NC, USA
Registered: 2004-11-15
Posts: 1,793

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

Presumably because the site is in debug mode, which tennapel says makes the problem disappear.

Offhand I can’t think why production status would have this effect. I’m therefore reduced to suggesting disabling plugins and testing that. Of course this is a live site so it would be best to duplicate the site into a test subdomain on the live server to do this test.

Code is topiary


#7 2011-02-11 09:11:51

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 62

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

@jsoo, do you have a link on how to do that? Since the mod_rewrite etc in the htaccess will catch everything and redirect it to the main installation.

I have not solved the problem, and I haven’t got a clue to what is causing it (and why debug mode works and production/testing mode not)


#8 2011-02-11 13:21:30

Plugin Author
From: NC, USA
Registered: 2004-11-15
Posts: 1,793

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

tennapel wrote:

@jsoo, do you have a link on how to do that? Since the mod_rewrite etc in the htaccess will catch everything and redirect it to the main installation.

Right, I mean a completely separate copy of the site, new files, new database, everything. Even if you put the copy in a subdirectory of the live site, the live site .htaccess will not interfere with it (unless you have done some unusual customization of the .htaccess). Point is to have the copy on the live server so you can reproduce the error, then disable plugins or try other steps to fix it.

Code is topiary


#9 2011-02-11 13:51:22

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

The first plugin I’d look at is mg_setheader. You could be getting the wrong http-headers.

Maybe it’s easier to install rvm_maintenance, so you won’t have to create a separate install.


#10 2011-02-12 15:39:03

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 62

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

@Els: I can understand your reasoning, but I would expect that it would only be a problem if the template uses the tag that id associated by the plugin? The pages that are balnk do not use this tag, it is only used for a custom rss feed.


#11 2011-02-12 16:35:09

From: The Netherlands
Registered: 2004-06-06
Posts: 7,458

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

You are right I assume. It was just a guess, I remembered someone having the same problem which turned out to be caused by another plugin setting http-headers. I hope you’ll be able to solve the problem soon!


#12 2011-04-10 11:26:43

Registered: 2009-05-31
Posts: 62

Re: [SOLVED] Maddening problem: blank pages for some articles, but not all

Update: the problem seems to have vanished like it appeared: unexpected and unexplained. My guess is that something on the (shared) server has caused this issue that affected textpattern and that this is not a textpattern related issue.


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